The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Sol M. Linowitz papers, 1778-1999
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General Office File, 1778-1999 (continued)
Part A, 1778-1967 (continued)
1954, Mar.-1956, Nov. (continued)
(1 folder)
BOX 141 1956, Dec.-1960, Dec.
(3 folders)
Miscellany, 1952-1957, undated
Writings by Linowitz, 1956, undated
Correspondence, 1953-1966
(2 folders)
Miscellany, 1952-1965, undated
New York State Bar Association, Antitrust Section, 1957-1960
(3 folders)
BOX 142 Rochester Antitrust Symposium, Rochester, N.Y.
Correspondence, 1959-1960
(3 folders)
Miscellany, 1958-1959, undated
Arcuri v. Haloid Co., 1949-1951
Argus Industrial Corp.
Correspondence, 1948-1952
(2 folders)
Miscellany, 1948-1951, undated
Aronstein, Catherine, 1962-1966
Correspondence, 1966
Miscellany, 1964-1966, undated
Asia, 1965, undated
BOX 143 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, 1961-1966, undated
Association for Teen-Age Diplomats, Rochester, N.Y., 1960-1961
Atherton, May, 1956-1958, undated
Atlantic Council of the United States, 1966
(5 folders)
Awards, 1958-1966
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York, N.Y., 1945, 1959, 1966
Miscellaneous banks, 1962-1966
Rochester Savings Bank, Rochester, N.Y.
(2 folders)
BOX 144 1959-1966
(6 folders)
Examining Committee, 1957-1965
(3 folders)
BOX 145 Miscellany, 1948, 1955-1966, undated
(2 folders)
Security Trust Co., Rochester, N.Y.
Committees, 1962-1966
Congratulations on election to board of directors, 1961
Correspondence, 1961-1966
(3 folders)
Miscellany, 1960-1966, undated
Bar associations
American Bar Association
Annual meeting, 1959
Committee on International Control of Atomic Energy, 1951, undated
Miscellany, 1951-1962
BOX 146 National Conference on Law and Society, Chicago, Ill., 1966
General correspondence, 1951-1966
(12 folders)
Miscellaneous bar associations, 1957-1966
BOX 147 Monroe County Bar Association, Rochester, N.Y.
Committee on Individual Rights, 1953-1955
Correspondence, 1949-1964
(3 folders)
Miscellany, 1950, 1956-1965, undated
New York State Bar Association
Antitrust Law Section
Correspondence, 1963-1966
Miscellany, 1964, undated
Committee on International Law
Correspondence, 1961-1966
(2 folders)
(2 folders)
BOX 148 1960-1966, undated
(1 folders)
Subcommittee on World Peace through Law
Connally amendment, 1959-1960, undated
(2 folders)
Miscellaneous, 1958-1965, undated
(7 folders)
BOX 149 1958-1962, undated
(3 folders)
Taiwan, 1958-1959
Benda, Harry Jindrich, 1958
Binswanger, Max, estate
Correspondence, 1958-1965
Legal documents, 1948-1959, undated
Bond Stores, Inc.
General correspondence, 1952-1961, undated
John B. Pike & Sons v. Bond Stores
Correspondence, 1950-1951
(2 folders)
Miscellany, 1944-1951, undated
BOX 150 Real estate taxes
Assessment history, 1944-1951, undated
Correspondence, 1948-1958
(2 folders)
Miscellany, 1944-1957, undated
(2 folders)
Bricker, John W., proposed amendment to the Constitution
Correspondence, 1953-1956, undated
Miscellany, 1952-1956, undated
(2 folders)
Speeches and writings by Linowitz, 1953-1955, undated
BOX 151 Brighton School District, Rochester, N.Y., 1956-1957
Buchwald, Art, 1962-1966
Business Equipment Manufacturers Association, 1964-1966, undated
Butler, George V., 1953-1955
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1965-1966
(3 folders)
Casarett, George W.
Correspondence, 1946-1959
(5 folders)
BOX 152 Patent applications, 1906, 1914, 1934, 1944-1959, undated
(2 folders)
Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions
Civil liberties symposium
Correspondence, 1963
Discussion papers, 1963
(3 folders)
Fund for the Republic, 1953-1963, undated
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