| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 1-36 |
Office Files,
circa 1919-1989
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, scripts, dialog sheets,
contracts, distribution agreements, pressbooks and other promotional material,
vouchers, and related records. |
Arranged alphabetically by name of company, person, type of
material, or name of project and chronologically therein. |
BOX 1 |
Amusement Securities Corp., 1925, 1932-1939, 1945
(2 folders) |
Attorneys |
Enselman, Isidor, 1953-1956 |
Sulken, Herman, 1949-1963 |
Bank of America, London, England, 1953-1958 |
Belmont Theatre, New York, N.Y., 1937-1941,
undated |
Exclusive Films, Ltd., 1953-1959, undated |
(4 folders) |
BOX 2 |
(3 folders) |
Family material, 1931-1940 |
Filmcraft, Inc. |
Agreements, 1949-1953, undated |
(2 folders) |
American Trading Association, 1949-1953 |
(2 folders) |
Embassy Pictures Corp., 1949-1954, undated |
BOX 3 |
International Film Distributors, 1949-1953 |
Jaslow, Jack, 1950-1951, undated |
Miscellany, 1949-1955, undated |
Films |
Angkor, 1934-1936, 1946, undated |
City of Lost Men, (alternate title,
The Lost City, feature version), 1935-1937,
1957, undated |
(2 folders) |
Come Back to Erin, 1940 |
A Day in Court, 1963, 1971, undated |
Dog pictures |
Agreements, 1935-1947 |
Fighting Fury, circa 1934 |
Man's Best Friend, 1934-1937, undated
Thunderbolt, 1935, undated |
When Lightning Strikes, 1934,
undated |
BOX 4 |
Enemies of the Law, 1931-1932,
undated |
Escape from Terror, 1957-1961 |
Fatal Desire, 1963, undated |
The Fighting Lady, circa 1935 |
Forty Thousand Horsemen, 1941-1949, undated
(2 folders) |
Get That Venus!, undated |
Hollywood Hoodlum, (alternate title,
Hollywood Mystery), 1934, 1946,
undated |
Hopalong Cassidy pictures |
Bar 20 Rides Again, 1935-1936 |
Call of the Prairie, 1936 |
The Eagles Brood, 1935, undated |
Heart of the West, 1936 |
Hopalong Cassidy Enters, 1935 |
BOX 5 |
Three on the Trail, 1936 |
Various related material, 1935-1950, 1971, undated
(5 folders) |
I Conquer the Sea, circa 1936 |
Knickerbocker Holiday, 1938-1944, 1956, 1966,
1971 |
The Last Will of Dr. Mabuse, 1940-1947, undated
(3 folders) |
Love on the Dole, undated |
M, 1932, 1941-1947, undated |
BOX 6 |
Marriage Forbidden, (also released as
Damaged Goods), circa 1937-1938, 1977, undated
See also Oversize
Mars Attacks the World (Flash Gordon feature),
1977-1978, undated |
Meet John Doe, 1941-1956, 1962-1977, undated
See also Oversize
(3 folders) |
The Mutiny of the Elsinore, 1938-1947, 1957,
See also Oversize
(2 folders) |
The Passion of Joan of Arc, circa
1928 |
Planet Outlaws, (Buck Rogers feature), circa
1939, undated
See also Oversize
(2 folders) |
Revolt of the Zombies, circa 1936 |
Rocket Ship, (Flash Gordon feature), undated
See also Oversize
Should a Doctor Tell, 1931-1932 |
BOX 7 |
Singing in the Dark
Budsam Distributing Co., 1955-1965
See also Container 38, same heading
(5 folders) |
Miscellany, 1955, undated |
Principal Film Exchange, 1955-1958, undated
(2 folders) |
Story of a Cheat, (alternate title,
Confessions of a Cheat), 1942, 1974,
undated |
Story of Michael Flagherty, 1941 |
Two Nights with Cleopatra, 1963,
undated |
BOX 8 |
Vienna Waltzes, circa 1952 |
White Zombie, 1932-1947, 1967-1978, undated
(2 folders) |
Wolves of the Underworld, undated |
Flamingo Films, 1949-1954 |
Friars Club, 1959, 1974-1977 |
Goodwill Pictures Corp. |
Adelphi Films, 1953-1958, undated |
American and Foreign Trade Corp., 1966 |
Barnett International Forwarders, 1953-1957,
1965 |
Davis, Jack, 1953-1958, undated |
Forest Export Corp., 1951-1956, undated |
Gilliams and Rubin, 1949-1957 |
Guffanti Film Laboratories, 1955-1957 |
BOX 9 |
Kay Film Exchanges, 1949-1961 |
(6 folders) |
Manson Distributing Corp., 1966 |
Miscellany, 1946-1969, undated |
BOX 10 |
National Screen Service Corp., 1953-1960 |
(2 folders) |
Office leases, 1961-1963 |
Pat Patterson Productions, 1953-1960 |
(2 folders) |
Rosen, David, 1953-1960 |
(2 folders) |
Tower Pictures Co., 1949-1952 |
Variety Film Distributors, 1947, 1953-1956 |
BOX 11 |
Goodwill Systems Exchanges, 1966-1970, undated
(5 folders) |
Insurance, 1949-1956, undated |
Krellbar Pictures Corp., 1927, undated |
Lawrence of Arabia, Inc., 1935, 1942,
undated |
Letterhead, undated |
Library of Congress |
Copyright Office, 1961-1977, undated |
Miscellany, 1969-1973, undated |
Melotone Corp. of America, 1929 |
Miscellany, 1928-1942, 1949-1979, 1989, undated
(2 folders) |
BOX 12 |
Motion Picture Pioneers, 1940-1957, 1976 |
Motion Pictures for Television, Inc., 1951-1961
(3 folders) |
Movielab, Inc., 1962-1975, undated |
Pathé-America Distributing Co., 1961-1963,
undated |
(3 folders) |
BOX 13 |
(7 folders) |
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