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Harry Frank Guggenheim papers, 1900-1972

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BOX 7-133 Subject File, 1900-1972
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, speeches, financial and legal papers, photographs, notes, lists, newspaper clippings, and printed matter documenting Guggenheim's financial, philanthropic, and personal activities.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person or organization, activity, topic, or type of material.
BOX 7 Abercrombie & Fitch, 1937-1969
"Ab" miscellaneous, 1951-1968
Accident, 1958-1959
"Ac" miscellaneous, 1941-1952
Adams, John C., 1952-1970
BOX 8 Adelphi College, Garden City, N.Y., 1954-1961
Adlai E. Stevenson Memorial Fund, 1965-1967
Advancement of Scientific Education Through Television, Council for, 1957
Advertising Council, 1960
"Ad" miscellaneous, 1938-1960
Aeronautical schools, 1935-1951
African wildlife, 1966-1971
Agatha Sue Co., 1966-1967
Air Force Association, Iron Gate chapter, 1966
Air Force Historical Foundation, 1953-1966
Air freight, 1946
Air Youth of America, 1939-1942
"A-D" miscellaneous, 1947
"E-F" miscellaneous, 1947-1967
BOX 9 1946-1962
"H-M" miscellaneous, 1946-1964
National, 1945-1951
Northwest, 1938-1952
"P-W" miscellaneous, 1939-1958
Airplane, 1935
"Ai" miscellaneous, 1937-1967
Albert Wood & Five Sons, 1949-1969
Albright, Josephine, 1946-1969
Allen, Douglas H., 1948-1954
BOX 10 "Al" miscellaneous, 1937-1970
Amateur Athletic Union, 1956-1961
American Express Co., Paris, France, impersonator, 1967
American Foundation for Aviation, 1939-1941
American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 1939-1964
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, 1937-1951
American Meteorological Society
(2 folders)
BOX 11 1953-1961
(3 folders)
American Research and Development Corp., 1951
American Rocket Society, 1942-1958
(3 folders)
American Society of Air Affairs, 1946-1950
American miscellaneous
BOX 12 1940-1966, undated
(5 folders)
Amory, Cleveland, 1960-1963
"Am" miscellaneous, 1956-1960
Anaconda Copper Mining Co., 1948-1951
Angeli, Alberto P., 1955
Angell, Montgomery B.
BOX 13 1942-1959
(2 folders)
Anglo-American Naval Conference, 1918
Anonymous letters, 1917-1953
Anson, Edward M., 1952-1962
"An" miscellaneous, 1941-1970
Appointment memoranda
(3 folders)
BOX 14 1964-1965
(4 folders)
"Ar-As" miscellaneous, 1937-1967
Atwood, Charlotte P., 1934-1946
Atwood, Roy P., 1947-1963
"At" miscellaneous, 1937-1954
Audits, 1937-1957
(2 folders)
BOX 15 Automobiles, 1937-1955
(2 folders)
"Au" miscellaneous, 1937-1963
Early and Pioneer Naval Aviator's Association, 1962-1970
Federal Aviation Commission, 1931-1934
Flight Safety Foundation, 1957
(2 folders)
BOX 16 1966-1970
Industry, chronicle of, 1949-1950
Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences
Aeronautical archives, 1940-1950
Fellowship, honorary, 1956-1957
International Congress, Madrid, Spain, 1956-1960
(3 folders)
Institute of the Aerospace Sciences
BOX 17 1960-1961, undated
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
(4 folders)
National Air Museum, undated
Naval Aviation Museum Association, 1968-1970
BOX 18 Pan American Union Conference on Aviation, 1927
(2 folders)
Wings Club, 1953-1968
"Av" miscellaneous, 1946-1959
Harry F. Guggenheim Trophy, 1937-1941
Norwegian decoration, Guggenheim, 1966
Bankers Club of America, 1935-1971
Bankers Trust Co.
(2 folders)
BOX 19 1946-1952
(6 folders)
BOX 20 1953-1965
(9 folders)
BOX 21 1966-1971
(3 folders)
Signatures, 1938-1948
Stop payment orders, 1969-1970
(5 folders)
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