The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Clarence K. Streit papers, 1838-2000
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Part II: John A. Mathews Files, 1943-1986 (continued)
BOX II:54 1976
General, 1972-1973
Organizing conference, Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire, England, 1972
(4 folders)
Membership, 1972-1975
Notes and jottings, 1972-1973
Nuclear freeze, 1983
BOX II:55 Operations
General, 1973-1974
(2 folders)
Historical data, 1970-1976
(2 folders)
New York, N.Y., office, 1973-1979
(3 folders)
Projects, potential, 1973-1975
Other organizations
American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia, Pa., 1973-1976
Atlantic Union Movement, London, England, 1973-1974
BOX II:56 Committee for the Future, Washington, D.C., 1973-1975
Congress of World Unity, Philadelphia, Pa., 1974-1976
Council for International Recreation, Culture and Lifelong Education, New York, N.Y., 1974-1975
Federal Union, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1971-1985
(3 folders)
Federalism Seventy-Six, Washington, D.C., 1972-1973
General, 1973-1975
International Movement for Atlantic Union, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1958-1974, undated
BOX II:57 Society for Citizen Education in World Affairs, Washington, D.C., 1973-1976
Standing Conference of Atlantic Organizations, Paris, France, 1973-1975
United States Committee for the United Nations University, New York, N.Y., 1973-1974
World Citizens Assembly, San Francisco, Calif., 1974-1975
World Federalists, USA, Washington, D.C., 1973-1975, undated
Youth for Federal Union, Washington, D.C., 1972-1976, undated
(2 folders)
Programs and projects
American Issues Forum, 1974-1975
(2 folders)
Asimov, Isaac, Saturday Evening Post articles, 1974
Atlantic convention resolution, 1976-1977, undated
American Revolution Bicentennial Administration, 1974-1975
Federal projects, 1976, undated
BOX II:58 University projects, 1975
Consortium for Education on Federalism
Agreements, 1974-1975
National Endowment for the Humanities, 1974-1976
Operations, 1973-1976
(2 folders)
Education, 1972-1974
Meaning of, 1975-1976
"Federalist Papers Reexamined," 1975-1976
General, 1972-1975, undated
Global tradeoffs, 1971-1975
Intercom, 1973-1975
BOX II:59 New School Associates, New York, N.Y., dinner, 1963, 1972-1974, undated
(2 folders)
Outreach, 1973-1976
Plans and proposals, 1968, 1973-1975
Radio, 1973-1976
Rockefeller, Nelson A., federalism projects, 1974
Funding, 1972-1975
General, 1974
Producers, 1974-1976
Proposal, 1974-1976
(2 folders)
BOX II:60 World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa., Declaration of INTERdependence, 1975-1976
Bibliographies, 1975, undated
Brochures, 1973-1974
Newsletters, 1972-1974
(5 folders)
Reports, 1972-1980
Publicity, 1972-1975
Reorganization, 1977-1978
Federalism, history, 1973-1974
BOX II:61 General, 1973-1974
Organizing Committee for an Association to Promote Public Support for a Federation of Democratic Nations
Administration, 1970-1972
Background information
General, 1962-1971, undated
(2 folders)
Personnel resources, 1950-1959, 1970-1972, undated
Correspondence, 1970-1972
(4 folders)
(10 folders)
(2 folders)
Federal Union, Inc., Washington, D.C., relations with, 1970-1972
Financial, 1970-1973
Fund-raising, 1970-1972
General, 1969-1972
Leadership, 1971-1972
Meetings, 1970-1972
Operations, 1971-1972
Organizing conferences
Europe, 1971-1972
BOX II:64 General, 1971-1972
Ottawa, Canada, 1970-1971
(2 folders)
Cost estimates, 1971, undated
General, 1969-1971
History, 1958-1963, 1970-1971, undated
Ideas, 1970-1972, undated
Proposal, 1967-1971, undated
Public interest, 1971-1972, undated
Publicity, 1971
Reports, 1970-1972
Roland, John D.
BOX II:65 1971-1972, undated
(2 folders)
Foreign parliaments
General, 1970-1971, undated
Invitations, 1971
Lists, 1970-1972
General, 1970-1972, undated
(2 folders)
United States Congress, 1970-1971
United World Federalists, newsletters, 1963-1969
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