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BOX 14-23 Speech, Article, and Book File, 1913-1965
Speeches, sermons, articles, book reviews, and book manuscripts.
Grouped by type of material and arranged alphabetically within groups, with the exception of sermons which are untitled and undated.
BOX 14 Speeches
BOX 15 Articles
"America: A Nation with Imperial Powers"
"America's Spiritual Resources for International Cooperation"
"The Anamoly of European Socialism"
"An Apology for the Intolerance of Conservatism"
"The Architecture of American Churches"
"Are We Drifting Back to Literalism and Individualism?"
"Asia First and America First"
"The Asian and African Battlegrounds between Communism and Democracy"
"Balanced Judgement and the Democratic Life"
"The Battles We Have Lost Since the Summit Meeting in Geneva"
"The Beria Confession"
"Biblical Faith and Socialism"
"The Cardinal and Communism"
"The Cause and Cure of the American Psychosis"
"China and the United Nations"
"The Christian Faith and the Christian Church"
"A Christian Political Party"
"Christianity and Darwin's Revolution"
"Christianity and the Moral Law"
"The Church as a Community of Grace"
"The Church Versus the Gospel"
"The Civil Rights Issue and the Democratic Convention"
"Clericalism and Anti-Clericalism"
"Co-Existence and Semantics"
"Comments on the Religious Assumptions of Adam Smith and Karl Marx"
"The Concept of 'Order of Creation' in Emil Brunner's Social Ethic"
"Conservatism and Liberalism in America"
"Coronation Afterthoughts on Poetry and Politics"
"The Cult of the Automobile"
"The Cultural Crisis of Our Age"
"Das Rassenproblem in Amerika"
"Democracy and Foreign Policy"
"Democracy and the Party Spirit"
"The Efficacy and Limits of Military Power"
"The Eisenhower Doctrine: Everything in General and Nothing in Particular"
"The Eisenhower Myth"
"Eisenhower's Theory of Power and Morals in Politics"
"The End of an Era in Labor Relations"
"The English and the Germans"
"The Ethics of Loyalty"
"Europe's and Asia's Anti-Americanism"
"Fascism and the Middle Classes"
"The Fate of European Socialism"
"The French Don't Like Us"
"Freud and the Problem of the Relation of Creativity and Self-Concern"
"The Frustrations of a Powerful Nation"
"General De Gaulle and France"
BOX 16 "God in History"
"The God Who Has Become the Devil"
"Is God Good Or Is He Omnipotent?"
"Is Good an Obstacle to the Better?"
"Higher Education in America"
"History As Drama"
"Human Destiny and History"
"The Hydrogen Bomb"
"The Illusions about the Efficacy of Summit Meetings"
"The Impulse for Perfection and the Impulse for Community"
"India, America, and the East-West Struggle"
"The Intellectuals, the Administration and the Marxist Heresy"
"The Irony of the Struggle between Communism and Democracy"
"The Irrational in Politics"
"Is Historical Analogy Possible?"
"Kinsey and the Moral Problem of Man's Sexual Life"
"Khrushchev and the Cold War"
"Lewis Mumford"
"Liberty as Necessity and Luxury"
"Love and Justice"
"Love and Law in Protestantism and Catholicism"
"The Merger of the C.I.O. and the A.F.L. and the Social History behind It"
"The Middle East"
"The Moral and Political Philosophy behind the 'Right to Work' Laws"
"Moral and Religious Problems in an Economy of Abundance"
"The Moral and Spiritual Content of the Atlantic Community"
"The Moral Issue in International Relations"
"Moral Re-Armament"
"Mystery and Meaning"
"The National Interest and International Responsibility"
"New Wine in Old Bottles and Old Wine in New Bottles"
"Observations on 'The Chinese Wall'"
"On Being Judged by an Evil Judge"
"Our Stake in the State of Israel"
"Patriotism and Altruism"
"The Phenomenon of President Eisenhower"
"Portrait of an Idealist"
"The President Will Run"
"Preventive War"
"The Problem of Man's Finiteness, Freedom and Self-Concern"
"The Problem of Nuclear Warfare"
"A Proposal for Billy Graham"
"Prospects of the Christian Gospel in Future America"
"The Real Question about Religion"
"The Relation of European to American Culture"
"Religion and Poetry"
"Religion and the Freedom of the Mind"
"Religion's Limitations"
"Religiosity Versus the Christian Gospel"
"The Religious Assumptions of Adam Smith"
"The Religious Assumptions of Karl Marx"
"The Religious Traditions of Our Nation and the Problems of a Technical Civilization in a Nuclear Age"
"The Renewal of Religious Faith in America"
BOX 17 "The Republican Record"
"The Revival of Religion in America"
"The Rise in American Prestige"
"The Rising Tide of Color"
"Russia and America"
"The Secularism and Piety of America"
"The Self"
"The Suez Crisis and the Post-Stalin Era"
"The Specialist"
"The Task of American Liberalism"
"The Tasks of Liberalism in America"
"The Teamsters and the Future of Unionism"
"Theology and Political Thought in the Western World"
"A Third of a Century at Union Seminary"
"The Ultimate Validity and the Ideological Distortions of Moral Concepts in International Politics"
"The Union of the Congregational and Evangelical and Reformed Churches"
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