The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Reinhold Niebuhr papers, 1907-1997
Some or all content stored offsite.
Addition III, 1907-1992 (continued)
Correspondence, 1913-1990 (continued)
DeGruchy, John, 1981-1988
Denger, Florence, 1970-1975, undated
Dodd, C. H. and Phyllis, 1942-1971, undated
Dun, Angus and Catherine ("Kitty"), 1956, 1965-1969, undated
BOX 48 Dyson, Freeman, 1958, 1979-1980
"D" miscellaneous, 1930, 1942, 1948-1989, undated
Egan, John J., 1971-1982, undated
Eliot, T. S., 1946-1959
Elliott, Elbert, 1970
Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, Ill., 1986
Erikson, Eric and Joan, 1960-1971, undated
Fackre, Gabriel J., 1968-1986
Finkelstein, Louis, 1969
Flesserman, Ellen, 1947, 1977, 1983
Floyd, Richard, 1988-1989
Ford, George B., 1975
Fosdick, Harry Emerson and Dorothy, 1956, 1969, undated
Fox, Richard See Container 55, same heading
Frank, Anna, 1969
Frankfurter, Felix and Marion, 1942-1964, undated
Franklin, Sam H., Jr., 1966-1971, 1982-1990
Freund, Paul A., 1956
"F" miscellaneous, 1984
Gelber, Lionel, 1972
Gilkey, Charles Whitney, 1932
Gilkey, Langdon, 1988-1989
Glueck, Nelson, 1969-1970
Good, Robert C. See Container 47, Davis, Harry Rex
Gordon, J. King and Ruth Anderson, 1931-1936, 1960-1989, undated
Gottsfield, Robert L., 1975
Greenlaw, William, 1972-1975, undated
Gregg, Richard B., 1935
Gwyer, B. E., 1940-1971, undated
"G" miscellaneous, 1955, 1966-1974
Hadassah, Boston chapter, Boston, Mass., 1975
BOX 49 Hall, Douglas, 1966, 1979-1989, undated
Hall, Ronald O., 1941-1945, 1957, 1971
Harlow, Gretta, 1980-1983, undated
Hase, Hans Christoph von, 1934, 1968, 1987-1988, undated
Heimert, Alan, 1965-1966, undated
Herberg, Will, 1950, 1956-1957, 1965
Hodson, H. V., 1965
Holmes, John Haynes, 1934
Hook, Sidney, 1987
Horton, Myles, 1986-1989
Humphrey, Hubert H., 1965-1976
Humphries, Bertram and Myra, 1966-1971
Hussey, Margaret and Bill, 1980-1989
"H" miscellaneous, 1933, 1955, 1964-1981, undated
Jesuits, 1971-1989, undated
Johnson, J. Dell, 1978
Johnson, Kermit, 1982-1988
"J" miscellaneous, 1948, 1968-1972
Keedy, Allen See Container 48, Fackre, Gabriel J.
Kegley, Charles W., 1982-1985
Kennan, George F., 1966
Kubie, Lawrence S., 1957-1971
"K" miscellaneous, 1966-1989
LaFarge, Sheila, 1955, 1963
Landon, Harold R., 1987-1988
Leatt, James V. See Container 47, DeGruchy, John
Leibholz, Sabine See Container 55, Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
Lincoln College, Lincoln, Ill., 1979
Lippmann, Walter, 1929
Littell, Franklin H.
(2 folders)
BOX 50 1978-1990, undated
(2 folders)
Loeb, James I., Ellen, and Peter, 1952, 1961-1979
"L" miscellaneous, 1939-1977, undated
Merkley, Paul, 1974-1980, 1989
Moore, Marianne, 1960
Moynihan, Daniel P., 1965-1970
Mumford, Lewis, 1944, 1965-1972
"M" miscellaneous, 1959, 1967-1977
Nelson, Burton F., 1981-1987
Neubauer, Reinhard, 1962, 1984-1986
New Leader, 1969-1972
Niebuhr, Elisabeth, circa 1960
Niemöller, Else, 1952
Nunley, Richard, 1985
Novak, Michael, 1965-1966
"O" miscellaneous, 1956, 1967, undated
Paton, Alan, 1975-1988, undated
Paton, David M., 1942, 1976-1978
Pauck, Wilhelm and Marion
(3 folders)
BOX 51 1980-1988
(1 folder)
Peerman, Dean G., 1986-1987
Perham, Margery, 1944-1947, 1958
Pokorny, Otto A. and Grace, 1966-1976
Porter, John F., 1972-1982
Proctor, Evelyn, 1948-1958
Press, Samuel D., 1913
"P" miscellaneous, 1927, 1946-1989
Ramsey, Michael, 1962-1972
Rasmussen, Larry, 1986-1990, undated
Ratcliffe, S. K. and Peggy, 1943-1944, 1952-1953, undated
Rice, Daniel F., 1978-1990, undated
Robertson, D. B., 1952-1985
Rockwell, Norman and Mollie, 1965-1966, undated
Rubboli, Massimo, 1985-1986
"R" miscellaneous, 1943, 1968-1977
Sabin, Albert B. and Amie, 1970, 1986
Scarlett, William, 1936, 1964-1974, undated
Schlesinger, Arthur M. (1917-2007), 1957-1988, undated For additional material see Container 46, Bingham, Jonathan and June
Schlesinger, Elizabeth, 1965
Scott, Nathan A., Jr.
BOX 52 1978-1990, undated
Shinn, Roger Lincoln, 1969-1970
Sigmund, Paul, 1969-1970, undated
Simons, Hans, 1965, 1972
Smith, John E., 1953-1956, 1968, undated
Spender, Stephen, 1955, 1974
Splinter, Dieter, 1985-1986
Standing Liturgical Commission of the Episcopal Church, 1979, undated
Stansgate, Margaret, 1952, 1985-1988, undated
Stewart, John B., 1989
Stone, Ronald H., 1965-1987
"S" miscellaneous, 1933-1935, 1959-1988, undated
Theis, Edouard, 1947
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