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Senatorial Papers, 1965-1978 (continued)
Legislative File, 1967-1978 (continued)
S. 2234, Westfield National Cemetery, Westfield, Mass.
S. 2259, Ghetto credit unions
S. 2283, East-West trade
S. 2341, Merchant Marine Act amendments
S. 2347, Population control
S. 2360, Extend boundaries of the Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
S. 2367, Economic Opportunity Act amendments
S. 2368, National Institute of Building
S. 2385, Small business, high risk loans
S. 2386, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, applicability to government employees
S. 2390, Trade Expansion Act of 1969
S. 2391, Water and air pollution control
S. 2392, Historic Naval Ships Association
S. 2425, Federal Aid Highway Act
S. 2446, Laboratory Animals Welfare Act
S. 2453, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
S. 2454, Discrimination in juries
S. 2455, Civil Rights Commission
S. 2462, Extension of American Revolution Bicentennial Commission
S. 2524, Phase out of farm subsidies
S. 2546, Military procurement authorization amendments
(1 folder)
BOX 511 S. 2546, Military procurement authorization amendments
(3 folders)
S. 2547, Food stamps
S. 2548, School Lunch Act
S. 2601, District of Columbia Crime Bill
(2 folders)
S. 2696, Export Control Act
BOX 512 S. 2697, Crime control
S. 2761, Rental assistance
S. 2831, Watershed and flood protection
S. 2864, Housing and Urban Development Act
S. 2876, Television broadcast time for candidates
S. 2890, GI bill to activate reservists
S. 2917, Coal mine safety
S. 2948, Revenue sharing bill
S. 2986, Welfare legislation
(2 folders)
S. 3072, Federal Low Emission Vehicle Procurement Act
S. 3082-89, General Services Administration stockpile bills
S. 3113, Separate session of Congress
S. 3127, United States-USSR exchange
S. 3150, Medical and dental school grants
S. 3154, Transportation assistance
S. 3187, Teacher Corps
S. 3202, Immigration reform
S. 3216, Lead-based paint poisoning
S. 3237, Environmental education
S. 3246, Drug Control Act
S. 3255, Smoking in airplanes
S. 3302, Defense Production Act
S. 3316, Health/Pollution Act
S. 3370, Veteran's medical records
S. 3388, Environmental Quality Administration
S. 3418, Formula grants to public health education
S. 3443, President's health improvement program
S. 3460, Coastal zone management
BOX 513 S. 3466, President's environmental bills
S. 3484, Marine environment and pollution control
S. 3546, National Air Quality Standards Act
S. 3560, Lower voting age to eighteen
S. 3566, Arts and humanities fund
S. 3619, Disaster relief program
S. 3624, Mobile homes in rural areas
S. 3643, Gold medal for Martin Luther King, Jr.
S. 3677, Environmental Quality Administration Act
S. 3685, Mortgage credit
S. 3687, National Water Quality Standards Act
S. 3715, Flexible Fiscal Policy Act
S. 3745, Federal disaster assistance program
S. 3774, Beach erosion control
S. 3823, One bank holding company
S. 3835, Alcohol care and control
S. 3860, Employment and training
S. 4080-81, District of Columbia Crime Bill
S. 4086-88, Low-income housing
S. 4104, School breakfast expansion
S. 4106, Health Service Corp. Act
S. 4141, Amendments to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954
S. 4358, Air quality standards
S. 4515, Log export restriction
S. ____, Domestic Development Bank (Jacob K. Javits)
S. ____, Family welfare amendments (Jacob K. Javits)
S. ____, Lead-based paints (Richard Schweiker)
S. Res. 68, Select Committee on Nutrition
S. Res. 85, Troop commitments
BOX 514 S. Res. 192, Voluntary school prayer
S. Res. 194, Job Corps
S. Res. 211, Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle (MIRV)
S. Res. 245, Release of Vietnam War prisoners
S. Res. 281, Hunger
S. Res. 376, Advisory Committee on Cancer Research
S. Res. 399, World Environmental Institute
S. Res. ____, National Blood Donor Month (Eagleton)
S. Con. Res. 3, Nigerian relief
S. Con. Res. 62, Prisoners of war
S. Con. Res. 80, Prisoners of war
S.J. Res. 5, Joint Committee to Investigate Crime
S.J. Res. 7, Voting age
S.J. Res. 14, Martin Luther King, Jr., Day
S.J. Res. 47, Health, science, and society
S.J. Res. 51, Electoral reform
S.J. Res. 54, Interstate oil compact
S.J. Res. 56, Congressional representation for D.C.
S.J. Res. 59, Constitutional amendment regarding voting requirements
S.J. Res. 107, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Commission
S.J. Res. 122, Extension of export control
S.J. Res. 132, Shorthand Reporters Week
S.J. Res. 147, Lower voting age to eighteen
S.J. Res. 154, National Blood Bank Month
S.J. Res. 155, Nuclear testing
S.J. Res. 158, Dwight D. Eisenhower dollars
S.J. Res. 214, Population control
Gilbert, Carl
Otepka, Otto
Treaty, nonproliferation
H.R. 471, Taos Indians
H.R. 514, Elementary and secondary education
BOX 515 H.R. 4152, Merchant Marine
H.R. 4239, Lamb import quotas
H.R. 4249, Voting rights
H.R. 5833, Medicaid
H.R. 6778, Amend the Bank Holding Co. Act of 1956
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