The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Daniel J. Boorstin papers, 1882-2004
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Part I: University of Chicago and Smithsonian Institution File, 1944-1975 (continued)
Subject File, 1944-1975 (continued)
Columbia Broadcasting System, 1958-1973, undated
Commager, Henry Steele, 1963-1975
Commission on Critical Choices for Americans
BOX 19 1974-1975
(4 folders)
Committee for the Future, Philadelphia, Pa., 1971-1973
Committee on Academic Nondiscrimination and Integrity, 1974-1975
(3 folders)
BOX 20 1973-1976
(4 folders)
Congregation Rodfei Zedek, Chicago, Ill., 1955-1956
Coordinating Center for Democratic Opinion, New York, N.Y., 1969
Copley, James S., 1971-1972
Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., 1967, 1973, undated
Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C., 1966-1975, undated
Cranberg, Lawrence, 1966-1967
Crank letters, 1957-1960, 1966-1975, undated
Craven, Avery, 1954-1960, 1966, undated
Cunliffe, Marcus, 1965-1974
BOX 21 Cunningham, Hugh T., 1958, 1967, undated
Curti, Merle, 1951, 1960, 1971-1974
"C" miscellaneous
(7 folders)
BOX 22 May-Oct.
(2 folders)
Dainton, Sir Frederick, 1974-1975
Davis, Kenneth S., 1960, 1966-1971
Dexter Prize, 1974
Dickinson, William B., 1973-1974
Dillon, Wilton S., 1971-1975
Dixon, John, 1968-1971
Donald, David, 1954, 1961, 1971
Dorson, Richard M., 1959-1975
(2 folders)
Douglas, Jack D., 1966
Dowty, Alan, 1964
Duggan, Ervin S., 1968-1969
Duis, Perry, 1969-1974, undated
BOX 23 "D" miscellaneous, 1952-1975, undated
(4 folders)
E. P. Dutton & Co., 1969-1970
Eliot, T. S., 1951, 1961
Elliott, John H., 1965-1968
Elliott, John Tiffany, 1959-1961
Elton, Geoffrey, 1966-1971
Emme, Eugene M., 1970-1975
Emory University, Atlanta, Ga., 1965-1974
English, Maurice, 1962-1975
"E" miscellaneous, 1954-1975, undated
(4 folders)
Fisch, M. H., 1958-1959
Fischetti, John, 1968-1971, undated
Fleming, Donald, 1954-1959
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Medford, Mass., 1972-1974, undated
BOX 24 Fogel, Robert W., 1967-1974
Ford, Gerald R., 1973-1974, undated
Fortas, Abe, 1961-1968, undated
Forum for Contemporary History, Santa Barbara, Calif., 1972
Frank Goodman Associates, 1972-1973
Frank Nelson Doubleday lectures, 1973-1975, undated
(2 folders)
Frankfurter, Felix, 1950-1961
Franklin, John Hope, 1960-1975
Frantz, Joe B., 1962-1974
Friends of Literature, Chicago, Ill., 1958-1966, 1973
Fulbright grants
American studies programs at foreign universities, 1958-1962, undated
General, 1953, 1961-1967
Visiting lecturer
General, 1953, 1961-1967
Correspondence, 1950-1951
(2 folders)
General, 1949-1951, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 25 Lecture materials, 1951, undated
Japan, 1955-1958, undated
(3 folders)
Visiting scholars to the United States, 1960-1961
"F" miscellaneous, 1960-1975, undated
(4 folders)
Gass, Oscar, 1960-1968
Gertz, Elmer, 1966-1967
Glad, Betty, 1959-1967
BOX 26 Glassie, Henry, 1971
Goetzmann, William, 1965-1975
Goldberg, Rube, 1961, 1970-1973 See also Container 45, same heading
Goldin, Judah, 1965-1966
Goldman, Eric F., 1953-1968, 1975
Gordon, Lincoln, 1963-1967, 1975
Gore, Luther Y., 1970-1971
Gorr, Louis F., 1970-1974
Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland, 1973-1975, undated
(3 folders)
Greenberg, Joe W., 1956-1961, 1975
"G" miscellaneous, 1952-1975
(3 folders)
Hagley Museum, Greenville-Wilmington, N.C., 1965-1970
Halle, Louis J., 1973-1975
BOX 27 Handlin, Oscar, 1952-1960, 1970-1975
Harris, Irving D., 1968-1974
Harrison, Gloria C., 1968-1973
Harry Walker, Inc., 1972
Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History, 1965-1975, undated
(2 folders)
General, 1953, 1966-1975
Harvard University Press, 1956-1975, undated
Hazard, Patrick, 1960-1963, 1971, undated
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of, 1966, 1975, undated
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 1951
Herberg, Will, 1956-1960
Hill, Marvin, 1964-1975, undated
Hindle, Brooke, 1956-1957, 1965-1975
Hindus, Milton, 1954-1961
Hofstadter, Richard, 1952-1957, 1966-1969
Holbo, Paul S., 1960, 1967
Holbrook, David, 1963-1969
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