The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Reinhold Niebuhr papers, 1907-1997
Some or all content stored offsite.
Addition II, 1930-1972 (continued)
Writings, 1951-1961 (continued)
"Selfishness and Unselfishness and Christian Doctrine"
"The Student Strike Against War and Our National Self-Discovery"
"Why the Christian Church Is Not Pacifist"
Review, "The Essays of A. J. Muste"
"Authority and Freedom in the Catholic Church"
"Detroit," 21 Apr. 1965, regarding diamond anniversary of Niebuhr's congregation, Bethel Evangelical Church, Detroit, Mich.
"The Politics of the 1930s"
"Portrait of an Idealist"
Untitled, Barnard College, New York, N.Y., 15 May 1961
(2 folders)
BOX 45 (1 folder)
"Christianity and Crisis"
"Has History a Meaning?" (incomplete)
"Historical Insecurities and the Final Security"
"The Human Condition"
"The Impossible Demand for Inner Integrity"
"Joy, Sorrow, and Happiness According to the Christian Faith," Union Church, Berea, Ky., 9 Dec. 1951
"The Larger Communities of Man"
"The Meaning of Existence and the Existence of God" (incomplete)
"The Problem of Man's Finiteness, Freedom and Self-Concern"
"Problems Confronting Religious Communities Today"
Short and incomplete drafts and notes
Untitled, in German
Untitled, Union Theological Seminary, 13 Nov. 1955
Untitled outline
Lecture notes
Christian ethics
Christian ethics 221
Christian ethics 222
Seminar, 1960-1961
Various outlines for courses
BOX 45 Miscellany
Biographical material, clippings, notes, photographs, and printed matter.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material or topic.
BOX 45 Biographical file
Printed matter
BOX 46-57 Addition III, 1907-1992
BOX 46-54 Correspondence, 1913-1990
Letters sent and received.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person or organization.
BOX 46 Aitken, Barbara See Container 48, Gwyer, B. E.
Alinsky, Saul, 1972
Angevin, John, 1971-1974
Ansons, Susan J., 1965
Arndt, Elmer J. F., 1933
Baillie, John and Jewel, 1934-1962, undated
Baker, Gilbert See Container 47, Clasper, Paul D.
Baldwin, Roger N., 1939
Barnes, John, 1972-1989, undated
Barr, Alfred H., Jr., 1954, 1970
Bell, William F., 1965-1966, 1988
Bennett, John C., 1957-1989, undated For additional material see Container 47, Christianity and Crisis ; and Container 55, Fox, Richard
(2 folders)
Berlin, Isaiah, 1943, 1949-1953, 1969-1982
Bingham, Jonathan and June, 1953-1987, undated
Bliven, Bruce and Rosie, 1954, 1961-1977, 1985
Bowles, Chester B., 1956
Bowra, Maurice, 1949, 1958, 1968-1970, undated
Brown, Charles, 1989
Brown, Robert McAfee, 1967-1989, undated
"B" miscellaneous, 1953-1976
Carter, Jimmy, 1976-1979
BOX 47 Cartwright, Michael G., 1988
Cary, William L. and Katherine, 1961-1971, 1983
Case, William W., 1927
Centre for Biblical and Jewish Studies, Our Lady of Sion, London, England, 1971, 1980
Christian Century, 1938
Christianity and Crisis, 1972, 1986-1988, undated
Chrystal, William G., 1976-1986
Clasper, Paul D., 1969, 1979-1989, undated
Clecak, Peter, 1977
Coffin, Henry Sloane, 1933, 1946, undated
Cogley, John, 1961, 1971-1974
Coles, Robert, 1967-1985
Conant, James Bryant, 1948-1950
Conte, Silvio O., 1967, 1982
Cooper, John W., 1982-1986
Cripps, Sir Richard Stafford and Isobel, 1939-1958
Crocker, John, 1955-1978
Cross, Gertie and Leslie, 1930, 1940-1942, 1951, 1970-1973
Crothers, George D., 1971-1979
"C" miscellaneous, 1926-1989, undated
Davies, William David and Eurwen, 1965-1975
Davis, Harry Rex, 1953-1960, 1987-1989
Decke, Gerd, 1969
DeGruchy, John, 1981-1988
Denger, Florence, 1970-1975, undated
Dodd, C. H. and Phyllis, 1942-1971, undated
Dun, Angus and Catherine ("Kitty"), 1956, 1965-1969, undated
BOX 48 Dyson, Freeman, 1958, 1979-1980
"D" miscellaneous, 1930, 1942, 1948-1989, undated
Egan, John J., 1971-1982, undated
Eliot, T. S., 1946-1959
Elliott, Elbert, 1970
Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, Ill., 1986
Erikson, Eric and Joan, 1960-1971, undated
Fackre, Gabriel J., 1968-1986
Finkelstein, Louis, 1969
Flesserman, Ellen, 1947, 1977, 1983
Floyd, Richard, 1988-1989
Ford, George B., 1975
Fosdick, Harry Emerson and Dorothy, 1956, 1969, undated
Fox, Richard See Container 55, same heading
Frank, Anna, 1969
Frankfurter, Felix and Marion, 1942-1964, undated
Franklin, Sam H., Jr., 1966-1971, 1982-1990
Freund, Paul A., 1956
"F" miscellaneous, 1984
Gelber, Lionel, 1972
Gilkey, Charles Whitney, 1932
Gilkey, Langdon, 1988-1989
Glueck, Nelson, 1969-1970
Good, Robert C. See Container 47, Davis, Harry Rex
Gordon, J. King and Ruth Anderson, 1931-1936, 1960-1989, undated
Gottsfield, Robert L., 1975
Greenlaw, William, 1972-1975, undated
Gregg, Richard B., 1935
Gwyer, B. E., 1940-1971, undated
"G" miscellaneous, 1955, 1966-1974
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