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Benjamin Harrison papers, 1780-1948

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Series 18, Pamphlets, 1840-1916 (continued)
“Our Foreign Commerce since 1861"
Pacific Railroad Legislation, 1862-1885
Journal of the Senate, 1865, Mar. 4
Senate Ex. Doc. No. 8, 1866, June
Record of the Disloyal Democracy, 1866
Letter from the Secretary of War, 1869, Mar. 15
Treaty between the United States of America and Her Britannic Majesty, 1871, May 8
Letters on the Political Situation, by R. S. Tharin, Charleston, S.C., 1871
“Levees of the Mississippi River,” 1872, Apr. 12
“Mississippi River Levees,” 1876, May 8
Improvement of the Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, White, and Saint Francis Rivers, 1876
“Repeal of the Resumption Law,” by James A. Garfield, 1877, Nov. 16
Communistic Inflammatory and Treasonable Documents Circulated by the National Greenback Party, extracts, 1878
Bill of the House Entitled “A Bill to Prohibit Military Interference at Elections,” by George F. Edmunds, 1878, May 9
Improvement of the Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, and White Rivers; and Surveys on Missouri River, 1878
Improvement of the Navigation of the Lower Mississippi River, 1879, Jan. 28
“Improvement of the Mississippi River,” speech of Randall L. Gibson, 1879, Feb. 5
Vetoes by the President of the United States, 1879
Report of the Joint Select Committee to Inquire into the Condition of the Election Returns of 1879, Sept. 8
Application of Lieutenant S. A. Cherry, 1879, Dec. 20
Speech of James A. Garfield, 1879, June 27
“What Protection Has Done for the United States,” by Thomas H. Dudley, 1880, Jan. 20
Speech of Thomas Francis Bayard, 1880, Jan. 27
“Short Essays on Protection,” by David H. Mason, 1880, June
Committee on Levees and Outlets, 1880, Nov.
“The Barbarism of Protection,” 1880
“Free Trade and Protection,” by John Welsh, 1880
“A Tariff is Not a Tax,” by Giles B. Stebbins, 1880
“Who is Augustus Mongredien?”, 1880
Report of Mississippi River Commission, 1881, Mar. 2
International Monetary Conference at Paris, 1881, July 2
Relief of U.S. Supreme Court, report, 1881, Aug.
Edward J. Reed to Rear Admiral Ammen on Ships, Railways, and Canals on the American Isthmus, 1881, Sept.
Letters from the Secretary of War, 1881, Nov. 25
Proceedings of the Missouri River Improvement Convention, 1881, Nov.
Report of the Special Committee on Railroad Transportation, 1881, Dec. 1
Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the State of the Finances, 1881
“Cost of Transportation, Railroad Confederations or Pooling Arrangements,” by Joseph Nimmo, Jr., 1881
“International Bimetallism and the Battle of the Standard,” by Emile DeLaveleye, 1881
BOX 18:2 “Interstate Railroads and the Regulation by Congress,” by Robert P. Harlow, 1881
“Presidential Succession,” 1881
Reports of the Mississippi River Commission, 1881
“Interstate Commerce and Its Regulation by Congress,” by Theophilus French, 1882, Mar. 27
Letter from the Secretary of War, 1882, Apr. 12
Speech of George Q. Cannon, of Utah, 1882, Apr. 19
“Interstate Commerce,” by J. W. McDill, 1882, Apr. 20
“National Banking System,” by Nelson Dingley, Jr., 1882, May 17
“The Protection of the Mississippi Valley,” speech of Edward W. Robertson, 1882, May 18
“Silver Certificates and Coinage,” 1882, June 6
“Silver Coinage,” by N. P. Hill, 1882, June 20
Senate Report No. 780, 1882, July 3
Congressional Record, 1882, July 27
Handbook on Mormonism, 1882
A Letter to Massachusetts Members of Congress on Plural Marriage, 1882
“National Banks: What Shall be Substituted for Them?” by Thomas Kinsella, 1882
“National Jetties,” Charleston, S.C., 1882
Remarks of John Cowdon on the Lake Borgne Outlet, 1882
“River Improvement: Plans for Deepening Channels,” by Argus Dean, 1882
Speeches of Joseph R. Hawley, 1882
Senate Report 940, 1883, Jan. 26
Argument of Franklin B Gowen, 1883, Feb. 13
Roster of George H. Thomas Post No. 17, 1883
“The Silver Question,” by Charles L. Franke, 1883
Senate Ex. Doc. No. 94, 1884, Feb. 11
“The Railway Problem as relating to Interstate Commerce and to Interstate Railway Transportation, 1884, Feb.
