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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Senatorial Papers, 1965-1978 (continued) | |||||||||||||
Legislative File, 1967-1978 (continued) | |||||||||||||
S. 3461, Interest rates, transaction accounts | |||||||||||||
S. 3462, Reserves, reduction of restructure requirements | |||||||||||||
S. 3499, Flexible regulation of interest rates | |||||||||||||
S. 3520, National Credit Union Central Liquidity Facility Act | |||||||||||||
S. 3529, Establishment of a national space policy and program | |||||||||||||
Amendment 145, Emergency Homeowners Relief Act | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 4, Committee reorganization | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 49, Environmental treaty | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 94, Nuclear proliferation | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 110, Code of conduct, United States Senate | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 112, Tribute to Alex Haley | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 114, Telecommunications | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 198, Human rights and Belgrade Conference | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 219, Senior Citizen Intern Program | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 264, Nutrition and human needs | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 271, Commission on Domestic and International Hunger and Malnutrition | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 411, Deposits to minority-owned commercial banks | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 414, Solar energy feasibility study of Everett Dirksen Senate Office Building extension (Philip Hart Building) | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 419, Kidnapping of Aldo Moro | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 431, Fair employment relations | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 445, Condemnation of brutal murder of Aldo Moro | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 461, Emigrations of John and Lorraine Jodwalis | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 467, President Carter's intended visit to Panama | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 468, President Carter's intended visit to Panama | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 483, Government subsidized fish imported from Canada | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 492 See Container 546, S. 2892 | |||||||||||||
S. Res. 519, 1980 Summer Olympic Games to be held outside Soviet Union | |||||||||||||
S. Res. ____, Standards and Conduct Resolution of 1977 | |||||||||||||
S. Con. Res. 4, Amnesty | |||||||||||||
S. Con. Res. 60, South Africa | |||||||||||||
S. Con. Res. 73, Imposition of import fees on crude oil | |||||||||||||
S. Con. Res. 80, Congressional budget, 1979 | |||||||||||||
S. Con. Res. 86, Sale of arms to Egypt, Israel, and Saudi Arabia | |||||||||||||
S. Con. Res. 93, Soviet-Cuban intervention in Africa and United States policy | |||||||||||||
S. Con. Res. 95, Condemnation of trials of Anatoly Shchransky, Viktoras Petkus, and Aleksandr Ginzburg | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 1, Direct election of president and vice- president of United States | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 9, Martin Luther King, Jr., Day | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 33, Mary Edward Walker | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 48, White House Council on Aging in 1981 | |||||||||||||
BOX 548 | S.J. Res. 65, Representation of District of Columbia in Congress | ||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 86, Mashpee tribe | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 103, Declaration of 1978 as Franco- American Friendship Year | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 104, Declaration of 11 July 1978 as Franco-American Friendship Day | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 110, Sun Day | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 116, Designating week of June 4 as National Neighborhood Week | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 134, Extension of deadline for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 135, Designation of weekend of April 29 as days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 147, Designation of 18 July 1978 as National POW-MIA Recognition Day | |||||||||||||
S.J. Res. 165, Extension of Federal Housing Administration mortgage insurance | |||||||||||||
H.R. 50, Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978 | |||||||||||||
H.R. 112 (Amdt. 1725), Tax credits for solar energy systems | |||||||||||||
H.R. 2176 (Amdt. 1810), Federal Banking Agency Act | |||||||||||||
H.R. 2777, National Consumer Cooperative Bank Act | |||||||||||||
H.R. 3387, Continuation of suspension of duty on synthetic rutile | |||||||||||||
H.R. 4975 (Amdt. 187), Family planning funds | |||||||||||||
H.R. 5285, Medicare-Medicaid Administrative and Reimbursement Reform Act | |||||||||||||
H.R. 5623 (Amdts.), Energy Tax Act | |||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
H.R. 6889 (Amdt. 480-81), Belgrade Conference | |||||||||||||
H.R. 7933, Defense Department appropriations. For additional material see Container 546, S. 2571 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
H.R. 8309 (Amdt. 1932), Navigation Development Act | |||||||||||||
H.R. 8331, Securities Investor Protection Act amendments of 1978 | |||||||||||||
H.R. 8410, Labor Law Reform Act of 1978 | |||||||||||||
H.R. 9346, Amendment to the Social Security Act and Internal Revenue Code of 1954 | |||||||||||||
H.R. 9434 (Amdt.4738), Medicaid amendments relating to Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Guam | |||||||||||||
H.R. 10899, International Banking Act of 1978 | |||||||||||||
H.R. 12426, New York City Loan Guarantee Act See Container 546, S. 2892 | |||||||||||||
H.R. 12571, 1978 United States-Canada Reciprocal Fisheries Agreement | |||||||||||||
H.R. 12929 (Amdts.), Order of procedure | |||||||||||||
(5 folders) | |||||||||||||
H.R. 12930 (Amdt. 1352), Oil import fees | |||||||||||||
H.R. 12932, Interior Department appropriations | |||||||||||||
H.R. 12936, Housing and Urban Development Department; independent agencies appropriations | |||||||||||||
H.R. 13125 (Amdt. 3442), Agricultural conservation appropriations | |||||||||||||
H.R. 13471 (Amdt. 2125), Bank holding companies | |||||||||||||
H.R. 13511 (Amdts.), Internal Revenue Code of 1954 | |||||||||||||
(5 folders) | |||||||||||||
H.R. 14279, Flexible regulation of interest rates | |||||||||||||
H.J. Res. 139, District of Columbia congressional representation | |||||||||||||
H.J. Res. 554, Full voting rights for the District of Columbia | |||||||||||||
H.J. Res. 662 (Amdt. 1080), Funding abortions | |||||||||||||
H.J. Res. 873, Supplemental appropriation for Small Business Administration disaster loan program | |||||||||||||
H.J. Res. 945, Black lung disease | |||||||||||||
Amendment 1352, Oil import fees | |||||||||||||
Treaty, Panama Canal | |||||||||||||
Miscellaneous cosponsored legislation, 1977 | |||||||||||||
Miscellaneous | |||||||||||||
BOX 549 | Historical record | ||||||||||||
Agenda for 93d Congress | |||||||||||||
Legislative initiatives | |||||||||||||
General, 1975-1978 | |||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
Possible legislation, 1973 | |||||||||||||
Nonlegislative initiatives, 1977-1978 | |||||||||||||
Position on issues | |||||||||||||
Briefing books | |||||||||||||
1973 | |||||||||||||
Domestic policy | |||||||||||||
National security and foreign policy | |||||||||||||
BOX 550 | Press report | ||||||||||||
1978 | |||||||||||||
Domestic policy | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Foreign policy | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Legislative summaries | |||||||||||||
1975-1976 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 551 | 1977-1978 | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Miscellaneous summaries and statements, 1967-1977 | |||||||||||||
Voting record | |||||||||||||
Cumulative, 90th-92nd Congresses, 1967-1971 | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Ratings | |||||||||||||
Business interests | |||||||||||||
Labor | |||||||||||||
News clippings | |||||||||||||
Ripon, 1973-1976 | |||||||||||||
Various interest groups, 1967-1975 (samples) | |||||||||||||
(1 folder) | |||||||||||||
BOX 552 | (1 folder) | ||||||||||||
Republican Policy Committee/Republican Conference analyses, 1973-1978 | |||||||||||||
Staff analyses, 1967-1977 | |||||||||||||
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