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United States. Work Projects Administration records, 1524-1975

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Historical Records Survey: Printed Matter, 1935-1942 (continued)
New Jersey (continued)
BOX B315 (7 vols.)
BOX B316 (5 vols.)
BOX B317 (7 vols.)
BOX B318 New Mexico
(7 vols.)
New York, N.Y.
(2 vols.)
BOX B319 (4 vols.)
BOX B320 (3 vols.)
BOX B321 (2 vols.)
BOX B322 New York state
(3 vols.)
North Carolina
(4 vols.)
BOX B323 (8 vols.)
North Dakota
(2 vols.)
BOX B324 Ohio
(4 vols.)
BOX B325 (3 vols.)
(2 vols.)
BOX B326 Oregon
(6 vols.)
BOX B327 (2 vols.)
(1 vol.)
BOX B328 (1 vol.)
Rhode Island
(3 vols.)
BOX B329 South Carolina
(3 vols.)
South Dakota
(4 vols.)
BOX B330 (2 vols.)
(4 vols.)
BOX B331 (4 vols.)
BOX B332 (1 vol.)
(6 vols.)
BOX B333 (13 vols.)
BOX B334 (3 vols.)
(1 vol.)
BOX B335 (5 vols.)
BOX B336 (2 vols.)
(3 vols.)
BOX B337 (10 vols.)
BOX B338 Virginia
(1 vol.)
(4 vols.)
BOX B339 (1 vol.)
West Virginia
(5 vols.)
BOX B340 (5 vols.)
BOX B341 (5 vols.)
BOX B342 Wisconsin
(4 vols.)
BOX B343 (5 vols.)
BOX B344 (3 vols.)
BOX B345 (3 vols.)
BOX B346 (2 vols.)
BOX B347 (3 vols.)
BOX B348 (3 vols.)
BOX B349 (3 vols.)
BOX B350 (2 vols.)
BOX B351 (2 vols.)
BOX B352 (4 vols.)
BOX B353 (3 vols.)
BOX B354 (4 vols.)
BOX B355 (1 vol.)
(3 vols.)
List of publications
BOX B356 List of publications, manuals and reports
BOX B357 Historical Records Survey: Addition, 1784-1801
Typescript of Catholic marriages in the diocese of St. Augustine, Fla.
BOX B357 Florida
St. Augustine, "First Book of White Marriages, 1784-1801," Catholic diocese of St. Augustine, typescript
BOX C1-C120 Research Library: State File, 1925-1944
Reports, publications, financial records, personnel forms, procedural and instructional manuals, photographs, press releases and other promotional material, speeches, newsletters, bulletins, memoranda, and correspondence of state and local agencies active in social welfare programs.
Arranged alphabetically by state and thereunder by author and title of report or by topic.
BOX C1 Alabama
Emergency Relief Administration
"Administrative Analysis, State and Local ERAs," March, 1935
"Organization Plan and Forms Used in Birmingham Relief Work," undated
"Summary of Alabama Relief Administration Activities," 1934-1935
(2 vols.)
Work Projects Administration
"Facts in Figures on Relief: CWA, WPA," circa 1935
"Recommended Program For Extension of Operations," 1936
United States Prison Industries Reorganization Administration, "The Prison Problem in Alabama," 1939
Alaska Emergency Relief Administration, "A Review of Work Relief Activities, Alaska," 1934-1935
BOX C2 Arizona
Emergency Relief Administration
"Outstanding Projects of Arizona: CWA--ERA," 1935-1936
(3 folders)
"Report of Activities of the Children's Health Camps in Arizona," 1934
(2 vols.)
BOX C3 "Review of Activities: Work Division," 1934-1935
(2 folders)
"Transient Camps," circa 1935
BOX C4 "Transient Division Report," circa 1935
Public Welfare Board, 1934
"Family Food Standard for Arizona"
"Tax Burden and Public Indebtedness . . ."
Work Projects Administration, semimonthly and monthly narrative reports, 1935-1936
Emergency Relief Administration
"County Organizations," 1933
"Dyess Colony (Agricultural Colonization Project)," 1934
"Financial Report," 1935
"Manual of Procedure, Rural Rehabilitation Work, Division Case Work Department," 1934
Nursing Program, "Report of Organization and Attainments," 1933-1934
"Résumé of Development of Nursery Schools in Arkansas," 1935
"Status of Common Schools and Elementary Teachers in Arkansas," 1934
"A Study of Arkansas Coal Mines and Miners," 1934
BOX C5 "Study of Unemployables in Arkansas," 1934
"Survey of Unemployables, Arkansas," 1934
"A Survey of Fruit and Berry Farms and Farmers, and Transient Labor in the Berry Fields," 1934
Public Welfare Department, "Social Characteristics of Cases Opened and Cases Closed for Special Types of Assistance in Arkansas, November 1, 1936-June 30, 1937," 1937
United States Community Improvement Appraisal, "Report," circa 1939
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