The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Robert Taft Jr. papers, 1897-1993
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United States House of Representatives, 1963-1970 (continued)
Legislative File, 1963-1970 (continued)
Bill file, 1963-1970 (continued)
Civil rights, 1969
Civil service, 1969
Bureau of the Census
Repeal pay increases
Communications, 1970
Congressional rules and standards
General, 1969-1970
Legislative reorganization
Background material, 1967-1969
Committee reports and analyses, 1969
Correspondence and memoranda, 1969
Floor statements, 1969
Miscellaneous notes and writings, 1969
Newspaper clippings, 1969
Press releases, 1969
Proposed bills, 1969
Consumer affairs, 1969
Crime, 1969
Bail reform, 1969
Destitute defenders, 1969
BOX 43 General
Correspondence and memoranda, 1969-1970
Hearings, 1970
Newspaper clippings, 1969-1970
Notes and miscellany, 1970
Press releases, 1969-1970
Proposed bills, 1969-1970
Education, 1969-1970
Background material, 1970
Correspondence and memoranda, 1969-1970
Newspaper clippings, 1970
Press releases, 1969-1970
Proposed bills, 1969-1970
Federal elections, 1969-1970
General, 1969-1970
Government operations, 1969-1970
Health, 1969
Housing and urban development, 1969-1970
BOX 44 Immigration, 1969
Internal security, 1969
Judiciary, 1969-1970
Financial disclosure by judges
Relief of Dr. Stanley and Mrs. Trees Gan
Labor, 1969-1970
Maritime, 1969
Postal service, 1969
Commemorative stamps
Postal reforms
Public works, 1969
Science, 1969
Student unrest, 1969-1970
(2 folders)
General, 1969
Revenue sharing, 1969-1970
(2 folders)
BOX 45 Trade and commerce
Antitrust, 1969
Ceramic tile industry, 1969
Economic Conversion Act, 1969-1970
General, 1969-1970
Newspaper Preservation Act, 1969-1970
Transportation, 1969-1970
Veterans affairs, 1969
Child care and development, 1969-1970
Employment and summer jobs, 1969-1970
Family assistance, 1969-1970
Food stamps, 1969
Medicare, 1969-1970
BOX 45-49 Committee file, 1963-1970
Copies and drafts of bills, correspondence, memoranda, reports, agendas and calendars, notes, and printed matter pertaining to Taft's work on committees and subcommittees.
Arranged alphabetically by name of committee and by topic of legislation.
BOX 45 Banking and Currency, 1963-1968
Education and Labor, 1963-1968
(3 folders)
BOX 46 Foreign Affairs
Anti-Ballistic Missile System, 1969
Arms control, 1967-1970
Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group, 1970
Chemical and biological warfare, 1969
Committee use of funds, studies, and investigations, 1967
Europe, 1967
Foreign aid, 1967-1970
(4 folders)
Foreign economic policy, 1967-1970
BOX 47 Foreign policy, 1969-1970
General, 1967-1970
(2 folders)
India, 1969-1970
International development, 1968-1969
Latin America, 1967
Japan, 1969
Middle East, 1967-1970
(3 folders)
Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicle missile testing, 1969-1970
Background material and notes
BOX 48 Hearings
Press releases
Nigeria-Biafra conflict, 1968-1969
Science and technology, 1969-1970
(3 folders)
Soviet Union, 1967-1969
Vietnam War
Cambodia, 1970
General, 1967-1970
(2 folders)
Half-mast flags, 1969
Laos, 1967-1970
BOX 49 Moratorium demonstrations, 1969
Peace hearings, 1970
Prisoners of war, 1969-1970
War powers, 1970
World population control, 1968-1969
(2 folders)
BOX 49-50 Congressional Record inserts, 1963-1970
Floor statements given by Taft and clipped from the Congressional Record.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 49 1963-1964
(2 folders)
BOX 50 1967-1970
(7 folders)
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