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United States Senate, 1971-1976 (continued)
Legislative File, 1971-1976 (continued)
Bill file, 1971-1976 (continued)
S. 2412, amend Urban Mass Transportation Act, 1971
S. 2413, establish National Commission on Wages and Prices, 1971
S. 2414, establish National Productivity Council, 1971
S. 2463, amend Walsh-Healey Act and Contract Work Hours Standards Act, 1971
S. 2539, designate Isle Royale National Park in Michigan, 1971
S. 2632, amend Internal Revenue Code, 1971 S. 2676, provide prevention of sickle cell anemia, 1971
S. 2800, slow migration of people from rural areas to urban areas, 1971
S. 2813, amend Vocational Rehabilitation Act, 1971
S. 2829, strengthen services for parents of runaway children, 1971
S. 2851, amend Internal Revenue Code, 1971-1972
S. 2860, amend Internal Revenue Code, 1971
S. 2871, establish Marine Mammal Commission, 1971-1972
S. 2898, amend Education of the Handicapped Act, 1971
S. 2909, National Blood Bank Act, 1971
S. 2944, amend Internal Revenue Code, 1971
S. 2945, appoint additional persons to service academies, 1971
S. 2956, make rules governing use of armed forces in absence of declaration of war by Congress, 1971-1972
S. 2981, provide for environmental improvement in rural areas, 1971
S. 3000, provide for regulation of surface mining of coal to protect environment, 1971
S. 3024, amend Welfare and Pension Plans Disclosure Act, 1971
S. 3049, provide standards re federal financial assistance to state and local correctional institutions, 1972
S. 3080, amend Lead Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act, 1972
S. 3109, use mortgage refinancing to help preserve low and moderate income housing, 1972
S. 3115, provide financial aid to assist Jewish refugees, 1972
S. 3121, extend Commission on Civil Rights, 1972
S. 3123, impose statutory limit on expenditures and net lending, 1972
S. 3142, assist resettlement of Soviet Jewish refugees in Israel, 1972
S. 3187, amend Public Health Service Act, 1972
BOX 106 S. 3203, amend Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act, 1972
S. 3228, expand Head Start program, 1972
S. 3232, re emergency disputes involving transportation industry, 1972
S. 3351, establish Council on International Economic Policy, 1972
S. 3373, promote utilization of improved technology in federal housing projects, 1972
S. 3391, re Older Americans Act, 1972
S. 3416, authorize members of armed forces missing in action to accumulate leave, 1972
S. 3441, extend trainee program for professional public health personnel, 1972
S. 3464, establish Department of Education, 1972
S. 3485, establish Nantucket Sound Islands Trust, 1972
S. 3492, strengthen criminal justice system, 1972
S. 3495, reimburse extraordinary transportation expenses incurred by disabled individuals, 1972
S. 3521, re juvenile delinquency programs, 1972
S. 3598, re employee pension and welfare benefit plans, 1972
S. 3604, establish safety standards for mobile homes in interstate commerce, 1972
S. 3643, Allied Services Act, 1972
S. 3651, State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act, 1972
S. 3664, enlarge National Institute for Neurological Disease and Strokes, 1972
S. 3750, re military officers, 1972
S. 3752, Medical Libraries Act, 1972
S. 3759, Bill of Rights for the Mentally Retarded, 1972
S. 3769, Interstate Railroad Act, 1972
S. 3842, authorize inspection of dams, 1972
S. 3858, amend Public Health Service Act, 1972
S. 3922, re employment of inmates in correctional institutions, 1972
S. 3936, amend Trade Expansion Act, 1972
S. 3939, amend bill authorizing appropriations for highways, 1972
S. 3945, amend Interstate Commerce Act, 1972
S. 3987, replace Vocational Rehabilitation Act, 1972
S. 4048, extend Developmental Disabilities Services and Facilities Construction Act, 1972
93rd Congress
H.R. 69, amend Elementary and Secondary Education Act, 1974
H.R. 15544, amend Treasury and Post Office appropriations bill, 1974
H.R. 16900, amend act making supplemental appropriations, 1974
BOX 107 S. Con. Res. 20, commend president for terminating United States involvement in Vietnam, 1973
