The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  William E. Odom papers, 1913-2008
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BOX I:28 Part I: Hudson Institute, 1989-1990
Daily activity logs.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX I:28 Daily activity logs, 1989-1990
(2 folders)
BOX I:28-I:30 Part I: Speeches and Writings File, 1975-1987
Articles, drafts and final copies of speeches, and related correspondence.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX I:28 By Odom
List of writings, undated
"Who Controls Whom in Moscow?" Foreign Policy, 1975
"Bolshevik Politics and the Dustbin of History," Studies in Comparative Communism, spring/summer 1976
"A Dissenting View on the Group Approach to Soviet Politics," World Politics, July 1976
"The `Militarization' of Soviet Society," Problems of Communism, Sept./Oct. 1976
Review of The Soviet Soldier, by Herbert Goldhamer, 1976
Speech, Veterans of Foreign Wars Committee for National Security and Foreign Affairs, 26 Sept. 1977
"Some Factors in Understanding Soviet Civil-Military Relations," 6 Oct. 1977
Remarks, American Association for the Advancement of Social Studies, Tufts University, Medford, Mass., 14 Oct. 1977
Soviet Military Buildup and Detente," 14 Mar. 1978
"Some Remarks on the Role of Military Factors in Soviet Foreign Policy," Kennan Institute Seminar on U.S.-Soviet Military Relations, 5 May 1978
Speech to Spanish Military Select Group, 17 May 1978
"The Future of the Soviet Union," speech outline, 12 Feb. 1980
Remarks for the Teamsters meeting, outline, 6 May 1980
"The Future of the Soviet Union and U.S. Foreign Policy," 28 Aug. 1980
C3I and Telecommunications at the Policy Level," C3I Seminar, Program on Information Resources Policy, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., 8 Sept. 1980
Notes for lecture to the National War College on the National Security Council, Washington, D.C., 2 Oct. 1980
Remarks at the Sage Session, Lincoln Laboratories, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lexington, Mass., 21 Oct. 1980
Remarks on civil defense policy, 4 Dec. 1980
"The Riddle of Soviet Military Spending," [Apr. 1981]
Speech, Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), Ft. Riley, Kans., 9 July 1981
BOX I:29 "Strategic Realities and Strategic Choices," National War College, Washington, D.C., 25 Aug. 1981
"Evolution of U.S. Strategic Doctrine," Woodrow Wilson Center for International Studies, Washington, D.C., 16 Sept. 1981
"The Threat to U.S. Security in the 1980's: Two Overlapping Challenges," Fifth Army Civilian Aides, 15 Oct. 1981
Review of The New Red Legions, by Richard Gabriel, 1981
Introduction for International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) occasional papers, Jan. 1982
Flag Day, Vint Hill Farms, Warrenton, Va., 14 June 1982
"Notes on the Evolution of U.S. Strategic Doctrine: The Dialectics of Change," American Political Science Association, Denver, Colo., 2-5 Sept. 1982
"Choice and Change in Soviet Politics," Problems of Communism, May-June 1983
"Trends in the Balance of Military Power Between East and West," International Institute for Strategic Studies Conference, 8-11 Sept. 1983
"The Soviet Approach to Nuclear Weapons: A Historical Review," Annals of the American Academy of Political Science, Sept. 1983
"Impact of Soviet Cuban Power Projection on the Americas," Conference of American Armies, Caracas, Venezuela, 3-7 Oct. 1983
Speech to Divisional Commanders Conference, 1983
"Soviet Strategic Framework," paper presented to the Nuclear Strategy Development Group, Office of Secretary of Defense, 13 Oct. 1984
"The Implications of Active Defense of NATO for Soviet Military Strategy," European American Institute for Security Research, 26-27 Nov. 1984
"Soviet Politics: Internal Imperatives and External Dynamics," Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt., 26 Nov. 1984
"Dilemmas and Directions in Soviet Force Development Policy," Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Woodrow Wilson Center for International Studies, Washington, D.C., 30 Jan. 1985 (includes revisions)
BOX I:30 "Geneva and Beyond: Military Perspective," Aspen Institute/Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Media Seminar, 10 Apr. 1985
"Implications of Active Defense of NATO for Soviet Military Strategy," European Policy Group, 13 Nov. 1985
"How Far Can Soviet Reform Go?" Problems of Communism, Nov.-Dec. 1987
Comments on Legvold's paper, undated
"Economic Diplomacy As an Instrument of U.S. Strategy," undated
"The Executive Branch and National Security," Army War College, Washington, D.C., 22 Aug., undated
"Net Assessment of East-West Relations," outline, undated
"Soviet Military Strategy," undated
"A Strategy Overview for U.S. National Security in the 1980's," outline given to General Thompson for Fort Huachuca, Sierra Vista, Ariz., 7-8 Apr.