House of Representatives Report No. 621, 1884, Mar. 4
Hearing before the Committee on Pensions of the Senate of the United States of the Committee on Pensions of the Grand Army of the Republic, 1884, Mar. 8
“The Dangers to Be Apprehended from a Debased Silver Coinage in the United States of America, 1884, May 5
A Speech Made at a Republican Meeting Held in New York, by Thomas H. Dudley, 1884, Oct. 23
Speech of John W. Stewart, of Vermont, 1884, Dec. 10
Message of the President of the United States, 1884
“The Money of Nations, Historically and Legally Considered,” by Warwick Martin, 1884
“Refusing Its Own Coin: A Protest Against Repudiating United States Coin, Even Trade Dollars,” by James C. Hancock, Jr., 1884
“Traffic Unity, Popularly Called Railway Pools,” by G. R. Blanchard, 1884
BOX 18:3 Speech of A. J. Warner of Ohio, 1885, Jan. 15
“Civil Service Reform,” by W. D. Foulke, 1885, Feb. 17
“Redemption of Silver Dollars, and Coinage of Silver Dollars,” by John Sherman, 1885, Feb. 26
Report on the Condition of the Chinese Quarter and the Chinese in San Francisco, 1885, July
Roster of Ohio Veteran Association of Northern Indiana, 1885, Aug.
“A Treatise upon Tin Plate Manufacture in the United States,” by John Jarrett, 1885, Nov. 11
“Gold and Silver Currency, with a Proposed Bill for Their Equal Circulation,” by Edwards Pierrepont, 1885, Nov. 26
David G. Swain to William C. Endicott, 1885, Dec. 30
“American Money,” by John G. Hertwig, 1885
A Brief Sketch of the Action of the Representatives of the American Atlantic Fisheries Interests, 1885
Commercial Travelers' Association of the State of Indiana, 1885
“Fair Elections and an Honest Count,” by John Sherman, 1885
The Great Seal of the United States, 1885
“Heavy Ordnance For National Defense,” by William H. Jaques, 1885
A Letter from the American Iron and Steel Association, 1885
“Our Silver Coinage, and Its Relation to Debts and the World-Wide Depression in Prices,” by John A. Grier, 1885
“An Outline of a Money System Based upon the Commercial Value of the Precious Metals,” by Augustus F. Nagle, 1885
“The Price of Silver and Its Relations to the Wheat Competition of India,” by Henry Carey Baird, 1885
“A Review of the Decisions of the United States Supreme Court,” by Francis A. Brooks, 1885
Senate 844, a Bill, 1886, Jan. 5
Speech of John R. McPherson of New Jersey, 1886, Jan. 6
“The Necessity for Silver Coinage,” by Z. B. Vance, 1886, Jan. 12
“The Silver Coinage Question,” by Horace White, 1886, Jan. 13
Speech of Richard Coke of Texas, 1886, Jan. 13
Speech of S. B. Maxey of Texas, 1886, Jan. 14
Address on Perils of Wage Workers, by J. H. Walker, 1886, Jan. 30
Speech of John J. Hemphill of South Carolina, 1886, Mar. 20
Senate Bill S. 1991, 1886, Mar. 29
American Shipping: An Insight into the Causes of Our Impotency in This Industry, 1886, Apr. 6
Speech of Thomas M. Bayne on the Coinage of Silver, 1886, Apr. 7
Reduction of Tariff Taxes and Collection of the Revenue, 1886, Apr. 12
House of Representatives Bill Nos. 5576-9702, 1886, Feb. 15-July 10
“The Surplus in the Treasury,” by William McKinley, Jr., 1886, July 14
“The Treasury Surplus and Honest Money,” by Abram S. Hewitt, 1886, July 14
Treasury Surplus and Public Debt, 1886, July 20
Address to the Public by the National Bi-Metallic Coinage Association, 1886
American Mechanics Can and Will Build Ships, 1886
“In the Court of Common Pleas of Lycoming County, Pa., 1886
“The Relations of Railways to the State,” by William P. Shinn, 1886
“Transportation Tariff: A Discussion of the Proper Relative Rates on Short Hauls as Compared with Long Hauls,” by Basil W. Duke, 1886
“What Shall We Do with Our Silver?” by Thomas H. Talbot, 1886
BOX 18:4 “The Outhwaite Bill Does Not Pay the Proper Amount to the Government, 1887, Feb. 26
Supreme Court of the United States, 1887, Oct.
Minority Report of the Utah Commission, 1887
Speech on the Exclusion of the Chinese, by William M. Stewart, 1888, Jan. 12
Senate Bill 1779, 1888, Jan. 30
Home Benefit Association, 1888, Feb. 15
Civil Service Reform Association Proceedings, Philadelphia, Pa., 1888, Apr. 12
Centennial of Allegheny County, Pa., 1888, Apr.
Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate of the United States, 1888, May 31
An Address fom the Workingmen of San Francisco, Calif., 1888, Aug. 16
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