The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Robert Taft Jr. papers, 1897-1993
Access restrictions apply.Some or all content stored offsite.
United States Senate, 1971-1976 (continued)
Personal Office File, 1971-1976 (continued)
Administrative assistant's file, 1971-1976 (continued)
Foreign Assistance Act, 1973
Gun control, 1973
Historic buildings, 1973
Housing, 1973, undated
BOX 247 Inaugural, 1972-1973
(2 folders)
Issue 3, 1974
Japan trip, 1973
Lake Erie, 1973
Lame duck sessions, 1974
Legal services, 1973, undated
Mailing lists, 1973-1975
Media, 1972-1975, undated
Medicare, 1973-1974, undated
Metzenbaum, Howard, 1973-1974, undated
Middle East, 1973
Minimum wage, 1972-1973
Miscellaneous, 1971-1976, undated
BOX 248 Nader, Ralph, 1972
Newsmen's privilege, 1973
Nixon, Richard M., 1973-1974
No-fault insurance, 1973-1974
Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1973
Office of Economic Opportunity, 1973, undated
Information, undated
Medicaid controversy, 1973-1974, undated
(2 folders)
Mental retardation clinics, 1976
Military installations, 1973
BOX 249 Scandals, 1973-1974, undated
Ohio Constitutional Revision Commission, 1973
Ohio Task Force on Federal Programs, 1973-1974
Parks and recreation, 1973, undated
Parochial schools, 1973, undated
Pensions, 1973, undated
Perk, Ralph, 1974
Population, 1973-1974
Postal service, 1974
Prison reform, 1973
Prisoners of war, 1973-1974
Questionnaires, 1973-1976
Railroads, 1973-1975
Research and Expert Resources, 1973-1974
BOX 250 Research laboratories, Cincinnati, Ohio, undated
Revenue sharing, 1972-1975
Rhodesian chrome, 1973-1974
Rockefeller, Nelson A., 1974-1975
Rule 29 Committee, 1972-1974
Rural Electrification Act, 1973
Rural Water and Sewer Grant Program, 1973
Salary increases, 1973
Saxbe, William B., 1971-1973
Scheduling suggestions, 1976
(2 folders)
Secret meetings, 1973
Securities and Exchange Commission, 1973
Security systems in Congress, 1971-1973, undated
(3 folders)
Procedures, 1971
Rules, 1971-1973, undated
BOX 251 Small Business Administration, 1974
Special prosecutor, 1973-1974
Speech background material, 1972-1975
Stanton, James V., 1975
Stockpiles, 1974
Strip miners, 1973
Taft, Robert, Jr.
Appreciation dinner, 1973-1974
Biographies, undated
Committee assignments, 1971-1976
Heart attack, 1975
Issue positions, 1971-1976
Supporters, 1973-1975
Swearing-in reception, 1971
Volunteers, 1974-1975
Taxes, 1973
Tracy, Roger W., 1974
Trade bill, 1973
Transportation, 1973
Truckers, 1973
BOX 252 United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., Board of Visitors' meeting, 1976
Veterans Administration, 1973
Vocational rehabilitation, 1972-1973
Voss, Peter, 1975
Voter registration, 1973
Watergate Affair, 1973-1974, undated
(3 folders)
Westfield Companies, Westfield Center, Ohio, 1973
Wheat, 1973
White House, Washington, D.C., 1973-1974
Wiretapping, 1973-1974
Wolf Industries, 1975, undated
Wyman-Durkin dispute, 1975
BOX 252-254 Appointment books, 1971-1975
Appointment books listing Taft's daily appointments.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 252 1971
(2 folders)
BOX 253 1972-1973
(3 folders)
BOX 254 1974-1975
(2 folders)
BOX 254-259 Caucus/Political file, 1971-1976
Correspondence and memoranda, reports, newspaper clippings, printed matter and related material of various caucus and political groups.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material and chronologically therein.
BOX 254 Ashbrook, John M., 1972
Berry, Theodore M., 1975
Carter-Mondale platform, 1976
(2 folders)
Democrats for Nixon, undated
Gilligan, John J., 1974-1975
Gradison, Willis, 1974-1975
Hamilton County Executive Committee, Ohio, 1972-1975, undated
Harris, Richard H., undated
BOX 255 House Wednesday Group, 1971-1976, undated
(3 folders)
Luken, Thomas A., 1974
Metzenbaum, Howard, 1974
National Republican Senatorial Committee
Boosters Club, 1971-1972
Campaign committee, 1971-1976, undated
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