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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Senatorial Papers, 1965-1978 (continued) | |||||||||||||
Subject File, 1965-1978 (continued) | |||||||||||||
Mass deportation, 1971 | |||||||||||||
Organizations helping the children of Vietnam, 1973 | |||||||||||||
Prisoners of War (POWs) and soldiers missing in action (MIAs), 1970-1977 | |||||||||||||
BOX 499 | South Vietnamese political prisoners, 1974 | ||||||||||||
Torture of Vietnamese women, 1971 | |||||||||||||
Truce agreement, 1973 | |||||||||||||
Violence/conflict resolution, 1972 | |||||||||||||
Virgin Islands, 1969 | |||||||||||||
Vocational education See Container 432, Vocational and home study | |||||||||||||
Voting rights extension, 1975 | |||||||||||||
Wage price freeze, 1971 | |||||||||||||
Walker, Mary Edwards, 1977 | |||||||||||||
Walsh-Healy Public Contracts Act, 1969 | |||||||||||||
Waltham Republican City Committee, 1973 | |||||||||||||
Warnke, Paul, 1977 | |||||||||||||
Warren Commission investigation, 1975 | |||||||||||||
Washington Cathedral, 1971 | |||||||||||||
Watergate | |||||||||||||
General,1973-1974 | |||||||||||||
Memoranda and documents, Feb. 1973-Sept. 1974, notebook | |||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
Watertown Arsenal, 1971-1973 | |||||||||||||
Watson, Barbara, 1974 | |||||||||||||
BOX 500 | Weatherships, 1968-1977 | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Weeks, Sinclair, undated | |||||||||||||
Welfare reform, 1971-1977 | |||||||||||||
Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass., Peace Vigil, 1972 | |||||||||||||
Western Electronics Manufacturers Association, speech and letter, 1978 | |||||||||||||
West Papua, New Guinea, 1969 | |||||||||||||
Westover Air Force Base, Westover, Mass., acquisition of excess property, 1975 | |||||||||||||
Westreich, Mrs. Stanley (International Sickle Cell Anemia Research Institute), 1975 | |||||||||||||
White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health, 1969 | |||||||||||||
White House Conference on Inflation, Sept. 1974 | |||||||||||||
White House Fellows Program, 1974-1975 | |||||||||||||
Windfall profits taxes, 1975 | |||||||||||||
BOX 501 | Witteveen facility, International Monetary Fund supplementary financing of, 1978 | ||||||||||||
Women, Governor's Commission on Status of, 1972 | |||||||||||||
Workfare plans, 1977-1978 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
World Affairs Council of Boston, 1973 | |||||||||||||
World Bank, 1978 | |||||||||||||
World hunger, 1975-1978 | |||||||||||||
Wyman, Louis C.-John A. Durkin election dispute, 1975 | |||||||||||||
Yastrzemski, Carl M., 1977 | |||||||||||||
Yom Kippur War, 1973 | |||||||||||||
Analysis | |||||||||||||
Brooke, Edward W., lecture | |||||||||||||
Peace efforts, general | |||||||||||||
Young, Andrew, political prisoners statement, 1978 | |||||||||||||
Young, Whitney M., 1970-1972 | |||||||||||||
Young Families Housing Act, 1976 | |||||||||||||
Zaire, 1977-1978 | |||||||||||||
Zambia, 1978 | |||||||||||||
BOX 502-552 | Legislative File, 1967-1978 | ||||||||||||
Draft and printed legislative bills, briefing books on issues, memoranda, legislative summaries, and voting record. | |||||||||||||
Divided into two parts: legislative bills arranged chronologically by congressional term and sequentially within by bill number, and historical record arranged alphabetically by type of material. | |||||||||||||
BOX 502 | Bills | ||||||||||||
90th Congress, 1967-1968 | |||||||||||||
S. 1, Firearms control | |||||||||||||
S. 5, Truth in Lending Act | |||||||||||||
S. 17, Rights for Vietnam veterans | |||||||||||||
S. 47, Study of executive branch | |||||||||||||
S. 355, Reorganization of Congress | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
S. 450, Virgin Islands | |||||||||||||
S. 674, Police interrogation | |||||||||||||
S. 699, Intergovernmental Personnel Act | |||||||||||||
S. 794, Columbus Day | |||||||||||||
S. 917, Safe Streets and Crime Bill | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 503 | (2 folders) | ||||||||||||
S. 991, Crime | |||||||||||||
S. 993, Crime | |||||||||||||
S. 1026, Civil Rights Act | |||||||||||||
S. 1035, Executive branch employees | |||||||||||||
S. 1155, Export-Import Bank Acts | |||||||||||||
S. 1316, Referees in bankruptcy | |||||||||||||
S. 1358, S. 1359, S. 1362, Civil rights | |||||||||||||
S. 1401, Land and water conservation | |||||||||||||
S. 1432, Amending and extending the draft | |||||||||||||
S. 1508, Care and control of alcoholism | |||||||||||||
S. 1553, Naval districts | |||||||||||||
S. 1574, American Revolution Bicentennial Commission | |||||||||||||
S. 1592, Home ownership | |||||||||||||
S. 1661, Public assistance long-term care | |||||||||||||
S. 1684, Office of National Science Research | |||||||||||||
S. 1726, Anti-dumping Act amendments | |||||||||||||
S.1741, Foreign banks | |||||||||||||
S. 1872, Foreign Assistance Act | |||||||||||||
S. 1954, Social security | |||||||||||||
S. 1963, Weston, Ill. atomic power plant | |||||||||||||
S. 1973, Maritime Academy Act | |||||||||||||
S. 1985, Flood insurance | |||||||||||||
S. 2050, Wiretapping | |||||||||||||
S. 2147, Meat inspection | |||||||||||||
S. 2260, Vietnam prisoners | |||||||||||||
BOX 504 | S. 2269, Seizure of United States fishing vessels | ||||||||||||
S. 2308, Water pollution | |||||||||||||
S. 2329, Railroads | |||||||||||||
S. 2363, Bunker Hill National Historic Site, Charlestown, Mass. | |||||||||||||
S. 2388, Economic opportunity | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
S. 2411, Groundfish | |||||||||||||
S. 2415, Marine sanctuaries study | |||||||||||||
S. 2481, Animals | |||||||||||||
S. 2515, Redwoods | |||||||||||||
S. 2524, Immigration | |||||||||||||
S. 2539, Electronics | |||||||||||||
S. 2572, Domestic Development Bank | |||||||||||||
S. 2573, Economic Opportunity Corp. | |||||||||||||
S. 2648, Vietnam insurance | |||||||||||||
S. 2681, Moderate Housing Division | |||||||||||||
S. 2704, Scholarships | |||||||||||||
S. 2892, Social security amendments | |||||||||||||
S. 2907, Travel | |||||||||||||
S. 2935, Social security disability | |||||||||||||
S. 2936, Social security drugs | |||||||||||||
S. 2940, Small business | |||||||||||||
S. 2979, Negro History Commission | |||||||||||||
S. 3013, Supplemental appropriations | |||||||||||||
S. 3206, Water pollution control | |||||||||||||
S. 3249, Manpower training | |||||||||||||
S. 3303, Draft counsel | |||||||||||||
S. 3329, Flood control | |||||||||||||
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