The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  James M. Cain papers, 1901-2004
Some or all content stored offsite.
Part B: General Correspondence, 1920-1978 (continued)
O'Faoláin, Seán and Julia, 1977
Owens, Hamilton and Olga, 1950-1970
"P" miscellaneous, 1946-1977, undated
(2 folders)
Pierson, Robert Hunter, 1950-1962
Playboy, 1963-1978
Posner, Barbara and Don, 1949-1975, undated
"Q-R" miscellaneous, 1948-1977, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 60 R. R. Donnelly & Son, 1963-1977 See Container 53, Donnelly
Raphaelson, Samson and Dorshka (Dorothy Wegman), 1945-1976, undated
Rathbone, Robert, 1950-1968
Reading, William R., and family, 1957-1976, undated
Resek, Lura, 1966-1972
Roberts, George, 1951-1970, undated
Ross, Harold, 1952
Ruby, Harry, 1963
"S" miscellaneous, 1946-1977, undated
(3 folders)
Sammons, Wheeler ( Who's Who in America), 1945-1959
Santelmann, William F. H., 1943-1944
Saturday Evening Post, 1946-1967
Schonthal, Ruth, 1967-1977
Schulberg, Budd P., 1959-1969
BOX 61 Sergeant, Winthrop, 1963-1973
Seward, William W., 1950-1975
Silberman, James H., 1962-1964
Sinclair, Robert B. and Heather, 1956-1977
Sirich, Edward and Marjorie, 1951-1963, undated
Spellman, Gladys, 1975-1977
Stallings, Laurence, 1963-1968, undated
Stanwyck, Barbara, 1950-1958
Steiner, George, 1968-1973
Swanson (H. N.) Inc., 1948-1976
(3 folders)
"T" miscellaneous, 1942-1947
Tankersley, Fay, 1969-1972
Time, 1950-1974
Traver, Paul, 1963-1977
Tydings, Millard and Joseph, 1950-1970
"U-V" miscellaneous, 1950-1975, undated
University of Maryland, College Park, Md., 1952-1977
BOX 62 Van Wyck, Terry, 1970-1975
Vidal, Gore, 1975
"W" miscellaneous, 1923-1977, undated
(2 folders)
W. H. Lowdermilk & Co., 1951-1969 See Container 57, Lowdermilk
Wald, Jerry, 1957-1962
Walt, James, 1956-1960
Washington College, Chestertown, Md., 1952-1977
Washington Post, 1952-1977
Washington Star, 1952-1975
West, Rebecca, 1960-1976
White, E. B. and Katharine Sergeant Angell, 1954-1977
Who's Who in America, 1960-1975, undated
Wilder, Isabel, 1975-1977
William, George H., 1965-1971
William Morris Agency See Container 58, Morris
Wolfe, Tom, 1965-1968
BOX 63 Wood, Lois B., 1951-1952
Woodward and Lothrop, 1965-1977
Wyatt, Victoria, 1971-1976
Wycherly, Alan, 1963-1969
"X-Z" miscellaneous, 1938-1977
BOX 63-74 Part B: Writings File, circa 1925-1977
Holographs, typescripts, proofs, and other manuscripts of novels, plays, film scripts, short fiction, and nonfiction writings.
Arranged according to type of writing and alphabetically by title therein. If known, the published title precedes the working title(s) Cain used. Also includes unarranged "outsheets," or discarded pages and miscellaneous material such as research notes, interviews, and story ideas.
BOX 63 Plays
"The Butterfly" (adapted from Cain novel by Ramón Gordon), 1962
"The Defalcation"
"The 49'ers"
(3 folders)
"Galahad Rides Again"
(1 folder)
BOX 64 (5 folders)
"The Guest in 701"
(3 folders)
BOX 65 (9 folders)
BOX 66 (8 folders)
BOX 67 (8 folders)
BOX 68 (1 folder)
"The Postman Always Rings Twice"
(3 folders)
"Restitution in Full"
"Sacred and Profane Love"
Film scripts
"Congressional Investigation," television pilot
"Hayworth Story," prospectus
Suggested story line for Jack Benny show
Unidentified fragment regarding "The Great Gatsby," prospectus
Short fiction
"Afternoon at the Beach"
"The Circus Girl"
BOX 69 "The Dainty Little Thing"
"The Frogs"
"The Guest in 717"
"Guest Stars"
"Hatcheck Girl"
"Minor Child"
"One of Eve's Family"
"Payment in Full"
"Serpent of the Nile"
"The Shark"
"Stick Up"
"Tawny Blonde"
"What Will Mildred Do Next?"
"Yegg Chick"
"Animals/Birds/Fish/Insects/Reptiles Do the Strangest Things"
"Avis Rara"
Blurb for The Detective by Roderick Thorp
"Coal Baron"
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