The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Robert Taft Jr. papers, 1897-1993
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United States Senate, 1971-1976 (continued)
Constituent Services, 1971-1976 (continued)
Grants and Projects, 1971-1976 (continued)
Cincinnati Union Terminal, Cincinnati, 1974-1975
Cleveland American Indian Center, Cleveland, 1971-1974
Cleveland Community Health Network, Cleveland, 1972-1974
Cleveland Harbor Debris Removal Project, Cleveland, 1972
Cleveland Harbor Dike Disposal Program, Cleveland, 1971-1975
Cleveland Tank Plant, Cleveland, 1971-1974
Collins Park Water Treatment Plant, Toledo, 1971
Columbia Gas Coal Gasification Project, Mingo Junction, 1976
Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, 1971
BOX 93 Columbus Courthouse, Columbus, 1972-1974
Community Action against Addiction, Cleveland, 1974
Community Action Program, Montgomery County, 1971
Community Development Block Grant, Painesville, 1976
Community Development Block Grant Program, Warren County, 1975
Community Recreation Center, Bellevue, 1971-1975
Community Resources for the Encouragement of Economic Development, Columbus, 1971
Comprehensive Manpower Plan, Dayton, 1972
Court Ordered Desegregation, Dayton, 1976
Criminal Justice Center, Ashtabula, 1975-1976
Crossroads Resource Conservation and Development, Canfield, 1971
Cuyahoga County Airport, Cleveland, 1972-1973
Dayton Flight Service Station, Dayton, 1972
Disaster assistance
Cuyahoga Falls, 1974
Xenia, 1974-1975
Downtown Development Plan, Lima, 1975-1976
Edgecliff College Special Focus Program, Cincinnati, 1976
Emergency Health Services Coordinating Council of Eastern Ohio, Youngstown, 1976
Family Health Planning Council, Toledo, 1973
Farmers Home Administration, apartments, Bellefontaine, 1974
Federal Office Building, Bowling Green, 1972
Flood Insurance Program, Lindsey, 1975
Food Action and Community Action Project, Columbus, 1975-1976
Fort Steuben Bridge, Steubenville, 1971-1975
General Services Administration depot, Shelby, 1976
Glen Oaks housing project, Zanesville, 1971
Great Lakes Project, 1972-1976
Greater Cincinnati Educational Television Foundation "Freeway to Reading," Cincinnati, 1971
Harding House, Franklin, 1974-1975
Harlan-East Fresh Water System, Pleasant Plain, 1971
BOX 94 High Street improvement program, Bryan, 1971
Highway bridge, Portsmouth, 1976
Hiram House Camp, Columbus, 1975-1976
Holmes County Road, Killbuck, 1975
Home winterization, Toledo, 1975
Hough Area Development Corporation, Cleveland, 1974-1976
Human Services Board, Clermont County, 1975
John Sale Manor, Xenia, 1974
Juvenile Justice Center, Mahoning County, 1974-1975
Kelleys Island Erosion program, Kelleys Island, 1975
Kent State Historical Society, Kent, 1976
Knox County Association for Retarded Citizens, Mount Vernon, 1975
Lake County Dam, Mahoning County, 1974
Lake Erie storm damage, 1972-1976
Lawrence County Commissioners, Trenton, 1976
Licking County Manpower programs, Newark, 1974
Lincoln Square Townhouses, Youngstown, 1974
Little Auglaize Watershed channel cleaning project, Van Wert, 1976
Lorain County Airport, Lorain County, 1971
Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority, Lorain County, 1974-1975
Mahoning-Shenango Area Health Education Network, Youngstown, 1976
Mahoning-Western Reserve Economic Development Agency, Mahoning, 1975-1976
Manpower Center, Akron, 1972
Manpower Maintenance Demonstration Project, Akron, 1973-1974
Marietta Erosion Project, Marietta County, 1973
BOX 95 Maumee River Basin, 1971-1976
Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, 1974 Mid-19America International Charter Facility, Cincinnati, 1972
Mill Creek Lake Project, Delaware and Union counties, 1972-1975
Model Cities, Martin's Ferry, 1971-1974
Monroe Manor, Columbus, 1973-1974
Municipal Water System, Tiro, 1972
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, 1971-1973
National Scenic River, Little Miami, 1971-1974
Neil Armstrong Airport, Auglaize County, 1972
Nelsonville Rotary Club, Nelsonville, 1971-1972
Newfields, Dayton, 1976
BOX 96 Nike-Hercules missile base, Felicity, 1971-1972
Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency, 1971-1975
(2 folders)
Northwest Ohio Youth Institute, Napoleon, 1975
Northwest Water System, Scioto County, 1973
Ohio Bureau of Employment Services, Medina County, 1972-1973
Ohio Regional Planning and Development Organizations, Cincinnati, 1973-1975
Ohio River Steamboat erosion, 1972-1975
Ohio State University
Faculty for Exceptional Children, Columbus, 1974-1976
Minority Students Educational Opportunities, Columbus, 1976
Ohio Valley Resource Conservation and Development Project, 1973-1975
Old West End Riverfront, Toledo, 1971-1974
Patient Care Information System, Cincinnati, 1972
Paul I. Hoxworth Blood Center, Cincinnati, 1975-1976
Poison Information Center, Cleveland, 1976
Police Department improvement, Shaker Heights, 1975
Post office facilities
New Madison, 1971-1973
Summerfield, 1972
Tallmadge, 1972
Public housing projects
Cleveland, 1971
Crooksville, 1971-1973
Trotwood, 1972
Revenue Sharing
Bellbrook, 1973-1974
Butler County, 1974
BOX 97 Centerville, 1973
Cleveland, 1972-1973
Upper Sandusky, 1974
Rural Mass Transit Demonstration project, Warsaw, 1975
Salt Creek Dam and Reservoir, Ross County, 1972-1975
(2 folders)
Seniors of Ohio, Inc., Cleveland, 1971-1972
Sewage Treatment Facilities, Lima, 1973
Sewer and water rates, Englewood, 1971-1976
Shaker Heights School District, Shaker Heights, 1976
Solid Waste Disposal and Reclaim Facility, Franklin, 1971-1972
Southern Sewage Treatment Plant Expansion, Cleveland, 1976
Springfield Sanitary Improvements Project, Springfield, 1975
State Route 333, Canton, 1976
Technical assistance grant, Hamilton, 1974
Toledo Express Airport, Toledo, 1971-1972
Toledo Medical College Comprehensive Cancer Care Center, Toledo, 1976
Tuscarawas Valley Legal Services, 1973
Twin Lakes Sewer System, Portage, 1973
University of Cincinnati, Institute for
Metropolitan Studies, Cincinnati, 1973
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