The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Reinhold Niebuhr papers, 1907-1997
Some or all content stored offsite.
Speech, Article, and Book File, 1913-1965 (continued)
Arthur Koestler, Reflections on Hanging
Joseph Wood Krutch, The Measure of Man
Umphrey Lee, God's Horseman
Leo Lerner, The Itch of Opinion
Walter Lippmann, The Public Philosophy
Perry Miller, The New England Mind
Albert Outler, Psycho-Therapy and the Christian
G. Bromley Oxnam, My Experience With the House Committee on Un-American Activities
Lord Percy, The Heresy of Democracy
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Recovery of Faith
Charles E. Raven, Natural Religion and Christian Theology
P. B. Rice, On the Knowledge of Good and Evil
Russell of Liverpool, Edward Frederick Langley Russell, Baron, The Scourge of the Swastika
Bertrand Russell, Why I Am Not a Christian, and Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects
Maurice Samuel, The Professor and the Fossil
Arnold Toynbee, An Historian's Approach to Religion
Peter Viereck, Dream and Responsibility
Printed articles and reviews
Christianity and Crisis, Vols. II-IV, 1942-1944
BOX 19 Miscellaneous articles and reviews
(15 folders)
BOX 20 (9 folders)
Report, The Negro in Detroit
BOX 21 Books
Foreword to Robert Angell's Democracy and Moral Integration
Foreword to Leon Poliakov's Harvest of Shame
Introduction to Wilbur Schramm's Responsibility in Mass Communications
Pious and Secular America
The Self and the Dramas of History
Man's Nature and His Communities
(12 folders)
BOX 22 (4 folders)
The Democratic Experience (with Paul Sigmund)
BOX 23 The Structure of Nations and Empires
BOX 24-25 Miscellany
Biographical material, class lectures, printed matter, photographs, and other miscellaneous items or files.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX 24 B.D. thesis, "The Validity and Certainty of Religious Knowledge," 1914
Biographical material
CARE Inc. receipts
Class lectures
Christian ethics
Communism seminar
BOX 25 Doctrine of man
Interpretation of history
Engagement calendars, 1932-1939
Printed matter
BOX 26-27 June Bingham Correspondence
Letters sent and received.
Arranged alphabetically except for Bingham's correspondence with Niebuhr that precedes other correspondence.
BOX 26 Reinhold Niebuhr, 1952-1963, undated
(9 folders)
Acheson, Dean
"A" miscellaneous
Bennett, John C.
"B - C" miscellaneous
Dun, Angus
"D" miscellaneous
Elliston, Herbert Berridge
Frankfurter, Felix
Fromm, Erich
"F" miscellaneous
Gill, Brendan
"G" miscellaneous
Herberg, Will
Hook, Sidney
"H - I" miscellaneous
Kirchway, Freda
Koestler, Arthur
Krutch, Joseph Wood
"K" miscellaneous
Lippmann, Walter
Lister, R. P.
"L" miscellaneous
Maritain, Jacques
"M" miscellaneous
Niebuhr, Hulda
Niebuhr, Lydia
Niebuhr, Ursula
BOX 27 Oppenheimer, J. Robert
Press, Samuel D.
"P" miscellaneous
Reston, James
Reuther, Walter P.
Russell, Bertrand
"R" miscellaneous
Scarlett, William
Schiff, Dorothy
Schlesinger, Arthur M. (1917-2007)
Stevenson, Adlai E. (1900-1965)
"S" miscellaneous
Thomas, Norman
Tillich, Paul
"U - V" miscellaneous
West, Anthony
"W - Z" miscellaneous
BOX 27 Reinhold Niebuhr Correspondence Collected by June Bingham
Niebuhr correspondence with persons other than Bingham.
Arranged alphabetically.
BOX 27 Niebuhr to
Elliston, Herbert Berridge
Frankfurter, Felix
Mann, Thomas
Press, Samuel D.
Riesman, David
Scarlett, William
Schiff, Dorothy
Schlesinger, Arthur M. (1917-2007)
Woodrow Wilson Foundation
Wyzanski, Charles E.
Niebuhr family correspondence
BOX 28-32 June Bingham Book File
Papers relating to Bingham's biography of Niebuhr, Courage to Change.
Organized by type of material.
BOX 28-31 Courage to Change
BOX 32 Courage to Change
BOX 33 William Scarlett Correspondence, 1958-1971
Letters from Niebuhr to Scarlett and related and attached material.
Organized chronologically.
BOX 33 1958-1971, undated
(7 folders)
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