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Senatorial Papers, 1965-1978 (continued)
BOX 502-552 Legislative File, 1967-1978
Draft and printed legislative bills, briefing books on issues, memoranda, legislative summaries, and voting record.
Divided into two parts: legislative bills arranged chronologically by congressional term and sequentially within by bill number, and historical record arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX 502 Bills
90th Congress, 1967-1968
S. 1, Firearms control
S. 5, Truth in Lending Act
S. 17, Rights for Vietnam veterans
S. 47, Study of executive branch
S. 355, Reorganization of Congress
(2 folders)
S. 450, Virgin Islands
S. 674, Police interrogation
S. 699, Intergovernmental Personnel Act
S. 794, Columbus Day
S. 917, Safe Streets and Crime Bill
(2 folders)
BOX 503 (2 folders)
S. 991, Crime
S. 993, Crime
S. 1026, Civil Rights Act
S. 1035, Executive branch employees
S. 1155, Export-Import Bank Acts
S. 1316, Referees in bankruptcy
S. 1358, S. 1359, S. 1362, Civil rights
S. 1401, Land and water conservation
S. 1432, Amending and extending the draft
S. 1508, Care and control of alcoholism
S. 1553, Naval districts
S. 1574, American Revolution Bicentennial Commission
S. 1592, Home ownership
S. 1661, Public assistance long-term care
S. 1684, Office of National Science Research
S. 1726, Anti-dumping Act amendments
S.1741, Foreign banks
S. 1872, Foreign Assistance Act
S. 1954, Social security
S. 1963, Weston, Ill. atomic power plant
S. 1973, Maritime Academy Act
S. 1985, Flood insurance
S. 2050, Wiretapping
S. 2147, Meat inspection
S. 2260, Vietnam prisoners
BOX 504 S. 2269, Seizure of United States fishing vessels
S. 2308, Water pollution
S. 2329, Railroads
S. 2363, Bunker Hill National Historic Site, Charlestown, Mass.
S. 2388, Economic opportunity
(2 folders)
S. 2411, Groundfish
S. 2415, Marine sanctuaries study
S. 2481, Animals
S. 2515, Redwoods
S. 2524, Immigration
S. 2539, Electronics
S. 2572, Domestic Development Bank
S. 2573, Economic Opportunity Corp.
S. 2648, Vietnam insurance
S. 2681, Moderate Housing Division
S. 2704, Scholarships
S. 2892, Social security amendments
S. 2907, Travel
S. 2935, Social security disability
S. 2936, Social security drugs
S. 2940, Small business
S. 2979, Negro History Commission
S. 3013, Supplemental appropriations
S. 3206, Water pollution control
S. 3249, Manpower training
S. 3303, Draft counsel
S. 3329, Flood control
BOX 505 S. 3334-S. 3337, Implementation of recommendations of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders See also Container 506, S. Con. Res. 70
S. 3354, Coinage
S. 3394, Selective Service
S. 3415, Peace by Investment Corp.
S. 3425, Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge, Barnstable Co., Mass.
S. 3484, New Bedford, Mass. storage warehouse
S. 3505, Small Business Act amendment
S. 3521, Martin Luther King, Jr., medals
S. 3590, Agriculture Act of 1968
S. 3637, Firearms legislation
S. 3640, Executive Reorganization and Management Act
S. 3727, Air traffic control
S. 3745, Youth Participation Act
S. 3770, Vocational education amendments
S. 3875, Community development
S. 4049, Highways
S. 4059, Internal Revenue amendments
S. ____, Supplemental appropriations, Jacob K. Javits-
Ralph Yarborough bill
S. ____, Ribicoff, Abraham-Peter H. Dominick, tax credit for higher education expenses
S. Res. 6 and 7, Proposed changes to Rule XXII
S. Res. 49, "Great debate" resolution
S. Res. 83, North Atlantic Treaty Organization resolution
S. Res. 103, Lodge, Henry Cabot, resolution
BOX 506 S. Res. 112, Dodd, Thomas J., resolutions re riots
(2 folders)
S. Res. 146, Brooke, Edward W., resolutions re riots
S. Res. 155, Water to Middle East
S. Res. 180, Vietnam
S. Res. 284, Israel
S. Res. 415, Nigeria
S. Con. Res. 10, 14, Highway funds
S. Con. Res. 34, Everett Dirksen, committee to investigate riots and violent civil disorders
S. Con. Res. 70, Joint Committee on Social Welfare See also Container 505, S. 3334-3337
S.J. Res. 56, United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (Unicef)
S.J. Res. 90, Mass transport
S.J. Res. 94, Joint Committee on Crime
S.J. Res. 99, Franklin Delano Roosevelt
S.J. Res. 104, Merchant Marine
S.J. Res. 120, Tariff
S.J. Res. 159, Martin Luther King, Jr., Day
H.R. 2508, Congressional redistricting
H.R. 2516, Open housing
H.R. 2767, Medicaid amendment
H.R. 4765, Bank holding
H.R. 7819, Elementary and Secondary Education Act
BOX 507 H.R. 9960, Appropriations amendment, Department of Housing and Urban Development
H.R. 10368, Legislative appropriations
H.R. 10509, Agriculture Department appropriations
H.R. 10738, Defense Department appropriations
H.R. 10783, District of Columbia Crime Bill
H.R. 11641, Dickey-Lincoln hydroelectric project, Maine
H.R. 12080, Social security
(2 folders)
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