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United States. Work Projects Administration records, 1524-1975

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Research Library: State File, 1925-1944 (continued)
"Report to the House of Representatives Special Committee Investigating Interstate Migration of Destitute Citizens," 1940
"Review of Work Relief Activities," 1934-1935
(1 folder)
BOX C8 (1 folder)
"San Francisco County ERA Delayed Check Survey," 1935
"Special Surveys and Studies"
"Progress Report # 2 (Medical)," 1935
"Progress Report # 3, 4, and 5," 1935
"Progress Report # 6 (Medical)," 1936
"Progress Report # 7, Transients," 1936
"State Welfare Survey, Parts I and II," 1935
(2 vols.)
"Statistical Summary," 1933
"A Study of the Case Load Composition," 1936
"Study of the Social Service Division of Ventura County ERA," 1935
"Summary Report," 1933-1934
"Transients in California," 1936
BOX C9 "Tulare County Area Annual Report," 1934-1935
"Unemployment Relief in California," 1939
"The Work Relief Program in Riverside County," 1934-1935
Harris, Norman, "History of the Berkeley Emergency Educational Program," 1934-1935
Institutions Department, "Population Statistics," 1937-1940
"Report of Assembly Interim Committee on Unemployment Relief," undated
"A Study of Administrative Expenses in the State Relief Administration," by University of California, Berkeley, Bureau of Public Administration, 1941
Lewis, M. H., "New Functions and Possible Organization of Public Social Work in California," address delivered at the California Conference of Social Work, 1936
Los Angeles City Board of Education, "Emergency Adult Program," 1935
BOX C10 Los Angeles Community Welfare Federation, "Class Specifications for All Positions in Agencies and Institutions Receiving Support from the Los Angeles Community Welfare Federation," 1934
Los Angeles Council of Social Agencies
"Standards for Relief," 1933
"A Study of Transients Applying for Medical Care at Free and Part-Pay Clinics in Los Angeles," 1937
Los Angeles County
Budget and Research Department
"Medical Care of Indigents Outside County Institutions," 1936
"A Proposed Plan for the Care of Indigent Single Men in County of Los Angeles," 1937
Charities Department, "The Administration of Funds for Unemployment Relief by the Los Angeles County Department of Charities Prior to Nov. 24, 1933," 1933
BOX C11 Efficiency Bureau, "A Proposed Board of Public Works," 1935
Police Department, "Transiency in Southern California," 1937
Rehabilitation Department
"Problems of Rehabilitation in Los Angeles County," circa 1935
"A Survey of the Department of Rehabilitation of Los Angeles County," 1935
"The Los Angeles Plan of Vocational Training for Rehabilitation of Unemployed," undated
"Manual of Procedure, Accounting and Reporting for Los Angeles County," 1935
McClenahan, Bessie Averne, "Outline Manual for Field Work Training in Social Case Work," 1935
National Youth Administration
"An Occupational Study of the Aircraft Manufacturing Industry in California," 1939
"An Occupational Study of the Fruit and Vegetable Canning Industry in California," 1938
"Report on the Administration of the College and Graduate Aid Program," 1936-1937
Natural Resources Department, Parks Division, History of Mining Districts of California, Columbia Series, 1936
"A Preliminary Architectural Study of the Old Mining Town of Columbia"
"Early Mining Laws of Tuolumne and Calaveras Counties"
BOX C12 "Popular and Legal Tribunals of Tuolumne County, 1849-1867"
"Town of Columbia, A Gold Camp of Old Toulumne”
Personnel Board, "An Analysis of the Results of a Civil Service Examination for the Position of Social Welfare Agent," 1939
San Diego city manager, "City of San Diego Major Disaster Organization Chart," 1940
San Diego County Department of Public Welfare, "Fifty Families and Their Problems," 1941
San Francisco Citizen's Advisory Committee on Unemployment Relief, correspondence, 1933
San Francisco County Medical Society, "Report of the Special Sub-Committee of the Mayor's Committee," 1933
Social Welfare Department
"Analysis of Population of California with Reference to Ability of Wage Earners to Finance Medical Care," 1936
"Standards for Day Nurseries in California," 1941
"A Study of 132 Families in California Cotton Camps with Reference to Availability of Medical Care," circa 1936
Transient Service, "Progress and Methods of Approach," 1933-1935
United States Prison Industries Reorganization Administration, "The Prison Labor Problem in California," 1937
BOX C13 Work Projects Administration
Miscellaneous reports, 1935-1938
Orders, bulletins, and memoranda, 1935-1938
(6 folders)
BOX C14 (1 folder)
"Report on Status of Statistical, Research and Survey Program in California," 1935
Women's and Professional Projects Division, "A Review of 1936; An Informal Report from San Francisco," 1936
Denver Bureau of Public Welfare, monthly newsletters, 1935-1938
Emergency Relief Administration
"Background Narrative Report: Current Changes in the Rural Relief Population in Weld County," 1935
"Handbook for Unemployment Relief Workers," 1934
"Preliminary Report," 1935
(2 folders)
"Primer of Social Case Work with Transients," undated
BOX C15 "Survey on Plans Toward Organizing Work for Women," circa 1934
"Rural Relief Situation in Weld County," 1934
Works Division report, 1934-1935
(3 folders)
Griffenhagen & Associates, "Reports on the Government of Colorado, No. 20: Public Assistance," 1939
United States Community Improvement Appraisal, "Report," 1938
BOX C16 United States Prison Industries Reorganization Administration, "The Prison Problem in Colorado," 1940
Work Projects Administration, "The Pupil Population of Boulder High School," 1940-1941
(3 vols.)
Emergency Relief Administration
Charts, 1933
"Federal Transit Bureau, Report of Activities,"1934-1935
"Pictures: Connecticut ERA Work Program," 1935
"Relief Fund, Bridgeport Welfare Department, Report on Examination of Accounts," 1934
"Report," 1934-1935
"Report of Work Relief," 1934-1935
Governmental Research Institute, "A Study of the Department of Public Welfare," 1939
Greenwich Employment Emergency Commission, "Report . . . to the Board of Estimate and Taxation," 1932-1933
National Youth Administration, "The Program," 1935-1936
BOX C17 Reorganization of State Departments Commission, "Old and New Public Welfare Institutions and Agencies," 1936
Unemployment Commission, "Public Relief in Connecticut," 1933
Welfare Commission
Bureau of Old Age Assistance
Blind assistance statistics, 1938-1939
"Old Age Statistics," 1937-1938
"Standards of Assistance: A Handbook," 1940
Public relief statistics, monthly reports, 1937
Work Projects Administration
"Connecticut Mayors and Selectmen Answer Questions," 1936
Letters of commendation from flood victims, 1936
Professional and Service Division, report, circa 1940
"WPA in New Haven: A Survey of 2593 Cases in the City," 1938
Delaware Citizens' Association, "Public Welfare Survey," 1938
Federal Surplus Relief Corporation, "Amended Certificate of Incorporation," 1934
Temporary Emergency Relief Commission
New Castle County Case Load and Disbursement Record, blueprint, 1931-1933 See Oversize
BOX C18 Reports, miscellaneous, 1932-1936
"Review of Work Relief Activities, New Castle County," 1934-1935
"Rules No. 1," 1932
"Unemployment Relief: Final Report for New Castle County," 1935-1937
United States Community Improvement Appraisal, "Report," circa 1938
United States Prison Industries Reorganization Administration, "The Prison Labor Problem in Delaware," 1936
BOX C19 District of Columbia
Public Welfare Board, reports, 1933-1936
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