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Lawrence E. Spivak papers, 1917-1994

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Scrapbooks, 1930-1991 (continued)
Editorial comment
1957, Jan.-1959, Dec.
BOX 355 REEL 10 1960, Jan.-1964, Dec.
BOX 356 REEL 11 Front-page news
1950, Apr. 29-1951, Apr. 9
BOX 357 REEL 11 1951, Apr. 30-Dec. 26
BOX 358 REEL 11 1951, Dec. 21-1953, Nov. 16
BOX 359 REEL 11 1953, Nov. 23-1955, Mar. 14
BOX 360 REEL 11 1955, Mar. 21-1956, Jan. 16
BOX 361 REEL 12 1956, Jan. 7-Mar. 26
BOX 362 REEL 12 1956, Apr. 16-1960, July 25
BOX 363 REEL 12 1960, Aug. 29-1963, Dec. 23
BOX 364 REEL 12 1964, Jan. 6-1966, Mar. 14
BOX 365 REEL 13 1966, Mar. 14-1967, Dec. 18
BOX 366 REEL 13 1967, Nov. 20-1968, Dec. 9
BOX 367 REEL 13 1969, Jan. 13-1970, Dec. 28
BOX 368 REEL 13 1971, Jan. 14-1972, Dec. 11
BOX 369 REEL 14 General clips (arranged by show)
1953, Aug. 23-1954, Apr. 11
BOX 370 REEL 14 1954, Apr.18-Nov. 14
BOX 371 REEL 14 1954, Nov. 21-1955, Feb. 20
BOX 372 REEL 14 1955, Feb.27-May 29
BOX 373 REEL 14 1955, June 5-Dec. 25
BOX 374 REEL 14 1956, Jan. 1-Apr. 8
BOX 375 REEL 14 1956, Jan. 23-1957, Feb. 2
BOX 376 REEL 15 1956, Apr. 15-July 22
BOX 377 REEL 15 1956, July 29-1957, Mar. 17
BOX 378 REEL 15 1957, Mar. 24-Dec. 29
BOX 379 REEL 15 1958, Jan. 5-1959, Jan. 4
BOX 380 REEL 15 1959, Jan. 4-Dec. 20
BOX 381 REEL 16 1960, Jan. 3-Dec. 25
BOX 382 REEL 16 1961, Jan. 1-Dec. 31
BOX 383 REEL 17 1962, Jan. 7-1963, Dec. 29
BOX 384 REEL 17 1964, Jan. 5-Nov. 15
BOX 385 REEL 18 1966, Jan. 23-Aug. 21
BOX 386 REEL 18 Imitations of "Meet the Press," 1957-1964
BOX 387 REEL 18 Obituaries
1963, Jan.-1965, Dec.
BOX 388 REEL 18 1966, Jan.-1968, July
BOX 389 REEL 19 1968, Aug.-1975, Aug.
BOX 390 REEL 20 1975, Sept.-1981, Dec.
BOX 391 REEL 20 1982, Jan.-1991, Jan.
BOX 392 REEL 21 Retirement, 1975
BOX 393 REEL 21 Revere Copper and Brass promotions, 1952
BOX 394 REEL 21 Specific shows
Bilbo, Theodore G., 1946
BOX 395 REEL 21 Mikoyan, Anastas I., 1959
BOX 396 REEL 21 Humphrey, Hubert H., 1966
BOX 397 REEL 22 Nixon, Richard M., 1968
BOX 398 REEL 22 Ford, Gerald R., 1975
BOX 399 REEL 22 Special programs
"Keep Posted," 1951
BOX 400 REEL 22 "Keep Posted" and "The Big Issue," 1952-1959
BOX 401not filmed Correspondence retained from scrapbooks after microfilming, 1930-1977, undated (from vols. 325-387)
(4 folders)
BOX 402-404 Addition, 1957-1980
Question cards for the "Meet the Press" File and the Special Programs File not previously described.
Arranged alphabetically by program or event.
BOX 402 "Meet the Press" File, 1957-1959, 1976-1980
Card File
Question cards (alphabetical by guest)
BOX 403 Governors' conference-Republican convention
BOX 404 White
Special Programs File, 1976-1978
Card File
Crouse-Irving Memorial Fund
Ecomonic Club of New York
International Business Machines
National Wholesale Druggist Association
BOX OV 1-OV 20 Oversize, 1945-1986
Oversize material consisting mostly of financial records and publicity items.
Arranged and described according to the series, folders, and boxes from which the items were removed.
BOX OV 1 Personal File
Financial records
Cash receipts and disbursements
1955-1965 (Container 4)
BOX OV 2 1964-1972 (Container 4)
BOX OV 3 1973-1986 (Container 4)
BOX OV 4 Personal File
Financial records
General ledgers
Bound material
1955-1961 (Container 4)
BOX OV 5 1962-1966 (Container 4)
BOX OV 6 Personal accounts, 1967-1978 (Container 5)
BOX OV 7 "Meet the Press" File
Financial Records
Cash receipts and disbursements
1945 (Container 109)
BOX OV 8 1946, Jan.- 1948, Sept. (Container 109)
BOX OV 9 1948, Oct.-1950, Nov. (Container 109)
BOX OV 10 1950, Dec.-1951, June (Container 109)
BOX OV 11 1951, July-Dec. (Container 109)
BOX OV 12 1952-1966 (Container 109)
BOX OV 13 General ledgers
Bound material, 1949-1955 (Container 110)
BOX OV 14 Reporters' fees, 1946-1949 (Container 111)
BOX OV 15 Subject File
1948-1959 (Container 293)
BOX OV 16 1960-1969, undated (Container 293)
BOX OV 17 Special Programs File
Production Corporations
Financial records
Cash receipts and disbursements, 1951-1973 (Container 318)
BOX OV 18 General ledger, 1951-1973 (Container 318)
BOX OV 19 Televentions
Financial records
Cash receipts and disbursements, 1952-1953 (Container 319)
BOX OV 20 General ledger
Bound volume, 1952 (Container 319)

Contents List