| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Research Library: State File, 1925-1944
(continued) |
"Report to the House of Representatives
Special Committee Investigating Interstate Migration of Destitute
Citizens," 1940 |
"Review of Work Relief Activities,"
1934-1935 |
(1 folder) |
BOX C8 |
(1 folder) |
"San Francisco County ERA Delayed Check
Survey," 1935 |
"Special Surveys and Studies" |
"Progress Report # 2 (Medical),"
1935 |
"Progress Report # 3, 4, and 5,"
1935 |
"Progress Report # 6 (Medical),"
1936 |
"Progress Report # 7, Transients,"
1936 |
"State Welfare Survey, Parts I and II,"
1935 |
(2 vols.) |
"Statistical Summary," 1933 |
"A Study of the Case Load Composition,"
1936 |
"Study of the Social Service Division of
Ventura County ERA," 1935 |
"Summary Report," 1933-1934 |
"Transients in California,"
1936 |
BOX C9 |
"Tulare County Area Annual Report,"
1934-1935 |
"Unemployment Relief in California,"
1939 |
"The Work Relief Program in Riverside
County," 1934-1935 |
Harris, Norman, "History of the Berkeley
Emergency Educational Program," 1934-1935 |
Institutions Department, "Population
Statistics," 1937-1940 |
Legislature |
"Report of Assembly Interim Committee on
Unemployment Relief," undated |
"A Study of Administrative Expenses in the
State Relief Administration," by University of California, Berkeley,
Bureau of Public Administration, 1941 |
Lewis, M. H., "New Functions and Possible
Organization of Public Social Work in California," address delivered at the
California Conference of Social Work, 1936 |
Los Angeles City Board of Education,
"Emergency Adult Program," 1935 |
BOX C10 |
Los Angeles Community Welfare Federation,
"Class Specifications for All Positions in Agencies and Institutions
Receiving Support from the Los Angeles Community Welfare Federation,"
1934 |
Los Angeles Council of Social
Agencies |
"Standards for Relief," 1933 |
"A Study of Transients Applying for
Medical Care at Free and Part-Pay Clinics in Los Angeles,"
1937 |
Los Angeles County |
Budget and Research Department |
"Medical Care of Indigents Outside
County Institutions," 1936 |
"A Proposed Plan for the Care of
Indigent Single Men in County of Los Angeles," 1937 |
Charities Department, "The Administration
of Funds for Unemployment Relief by the Los Angeles County Department of
Charities Prior to Nov. 24, 1933," 1933 |
BOX C11 |
Efficiency Bureau, "A Proposed Board of
Public Works," 1935 |
Police Department, "Transiency in Southern
California," 1937 |
Rehabilitation Department |
"Problems of Rehabilitation in Los
Angeles County," circa 1935 |
"A Survey of the Department of
Rehabilitation of Los Angeles County," 1935 |
"The Los Angeles Plan of Vocational
Training for Rehabilitation of Unemployed," undated |
"Manual of Procedure, Accounting and
Reporting for Los Angeles County," 1935 |
McClenahan, Bessie Averne, "Outline Manual
for Field Work Training in Social Case Work," 1935 |
National Youth Administration |
"An Occupational Study of the Aircraft
Manufacturing Industry in California," 1939 |
"An Occupational Study of the Fruit and
Vegetable Canning Industry in California," 1938 |
"Report on the Administration of the
College and Graduate Aid Program," 1936-1937 |
Natural Resources Department, Parks Division,
History of Mining Districts of California, Columbia Series, 1936 |
"A Preliminary Architectural Study of the
Old Mining Town of Columbia" |
"Early Mining Laws of Tuolumne and
Calaveras Counties" |
BOX C12 |
"Popular and Legal Tribunals of Tuolumne
County, 1849-1867" |
"Town of Columbia, A Gold Camp of Old
Toulumne” |
Personnel Board, "An Analysis of the Results
of a Civil Service Examination for the Position of Social Welfare Agent,"
1939 |
San Diego city manager, "City of San Diego
Major Disaster Organization Chart," 1940 |
San Diego County Department of Public
Welfare, "Fifty Families and Their Problems," 1941 |
San Francisco Citizen's Advisory Committee on
