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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Senatorial Papers, 1965-1978 (continued) | |||||||||||||
Legislative File, 1967-1978 (continued) | |||||||||||||
S. 2234, Westfield National Cemetery, Westfield, Mass. | |||||||||||||
S. 2259, Ghetto credit unions | |||||||||||||
S. 2283, East-West trade | |||||||||||||
S. 2341, Merchant Marine Act amendments | |||||||||||||
S. 2347, Population control | |||||||||||||
S. 2360, Extend boundaries of the Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona | |||||||||||||
S. 2367, Economic Opportunity Act amendments | |||||||||||||
S. 2368, National Institute of Building | |||||||||||||
S. 2385, Small business, high risk loans | |||||||||||||
S. 2386, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, applicability to government employees | |||||||||||||
S. 2390, Trade Expansion Act of 1969 | |||||||||||||
S. 2391, Water and air pollution control | |||||||||||||
S. 2392, Historic Naval Ships Association | |||||||||||||
S. 2425, Federal Aid Highway Act | |||||||||||||
S. 2446, Laboratory Animals Welfare Act | |||||||||||||
S. 2453, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission | |||||||||||||
S. 2454, Discrimination in juries | |||||||||||||
S. 2455, Civil Rights Commission | |||||||||||||
S. 2462, Extension of American Revolution Bicentennial Commission | |||||||||||||
S. 2524, Phase out of farm subsidies | |||||||||||||
S. 2546, Military procurement authorization amendments | |||||||||||||
(1 folder) | |||||||||||||
BOX 511 | S. 2546, Military procurement authorization amendments | ||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
S. 2547, Food stamps | |||||||||||||
S. 2548, School Lunch Act | |||||||||||||
S. 2601, District of Columbia Crime Bill | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
S. 2696, Export Control Act | |||||||||||||
BOX 512 | S. 2697, Crime control | ||||||||||||
S. 2761, Rental assistance | |||||||||||||
S. 2831, Watershed and flood protection | |||||||||||||
S. 2864, Housing and Urban Development Act | |||||||||||||
S. 2876, Television broadcast time for candidates | |||||||||||||
S. 2890, GI bill to activate reservists | |||||||||||||
S. 2917, Coal mine safety | |||||||||||||
S. 2948, Revenue sharing bill | |||||||||||||
S. 2986, Welfare legislation | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
S. 3072, Federal Low Emission Vehicle Procurement Act | |||||||||||||
S. 3082-89, General Services Administration stockpile bills | |||||||||||||
S. 3113, Separate session of Congress | |||||||||||||
S. 3127, United States-USSR exchange | |||||||||||||
S. 3150, Medical and dental school grants | |||||||||||||
S. 3154, Transportation assistance | |||||||||||||
S. 3187, Teacher Corps | |||||||||||||
S. 3202, Immigration reform | |||||||||||||
S. 3216, Lead-based paint poisoning | |||||||||||||
S. 3237, Environmental education | |||||||||||||
S. 3246, Drug Control Act | |||||||||||||
S. 3255, Smoking in airplanes | |||||||||||||
S. 3302, Defense Production Act | |||||||||||||
S. 3316, Health/Pollution Act | |||||||||||||
S. 3370, Veteran's medical records | |||||||||||||
S. 3388, Environmental Quality Administration | |||||||||||||
S. 3418, Formula grants to public health education | |||||||||||||
S. 3443, President's health improvement program | |||||||||||||
S. 3460, Coastal zone management | |||||||||||||
BOX 513 | S. 3466, President's environmental bills | ||||||||||||
S. 3484, Marine environment and pollution control | |||||||||||||
S. 3546, National Air Quality Standards Act | |||||||||||||
S. 3560, Lower voting age to eighteen | |||||||||||||
S. 3566, Arts and humanities fund | |||||||||||||
S. 3619, Disaster relief program | |||||||||||||
S. 3624, Mobile homes in rural areas | |||||||||||||
S. 3643, Gold medal for Martin Luther King, Jr. | |||||||||||||
S. 3677, Environmental Quality Administration Act | |||||||||||||
S. 3685, Mortgage credit | |||||||||||||
S. 3687, National Water Quality Standards Act | |||||||||||||
S. 3715, Flexible Fiscal Policy Act | |||||||||||||
S. 3745, Federal disaster assistance program | |||||||||||||
S. 3774, Beach erosion control | |||||||||||||
S. 3823, One bank holding company | |||||||||||||
S. 3835, Alcohol care and control | |||||||||||||
S. 3860, Employment and training | |||||||||||||
S. 4080-81, District of Columbia Crime Bill | |||||||||||||
S. 4086-88, Low-income housing | |||||||||||||
S. 4104, School breakfast expansion | |||||||||||||
S. 4106, Health Service Corp. Act | |||||||||||||
S. 4141, Amendments to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 | |||||||||||||
S. 4358, Air quality standards | |||||||||||||
S. 4515, Log export restriction | |||||||||||||
S. ____, Domestic Development Bank (Jacob K. Javits) | |||||||||||||
S. ____, Family welfare amendments (Jacob K. Javits) | |||||||||||||
S. ____, Lead-based paints (Richard Schweiker) | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 68, Select Committee on Nutrition | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 85, Troop commitments | |||||||||||||
BOX 514 | S. Res. 192, Voluntary school prayer | ||||||||||||
S. Res. 194, Job Corps | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 211, Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle (MIRV) | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 245, Release of Vietnam War prisoners | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 281, Hunger | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 376, Advisory Committee on Cancer Research | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 399, World Environmental Institute | |||||||||||||
S. Res. ____, National Blood Donor Month (Eagleton) | |||||||||||||
S. Con. Res. 3, Nigerian relief | |||||||||||||
S. Con. Res. 62, Prisoners of war | |||||||||||||
S. Con. Res. 80, Prisoners of war | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 5, Joint Committee to Investigate Crime | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 7, Voting age | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 14, Martin Luther King, Jr., Day | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 47, Health, science, and society | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 51, Electoral reform | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 54, Interstate oil compact | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 56, Congressional representation for D.C. | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 59, Constitutional amendment regarding voting requirements | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 107, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Commission | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 122, Extension of export control | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 132, Shorthand Reporters Week | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 147, Lower voting age to eighteen | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 154, National Blood Bank Month | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 155, Nuclear testing | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 158, Dwight D. Eisenhower dollars | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 214, Population control | |||||||||||||
Nominations | |||||||||||||
Gilbert, Carl | |||||||||||||
Otepka, Otto | |||||||||||||
Treaty, nonproliferation | |||||||||||||
H.R. 471, Taos Indians | |||||||||||||
H.R. 514, Elementary and secondary education | |||||||||||||
BOX 515 | H.R. 4152, Merchant Marine | ||||||||||||
H.R. 4239, Lamb import quotas | |||||||||||||
H.R. 4249, Voting rights | |||||||||||||
H.R. 5833, Medicaid | |||||||||||||
H.R. 6778, Amend the Bank Holding Co. Act of 1956 | |||||||||||||
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