The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Robert Taft Jr. papers, 1897-1993
Access restrictions apply.Some or all content stored offsite.
United States House of Representatives, 1963-1970 (continued)
Press File, 1963-1970 (continued)
(11 folders)
BOX 78 1969-1970
(8 folders)
Cleveland, 1967-1970
Columbus, 1967-1970
Dayton, 1967-1970
BOX 79 Miscellaneous, 1967-1970
Toledo, 1967-1970
Ohio weekly newspapers, 1967-1970
(2 folders)
Other states, 1967-1970
(4 folders)
Unidentified, 1967-1970
Press releases
BOX 80 1967-1970
(8 folders)
BOX 81 Questionnaires, 1967-1970
Radio broadcasts, 1964-1967
Scrapbook, 1964 See Oversize
Staff memoranda, 1967-1968
BOX 81-296 United States Senate, 1971-1976
BOX 81-104 Constituent Services, 1971-1976
BOX 81-99 Grants and Projects, 1971-1976
Correspondence, memoranda, project descriptions and reports, notes, and printed matter pertaining to requests for information or assistance in obtaining federal funds.
Arranged alphabetically by topic and chronologically therein.
BOX 81 Award notifications
Adams, 1971-1976
Allen, 1975-1976
Ashland, 1971-1976
Ashtabula, 1971-1976
Athens, 1971-1976, undated
(3 folders)
Auglaize, 1971-1976
Belmont, 1971-1976
Brown, 1971-1976
Butler, 1971-1976
BOX 82 Carroll, 1971-1976
Champaign, 1971-1976
Clark, 1971-1976
Clermont, 1971-1976
Clinton, 1971-1976
Columbiana, 1971-1976
Coshocton, 1971-1976
Crawford, 1971-1976
(3 folders)
BOX 83 1974-1976, undated
(4 folders)
Defiance, 1971-1976
Delaware, 1975-1976
Drake, 1975-1976
Erie, 1971-1975
Fairfield, 1971-1976
Fayette, 1971-1976
BOX 84 Franklin
(5 folders)
BOX 85 1976, undated
(5 folders)
BOX 86 Fulton, 1971-1976
Gallia, 1971-1976
Geauga, 1975-1976
Greene, 1971-1976
Guernsey, 1971-1976
Hamilton, 1971-1976
(4 folders)
Hancock, 1971-1976
Hardin, 1971-1976
Harrison, 1975-1976
Henry, 1971-1976
Highland, 1975-1976
Hocking, 1971-1976
Holmes, 1971-1976
Huron, 1971-1976
Jackson, 1972-1976
BOX 87 Jefferson, 1971-1976
Knox, 1971-1975
Lake, 1972-1976
Lawrence, 1971-1976
Licking, 1972-1976
Logan, 1971-1976
Lorain, 1971-1976
Lucas, 1971-1976
Madison, 1971-1976
Mahoning, 1971-1976
Marion, 1971-1976
Medina, 1973-1976
Meigs, 1971-1976
Mercer, 1971-1976
BOX 88 Miami, 1971-1976
Monroe, 1971-1976
Montgomery, 1971-1974, undated
(3 folders)
Morgan, 1971-1976
Morrow, 1971-1976
Multiple counties, 1971-1976
Muskingum, 1975-1976
Noble, 1971-1976
BOX 89 Ottawa, 1971-1976
Paulding, 1971-1976
Perry, 1971-1976
Pickaway, 1971-1976
Pike, 1971-1976
Portage, 1971-1976
Preble, 1971-1976
Putnam, 1971-1976
Richland, 1971-1976
Ross, 1971-1976
Sandusky, 1971-1976
Scioto, 1971-1976
Seneca, 1971-1976
Shelby, 1971-1976
Stark, 1973-1976
BOX 90 Summit, 1971-1976
(2 folders)
Trumbull, 1971-1976
Tuscarawas, 1971-1976
Union, 1971-1976
Van Wert, 1971-1975
Vinton, 1971-1976
Warren, 1971-1976
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