Unemployment Relief, correspondence, 1933 |
San Francisco County Medical Society, "Report
of the Special Sub-Committee of the Mayor's Committee," 1933 |
Social Welfare Department |
"Analysis of Population of California with
Reference to Ability of Wage Earners to Finance Medical Care,"
1936 |
"Standards for Day Nurseries in
California," 1941 |
"A Study of 132 Families in California
Cotton Camps with Reference to Availability of Medical Care," circa
1936 |
Transient Service, "Progress and Methods of
Approach," 1933-1935 |
United States Prison Industries
Reorganization Administration, "The Prison Labor Problem in California,"
1937 |
BOX C13 |
Work Projects Administration |
Miscellaneous reports,
1935-1938 |
Orders, bulletins, and memoranda,
1935-1938 |
(6 folders) |
BOX C14 |
(1 folder) |
"Report on Status of Statistical, Research
and Survey Program in California," 1935 |
Women's and Professional Projects
Division, "A Review of 1936; An Informal Report from San Francisco,"
1936 |
Colorado |
Denver Bureau of Public Welfare, monthly
newsletters, 1935-1938 |
Emergency Relief Administration |
"Background Narrative Report: Current
Changes in the Rural Relief Population in Weld County," 1935 |
"Handbook for Unemployment Relief
Workers," 1934 |
"Preliminary Report," 1935 |
(2 folders) |
"Primer of Social Case Work with
Transients," undated |
BOX C15 |
"Survey on Plans Toward Organizing Work
for Women," circa 1934 |
"Rural Relief Situation in Weld County,"
1934 |
Works Division report, 1934-1935 |
(3 folders) |
Griffenhagen & Associates, "Reports on
the Government of Colorado, No. 20: Public Assistance," 1939 |
United States Community Improvement
Appraisal, "Report," 1938 |
BOX C16 |
United States Prison Industries
Reorganization Administration, "The Prison Problem in Colorado,"
1940 |
Work Projects Administration, "The Pupil
Population of Boulder High School," 1940-1941 |
(3 vols.) |
Connecticut |
Emergency Relief Administration |
Charts, 1933 |
"Federal Transit Bureau, Report of
Activities,"1934-1935 |
"Pictures: Connecticut ERA Work Program,"
1935 |
"Relief Fund, Bridgeport Welfare
Department, Report on Examination of Accounts," 1934 |
"Report," 1934-1935 |
"Report of Work Relief,"
1934-1935 |
Governmental Research Institute, "A Study of
the Department of Public Welfare," 1939 |
Greenwich Employment Emergency Commission,
"Report . . . to the Board of Estimate and Taxation," 1932-1933 |
National Youth Administration, "The Program,"
1935-1936 |
BOX C17 |
Reorganization of State Departments
Commission, "Old and New Public Welfare Institutions and Agencies,"
1936 |
Unemployment Commission, "Public Relief in
Connecticut," 1933 |
Welfare Commission |
Bureau of Old Age Assistance |
Blind assistance statistics,
1938-1939 |
"Old Age Statistics,"
1937-1938 |
"Standards of Assistance: A Handbook,"
1940 |
Public relief statistics, monthly reports,
1937 |
Work Projects Administration |
"Connecticut Mayors and Selectmen Answer
Questions," 1936 |
Letters of commendation from flood
victims, 1936 |
Professional and Service Division, report,
circa 1940 |
"WPA in New Haven: A Survey of 2593 Cases
in the City," 1938 |
Delaware |
Delaware Citizens' Association, "Public
Welfare Survey," 1938 |
Federal Surplus Relief Corporation, "Amended
Certificate of Incorporation," 1934 |
Temporary Emergency Relief
Commission |
New Castle County Case Load and
Disbursement Record, blueprint, 1931-1933
See Oversize
BOX C18 |
Reports, miscellaneous,
1932-1936 |
"Review of Work Relief Activities, New
Castle County," 1934-1935 |
"Rules No. 1," 1932 |
"Unemployment Relief: Final Report for New
Castle County," 1935-1937 |
United States Community Improvement
Appraisal, "Report," circa 1938 |
United States Prison Industries
Reorganization Administration, "The Prison Labor Problem in Delaware,"
1936 |
BOX C19 |
District of Columbia |
Public Welfare Board, reports, 1933-1936 |
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