"World Scene: Security Perspectives, U.S. Soviet Competition in the 1980's," undated
Untitled talk on organization and function of the National Security Council during the Carter administration, undated
For others at the White House
"Power Equilibrium," 12 Nov. 1979
"The Problems of the 1980's," 20 May 1980
Draft speech on the security framework for the Persian Gulf region, 7 Sept. 1980
"The Quest for Global Security: The Third Phase," 20 Oct. 1980
Notes for a speech to General Meyer's group, Fort McNair, Washington, D.C., 18 Nov. 1980
"Quest for Global Security: A Critical Challenge for Western Power," 13 Dec. 1980
BOX I:30-I:32 Part I: Miscellany, 1972-1989
Critiques of manuscripts of others, writings by others, photographs, scrapbooks, and materials assembled for a working paper while on the faculty of the United States Military Academy.
Arranged by type of material or subject and chronologically within.
BOX I:30 Critiques of manuscripts of others, 1981-1986
Inventory of top secret documents
List of documents returned to the United States Army by Odom, 19 Jan. 1989
Miscellaneous printed matter, 1984, undated
Photographs, 1978-1984
May 1985-July 1986 See Oversize
Aug. 1986-July 1988 See Oversize
Photographs, May 1985-June 1988 See Oversize
United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y.
Miscellaneous, 1973-1976, undated
Working paper, 1972-1974, 1980
Writings of others
(2 folders)
BOX I:31 1983-1985
(4 folders)
BOX I:32 1986
BOX I:33-I:35 Part I: Addition, 1918-1992
Appointment calendars and notebooks covering special meetings and events, 1976-80, when Odom was national security affairs military assistant, and correspondence and notes relating to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's papers, together with photocopies of Solzhenitsyn's certificates, passports, and medals, 1918-1992.
Arranged by type of material and chronologically within.
BOX I:33 National security affairs military assistant, 1976-1980
Appointment books, 1976-1980
Daily activity log, notebook, 29 July-22 Aug. 1980
Miscellaneous notes, 1979
Policy Review Committee, meeting on civil defense
18 Aug. 1978
Special Coordination Committee
3 Jan.-22 Feb. 1980
BOX I:34 29 Feb.-17 Dec. 1980
(3 folders)
Trip to People's Republic of China, 5-19 Sept. 1980
BOX I:35 Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Isaevich, removal of his papers from USSR
Correspondence and notes, 1974-1975, 1990-1992
Photocopies of Solzhenitsyn's personal documents, 1918, 1936-1939, 1953-1964
BOX I:36 Part I: Formerly Classifed, 1977-1982
Declassified documents that had previously been part of the Classified series.
Arranged and described according to the series and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX I:36 National security affairs military assistant
Presidential directives regarding defense policy development
Joint Chiefs of Staff papers, 1980-1981
(4 folders)
White House, 1977-1982
(2 folders)
Assistant chief of staff for intelligence
Ballistic missile defense program, 1982-1984
BOX I:OV 1-I:OV 3 Part I: Oversize, 1985-1988
Arranged and described according to the series, folders, and containers from which they were removed.
BOX I:OV 1 Scrapbooks
May 1985-July 1986 (Container I:30)
BOX I:OV 2 Aug. 1986-July 1988 (Container I:30)
BOX I:OV 3 Photographs, May 1985-June 1988 (Container I:30)
BOX I:CL 1-I: CL 6 Part I: Classified, 1972-1989
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