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Daniel J. Boorstin papers, 1882-2004

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Part I: Writings File, 1882-1995 (continued)
Bessie, Simon Michael, 1960-1975 See also Containers 86 , 344 , and 373, same heading
(2 folders)
General, 1959-1987
General, 1962, 1975-1991, undated
Harper & Row, 1963-1974
Penguin Books, 1962-1963
Reader responses, 1962-1994, undated
BOX 354 Union Générale d'Editions, 1970-1971
"The Critics" broadcast, 1962
Critics' comments, 1961, undated
Early versions, 1959-1960, undated
Draft A
(8 folders)
BOX 355 (3 folders)
Draft B
Draft C
Revised version, undated
(2 folders)
Final version, undated
(1 folder)
BOX 356 (2 folders)
Foreign translations, 1962-1972, undated
Mottos and title suggestions, 1967, undated
Nederlandse Christelijke radio and television interview, 1967-1969
Permissions, 1963, 1969-1982, undated
Postscript for Atheneum Publishers edition, 1971
Pseudo-event, use of term, 1965-1974
Reprints of excerpts, 1962-1963, undated
American, 1961-88
(2 folders)
BOX 357 British, 1962-1963
Canadian, 1962
French, 1963
German, 1964-65
Miscellaneous foreign, 1962-1964
Ronox Productions, 1972-1975
Landmark History of the American People
Advertising and publicity, 1972, 1987-1988, undated
Atlas, possible, 1967, undated
Random House, 1958, 1966-1978, undated
Reader responses, 1968-1977, undated
General, 1988, undated
Permissions, 1971-1980
Vol. I, From Plymouth to Appomattox (1968)
Advertising and publicity, 1968, undated
Draft A, undated
Draft B, undated
Draft C, 1967
(2 folders)
BOX 358 Draft D, 1967
(2 folders)
Miscellaneous chapters, undated
(2 folders)
Illustrations, 1967-1968
Outlines and notes, 1966-1967, undated
Random House
1966-1970, 1987
BOX 359 Undated
Scrapbook, 1968-1970
Vol. II, From Appomattox to the Moon (1970)
Critics' comments, 1969-1970
Drafts, undated
Draft A
(3 folders)
Draft B
(1 folder)
BOX 360 (2 folders)
Draft C
(3 folders)
Draft D
(3 folders)
Partial drafts
BOX 361 General, 1969, undated
Illustrations, 1962, 1968-1970, undated
(2 folders)
Outlines and notes, 1968-1969, undated
Permissions, 1971-1972
Random House, 1968-1971, 1987
Reviews, 1970-1971
Lost World of Thomas Jefferson (1948)
Beacon Press, 1959-1980
Correspondence, 1946-1952, 1979-1984
General, 1948, 1976-1979, undated
(2 folders)
Henry Holt and Co.
BOX 362 1949-1952, 1959, 1968, undated
(2 folders)
Illustrations, undated
Permissions, 1964-1971, 1986
Peter Smith Publisher, 1960-1961
Reviews, 1948-1953, undated
Scrapbook, 1948-1950
University of Chicago Press, 1980-1983, 1993, undated
"Minority Veto: From the Ballot to the Monkey-Wrench" (unpublished)
Critics' comments, 1967, undated
Drafts, undated
Draft A
(2 folders)
Draft B
BOX 363 Draft C
(2 folders)
Draft D
(2 folders)
Partial drafts
Notes and related material
Conscience-bearers, 1966, undated
"Culture of Minority Veto," 1958-1959, 1965-1968, undated
Decline of majority rule, 1966, undated
Dissent, 1967, undated
(2 folders)
"Filler Principle," 1962-1966, undated
BOX 364 "Flow Technology," 1966, undated
General, 1965-1967, undated
(2 folders)
Introduction, 1967-1968, undated
"Morality of Minority Veto," 1962-1967, undated
(2 folders)
"The Mystery of the Majority," 1966, undated
Negroes and opportunity, 1966-1967
Poverty-Americans, a new minority, 1966-1967
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