S. Con. Res. 50, favor United States participation in world food conference, 1973
S. Con. Res. 51, express appreciation to Vietnam veterans, 1973
S. Con. Res. 52, re friendship with China, 1973
S. Con. Res. 60, reduction of fuel use by government, 1973
S. Con. Res. 66, re Simas Kudirka, 1974
S. Con. Res. 68, re Americans missing in action in Indochina, 1974
S. Con. Res. 79, anniversary of Herbert Hoover's birth, 1974
S. Con. Res. 84, president to initiate negotiations with Turkey re opium, 1974
S. Con. Res. 91, bust of Martin Luther King Jr., 1974
S. Con. Res. 103, re authority of Federal Reserve System, 1974
S. Con. Res. 107, re proceedings against Richard M. Nixon, 1974
S. Con. Res. 113, re world food shortages and rapid population growth, 1974
S. J. Res. 2, Earth Week, 1973
S. J. Res. 19, National Nutrition Week, 1973
S. J. Res. 21, Atlantic Union Delegation, 1973
S. J. Res. 29, amend Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1973
S. J. Res. 80, National Arthritis Month, 1973
S. J. Res. 94, oil importing, 1973
S. J. Res. 117, Constitution Day, 1973
S. J. Res. 139, National Dog Week, 1973
S. J. Res. 160, re payment of interest on time and savings deposits, 1973
S. J. Res. 173, establish National Commission for the Control of Epilepsy and Its Consequences, 1973
S. J. Res. 188, declare Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn an honorary citizen, 1974
S. J. Res. 196, Earth Week, 1974
S. J. Res. 202, designate chief of naval operations premises as residence for vice president, 1974
S. J. Res. 203, National Arthritis Month, 1974
S. J. Res. 224, March of Dimes Month, 1974
S. Res. 14, appointment of Senate conferees, 1973
S. Res. 50, continue expenditures by the Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, 1973
S. Res. 58, re open and closed sessions of committees, 1973
S. Res. 74-1978, re International Court of Justice, 1971-1973
S. Res. 94, establish international organization of oil importing countries, 1973
S. Res. 106, urge attorney general to appoint special assistant re presidential election of 1972, 1973
S. Res. 115, pay tribute to members of the armed forces who are missing in action in Indochina, 1973
S. Res. 139, establish senatorial scheduling system, 1973
S. Res. 144, oppose salary increase for Congress, 1973
S. Res. 160, establish temporary select committee of Senate to study United States economy, 1973
S. Res. 179, deplore outbreak of hostilities in Middle East, 1973
S. Res. 189, urge transfer of Phantom aircraft to Israel, 1973
S. Res. 200, re national security, 1973
S. Res. 276, disapprove pay recommendations of the president, 1974
S. Res. 279, re Washington Energy Conference, 1974
S. Res. 324, condemnation of Israeli terrorists, 1974
S. Res. 339, re Henry Kissinger, 1974
S. Res. 347, study policy on United States tourism, 1974
S. Res. 362, appointment of staff to standing committee, 1974
BOX 108 S. Res. 363, domestic summit to resolve economic situation, 1974
S. Res. 410, support for president in seeking stability in oil world, 1974
S. Res. 443, re retirement of Floyd M. Riddick, 1974
S. Res. 447, media coverage of Senate chamber proceedings, 1974
S. 4, amend bill to improve protection of beneficiaries of employee pension and welfare benefit plans, 1973
S. 7, amend Vocational Rehabilitation Act, 1973
S. 50, strengthen Older Americans Act, 1973
S. 136, authorize financial assistance for industrialization centers, 1973
S. 200, re congressional aspect of federal paperwork, 1973
S. 268, establish national land use policy, 1972-1973
S. 318, protect newsmen from revealing sources, 1972-1974
S. 324, amend Public Health Service Act to provide nutrition education in schools of medicine and dentistry, 1973
S. 372, amend Communications Act to relieve broadcasters of equal time requirement, 1973
S. 383, encourage persons to join reserve and national guard, 1973-1974
S. 427, provide extension of Developmental Disabilities Services and Facilities Construction Act, 1973
BOX 109 S. 440, make rules governing use of armed forces in absence of declaration of war by Congress, 1973
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