The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Clarence K. Streit papers, 1838-2000
Some or all content stored offsite.
Part III: Association to Unite the Democracies, Inc., 1966-2000 (continued)
Commission to Reorganize IAUD (International Association for a Union of Democracies), 1988
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1990-1992
(3 folders)
Committee for World Security, 1992
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1990-1991
Conferences, 1992-1993
Congressional Concurrent Resolution, undated
Congressional sponsors, 1992-1993
Correspondence, 1986-1999
(2 folders)
BOX III:56 (7 folders)
BOX III:57 (7 folders)
BOX III:58 (6 folders)
BOX III:59 (5 folders)
Declaration of Prague, undated
Democracy 2000, undated
Direct mail campaigns, 1989-1990
Emerging Democracies Symposium, 1993-1994
Europe, 1988-1991
European community, 1974, 1988
BOX III:60 European meetings and conferences, 1992-1993
European Security Seminar, 1995
The Federalist, 1985
Bequests, 1980-1991
(2 folders)
Inactive foundations, 1992-1993
(3 folders)
BOX III:61 (1 folder)
Leases, 1966-1986
Loans, 1987
Resolution, 1987
Statements, 1982-1999
(4 folders)
Streit Endowment Fund, 1991
Frank Fund, 1989-2000
(2 folders)
Fundraising appeals, 1979-1996
BOX III:62 G-7, 1993-1994
(3 folders)
Germany, undated
Grant Broker Association, 1990-1991
Grant funding sources, 1991-1995, undated
Helsinki 2000 appeal, 1990
Helsinki Accords, 1991
Helsinki Commission, 1992
Hovey, J. Allan, 1983-1992
Hudgens, Tom A.
(2 folders)
BOX III:63 1998-1999
(2 folders)
Huntley, James, 1992-1993
Interfed, 1987-1988
International Association to Unite the Democracies (IAUD), 1987
International monetary system, 1988
Internet, 1994
Internships, 1999
Iraq and the Soviet Union, 1990
Japan, 1993
Jean Monnet Council, 1993-1994
Korea Economic Institute of America, 1993
Linnet, Dana M., 1997
Membership contest, 1986
Membership correspondence, 1984-1999
Military, 1992-1996
Miscellaneous, 1985-1999
BOX III:64 Muller, Robert, 1996-1998
Next Century Initiative
Conference planning, 1993
General, 1991-1994
(5 folders)
BOX III:65 (8 folders)
Northwest Group, 1993-1994
Secretariat, 1993-1994
Uniting the Democracies, 1993-1994
BOX III:66 Working groups, 1991-1993
North American Delegation, 1974-1990
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 1995-1998
(2 folders)
Op-Ed submittals, 1990-1991
(2 folders)
Organizational history, 1973-1984
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, undated
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), 1999
Peace organizations, 1989
Photographs, 1986
Program for World Democracy, undated
Brochures, 1991
BOX III:67 Civil and political rights, 1999-2002
Correspondence, 1989-1993
(3 folders)
Country reports, 1991-1993
The Federator, 1983-1991
(2 folders)
BOX III:68 General, 1984-1999
(8 folders)
BOX III:69 (2 folders)
Unite!, 1991-1999
(3 folders)
World Democracy News, 1987-1989
World Government Organizations Coalitions News & Views, 1994-1998
Reorganizing International Organizations for World Security, 1992
Rohatyn, Jeannette, 1992-1996
Russian articles on freedom in philosophical discussions, 1999-2002
(2 folders)
BOX III:70 Schlichtmann, Klaus, 1997
Smith, Henry, 1987-1995
(4 folders)
Spinelli, Altiero, 1986
Strauss, Ira, 1985-1991
(3 folders)
BOX III:71 (8 folders)
BOX III:72 (3 folders)
Tatarstan, 1992
Trade Union Advisory Committee, 1991-1995
Trilateral Commission, 1994
Turkey, 1987
United Nations reform, 1989-1991
United States Association of Former Members of Congress, 1992
Uniting the Democracies (Arlie House Conference), Warrenton, Va., 1992
Washington Institute for the Survey of Federalism and International Integration, undated
World Democracy News, administrative file, 1987
World Security Initiative Conference, 1992
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