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American Psychological Association records, 1917-1986

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Administration, 1918-1985 (continued)
Executive Officers File, 1918-1978 (continued)
Donald Gildersleeve Paterson
Correspondence, A-Y, 1930-1952
(9 folders)
Subject file, 1924-1937
Association of Consulting Psychologists, 1933-1937
(2 folders)
BOX 30 Century of Progress Exposition, Chicago, Ill., 1932-1934
International Congress of Psychologists, 1931-1937
Jewish psychologists in Germany, 1933
Langfeld, Herbert S., correspondence, 1937
Meyer, Max F., resolution on, 1933
Nominations, 1933
Psychological Review, 1924-1935
Psychology departments, evaluations, 1933
Psychometric Society, 1935-1936
Siegel, Abraham, 1934
Yerkes proposal, recognizing J. M. Cattrell, 1928-1935
Willard Clifford Olson
General administrative file
Academy of Foreign Relations, 1938
Accounts and finances, taxes, 1942
Advisory Committee on Scientific Personnel,1945
American Association for an International Office of Education, 1944
American Association for Applied Psychology
Dues collected, 1944-1945
General, 1939-1946
(3 folders)
Invitations-refusals, 1944-1945
Merger with APA, 1944-1946
BOX 31 Transfers in merger, 1945
American Association for the Advancement of Science,1941-1945
(2 folders)
American Bar Association, criminal law, 1938
American Chemical Society, 1943
American College Personnel Association, 1945
American Council on Education, 1937-1946
American Documentation Institute, 1940-1946
American Journal of Psychology, 1940-1941
American Men of Science, 1944
American Standards Association, 1940-1945
American Teachers' Association, 1942-1943
Annual report of the treasurer and business manager, 1944
Archives of Psychology, 1945
Badges, 1940-1945
Board of Directors, 1945
BOX 32 Board of Editors, 1942-1945
(2 folders)
Brazil Psychological Center, 1939
Brigham, C. C., correspondence, 1931
Calendar for office, 1945
California Association for Applied Psychologists, 1940-1942
Chicago Psychological Club, Chicago, Ill.,1941-1944
Cincinnati Psychological Club, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1941-1945
Committee for National Morale
Bibliography, 1939-1941
Conference, 1940
BOX 33 1941-1942
(3 folders)
BOX 34 1942-1945
(2 folders)
Committee on Audio-Visual Aids, 1940-1945
Committee on Central Office, 1945
Committee on Child Development, 1943
Committee on Clinic Certification, 1941-1942
Committee on Clinical Psychology, 1944-1945
Committee on College Curriculum Adjustments
Committee on Committees, 1945
Committee on Costs, 1936-1937
Committee on Division Organization, 1944-1945
Committee on Extension of Functions of Secretary's Office
Apr. 1933-June 1941
BOX 35 July 1941-Mar. 1943
Committee on Graduate and Professional Training in Psychology, 1944-1945
(2 folders)
Committee on Internal Planning in Psychology, 1944-1945
Committee on Investments, 1940-1945
Committee on Latin American Psychology, 1940-1942
Committee on Official Journal, 1944-1945
Committee on Precautions in Animal Experimentation, 1940-1945
Committee on Psychology and Public Service, 1942
Committee on Publications, 1945
Committee on Publicity and Public Relations, 1933-1946
(3 folders)
Committee on Qualifications for Industrial Psychology, 1936-1942
BOX 36 Committee on Scientific and Professional Ethics, 1943-1945
(2 folders)
Committee on Standards for Psychological Service Centers, 1944-1945
Committee on Surplus War Materials, 1946-1947
Committee on the Constitution, 1940-1945
(2 folders)
Committee on the Observance of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the APA and the Centennial of William James, 1940-1943
Committee on the Preparation of Examination Questions in Psychology, 1940-1945
(2 folders)
Committee on Titles and Content of Courses in Psychology, 1941-1943
Committee on Utilization in Psychology of Surplus War Materials, 1944-1945
Committee on War Services to Children, 1940-1944
Connecticut Valley Association of Psychologists, 1941-1944
BOX 37 Convention Program Committee, 1937-1942
Council meeting, 1945
Department of Psychology of the American Teachers' Association, 1938-1945
Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research, 1947-1957
Department of the Treasury, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1938-1943
Divisions within the APA
Division 9: Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, 1936-1945
(2 folders)
General, 1945
Eastern Psychological Association, 1940-1945
Election Committee, 1938-1941
Election to membership, 1938-1945
Eligibility list for voting, 1945
Emergency Committee in Psychology of the National Research Council, 1944-1945
BOX 38 Executive Committee, 1940-1945
(2 folders)
Financial statements, 1941-1946
Future meetings, 1945
Garrett, Henry E., 1945
Government agencies
Department of Labor, 1946
Federal Security Agency, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, 1943-1952
United States Civil Service Commission, 1938-1943
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