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Daniel J. Boorstin papers, 1882-2004

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Part II: Subject File, 1949-2004 (continued)
Cruises, 1995-1998
Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives, 1993-1994
BOX 442 Eames, Charles, and Ray Eames, 1989-1999
Education, 1994
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1989-1990
Ellis Island, 1990
Fern, Alan, 1994-1999
Frank Shor and Henry Brandon lunch group, 1988-1996
Fulbright Educational Exchange Program, 1989-1994
George, Thomas, 1989-1991
(2 folders)
Gulbenkian Foundation, 1990-1997
Harvard University, reunions, 1984-1999
Heritage Foundation, 1992-1996
Interviews, 1970-1985
BOX 443 Interviews, 1986-1990
(5 folders)
Interviews, 1992-1999
(2 folders)
BOX 444 Interviews, 1992-1999
(1 folder)
Invitations, 1989-2000
Jefferson, Thomas, 1989-1997
Kennan, George, 1988-1989
Kennedy, John F., 1963
Korea Britannica, 1989-1992
Lawyers, 1989-1990
Libraries, 1989-1999
Library of Congress
Acquisitions, 1992-1995
Administrative matters, 1973-1975
America's Library: the Story of the Library of Congress, 2000
DF American Memory Program, digital files of interview questions for site coordinators and facilitators and a demographic description of Gibraltar area schools in Fish Creek, Wis., 1993
Digital ID: mss_56606_217_008
Annenberg Foundation, one million dollar gift, 1993-2002
Anniversary as Librarian, tenth, 1985
Bicentennial, 2000
BOX 445 Billington, James H., 1987-1997
Boorstin fund, 1987-1997
Boorstin personal papers, 1975-2004
(2 folders)
Broderick, John, 1958-1993
Cataloging, 1986
Center for the Book
Boorstin Fund, 1996-1997
Certificates, 1987, 2002
Events, 1995-2002
General correspondence, 1990-2004
Idea exchange meeting, 1995
BOX 446 Oklahoma, 1989-1997
Charles, Prince of Wales, and Diana, Princess of Wales, 1985
Child care board, 1996
Clippings, 1980-1989
Conflict of interest, 1975
Correspondence, 1995-2003
(2 folders)
Council of Scholars, 1988-1994
Deteriorating paper, 1976
Ellison, Ralph, 1984-1994
BOX 447 Emeritus, 1986-1993
Exhibits, 1976, 1993-1997
Frankfurter, Felix, 1993
Freud, Sigmund, proposed exhibit, 1994
Gazette, 2000
Gershwin Award, 1988-1991
Gettysburg Address, undated
Gottman, Jean, papers, 1994
Harriman, W. Averell, exhibit, 1991
Hebraic Section, undated
Hroswitha Club, 1981
Interviews and introductions, 1985-1988
"Knowledge and Power: A Symposium," undated
Librarian of Congress, transition, 1986-1997
(2 folders)
Library of Congress Information Bulletin, 1990-2000
BOX 448 MacLeish, Archibald, 1983-1993
Marshall, Thurgood, 1993
McClung, Jim, 1996
Murals and artwork, 1973-1996
(2 folders)
National Digital Library, 1997
Newsom, Jon, 1995
Nomination of Boorstin, 1975
Overseas offices, 1976
Personnel, 1989-1999
Postage stamps, 1997-2000
Publications, 1982-1999
Rare books, 1996-2004
Register of visitors, 1982-1986 See Oversize
Retirement letters, 1987 See Oversize
Retirement party, 1987
BOX 449 Rosenwald, Lessing J., 1980-1990
Sakamoto, Barbara, 2000
Saudek, Robert, Division Chief of the Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound, undated
Scrapbook, Boorstin as Librarian, 1975-1987 See Oversize
Sloat, Barbara, 1989-1996
Special requests, 1990
Time Tapestry, 2001
Luce, Clare Boothe, 1987-1997
Luso-American Foundation, 1990-1995
Ma, Christopher, 1996
MacArthur Foundation, 1987-1998
Massachusetts Historical Society, 1990-1993
McGhee, George Crews, 1994-1995
Miscellany, 1981-1985, undated
BOX 450 Modern Library board, 1997-1998
Monaco, 1990
Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation, 1988-2002
Mount Vernon (home of George Washington), 1989-2002
National Air and Space Foundation, 1989-1996
National Gallery of Art, "Circa 1492: Art in the Age of Exploration," 1988-1992
BOX 451 National Humanities Center, 1989-1995
New York Botanical Garden, 1993-2002
(2 folders)
Nixon, Richard M., 1994-1998
BOX 452 Pacific Basin Institute, 1986-1996
Paris, France, 1992-1999
Potter, Catherine, 1994
Presidential farewell addresses, 1988
President's Commission on Arts and Humanities, 1989-1997
President's Commission on White House Fellowships, 1987-1992
Press clippings, 1979-2000
(1 folder)
BOX 453 Press clippings, 1979-2000
(1 folder)
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