| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Research Library: State File, 1925-1944
(continued) |
Minneapolis Public Relief Division,
"Historical Review: Four Years of Depression, 1931-1934," circa
1934 |
Minneapolis, reports, 1934-1941 |
Miscellany, 1933-1940 |
National Emergency Council, "Funds Loaned,
Expended and Insured in the Eighty-Seven Counties of Minnesota by Federal
Agencies from New and Emergency Appropriations," 1938 |
National Youth Administration, guidance
manuals and reports, 1937-1938 |
BOX C56 |
Public Welfare Board |
"Financial Analysis of Relief Costs,"
See Oversize
(2 vols.) |
Miscellaneous reports,
1934-1935 |
United States Community Improvement
Appraisal, "Minnesota State Appraisal," 1938 |
Work Projects Administration |
Administrative bulletins, 1935-1936 |
(4 folders) |
BOX C57 |
"County Analysis of Minnesota One-Teacher
School Districts of Nine and Eight-Month Term," 1938-1939 |
"Report on Statistical, Survey and
Research Program," 1935 |
Mississippi |
Emergency Relief Administration |
"Accounting Manual," 1935 |
"Summary of Activities and Accomplishments
of the Work Division," 1935 |
(2 folders) |
"Supplement to Activities and
Accomplishments of the Work Division," 1935 |
Transient Division, "Summary Report,"
1936 |
BOX C58 |
Miscellany, 1934-1935 |
National Youth Administration, "Tung Oil
Production in Mississippi: An Industry Study," 1940 |
Public Welfare Board |
Financial report, 1937 |
Miscellaneous reports, 1933 |
"Public Welfare Administration in
Mississippi," circa 1934 |
United States Community Improvement
Appraisal, "Plan of the Mississippi Community Appraisal,"
undated |
Work Projects Administration, "Magnolia
Progress" and other newsletters, 1936 |
Missouri |
Association for Social Welfare, "Official
Welfare Services in Missouri: Their Development and Correlation 1821 to
1936," 1936 |
Civic Research Institute, "General Study of
Cost and Volume of Social Welfare Activities in Kansas City,"
1936 |
Emergency Relief Administration and Relief
and Reconstruction Commission |
"August Budget Request," 1935 |
"Emergency Relief in Missouri," 1932-1934 |
(2 folders) |
BOX C59 |
"Index, Legal Reference Book for Missouri
Social Workers," undated |
Miscellaneous reports,
1933-1934 |
Missouri University, Rural Sociology
Department, "Short Training Course for Public Welfare Workers,"
1934 |
St. Louis, monthly statistics reports,
1935-1938 |
McCabe, Alice R. "Personnel and Employment
Practices in Six Social Case Work Agencies in St. Louis, 1936," master's
thesis in public administration, Washington University, St.
Louis |
St. Louis, reports concerning,
1933 |
Self-Help Cooperatives, "Resume of
Conference," 1935 |
United States Prison Industries
Reorganization Administration, "The Prison Problem in Missouri,"
1938 |
BOX C60 |
Work Projects Administration |
"Report on St. Louis Railroad Atlas,"
1936 |
St. Louis census study, 1940 |
Montana |
Emergency Relief Administration |
"A Graphic and Pictorial Chronicle of
Montana's Relief Activities," 1934 |
(2 folders) |
"Office Manual, Social Welfare
Department,"1934 |
BOX C61 |
"Recapitulation of County Expenditures,"
1932-1933 |
"Work Division Activities," 1935 |
(2 folders) |
National Youth Administration |
"Report of the Guidance-Placement
Conference, 1937 |
"Report to His Excellency, the Governor,"
1937 |
BOX C62 |
"Resume of Program," 1936 |
United States Community Improvement
Appraisal, "An Evaluation and Appraisal of the Federal Work Program in
Montana," 1938 |
Nebraska |
Emergency Relief Administration |
"Nebraska Procedure for Administering
Emergency Medical, Dental and Nursing-Care Service," 1934 |
"A Study of the Rural Rehabilitation
Program," 1935 |
National Youth Administration, "Growing,
Marketing and Processing Corn: An Occupational Study," 1939 |
Nebraska Conference for Social Work,
"Proceedings, Annual Meeting," 1936 |
United States Community Improvement
Appraisal, "Nebraska," undated |
Work Projects Administration, "Progress in
Nebraska," newsletter, 1935 |
Nevada |
Emergency Relief Administration, "The Drought
Relief Program in Nevada," 1934-1936 |
Miscellaneous reports, 1931-1934 |
National Youth Administration, "Occupational
Survey of State of Nevada," 1936 |
BOX C63 |
United States Community Improvement
Appraisal, "Report of Works Program Projects under the University of
Nevada," 1938 |
New Hampshire |
Citizens Relief Study Committee, "Relief
Administration Facts and Problems," 1935 |
Emergency Relief Administration |
Bingham, Harold C., "Characteristics of
People on Relief Rolls in New Hampshire," 1934-1935 |
"Financial Report," 1933-1935 |
"Report of the Works Division,"
1934-1935 |
BOX C64 |
"A Study of Labor Statistics of the New
Hampshire State Highway Department for the Period from February to
December 1934," 1935 |
"Survey, Relief in New Hampshire," circa
1934 |
National Youth Administration, "Report on
Camp Chipewas," 1937 |
United States Community Improvement
Appraisal, report, 1938 |
New Jersey |
Emergency Relief Administration |
Administrative announcements and
statements, 1932-1935, undated |
"Family Resources Under Normal, Relief and
WPA Economies," 1936 |
Information bulletins, 1933,
undated |
"Men in Camp," 1936 |
Relief reports, 1933 |
BOX C65 |
Service Project Division, forms,
administrative memoranda, and miscellany, 1934-1935 |
"Transient Training Camp Regulations,"
1933 |
Miscellaneous reports, 1933-1939 |
Newark Citizen's Advisory Committee on
Relief, "Survey of the Administration of Relief of the Newark Department of
Public Welfare," 1937 |
United States Community Improvement
Appraisal, "New Jersey Appraisal Committee Summary Report," 1938 |
Work Projects Administration |
Adult Education School of Ridgefield,
"Adult Opportunities," 1937 |
"Labor Relations: Organization, Forms,
Theory and Practices," 1938 |
"Municipal Direct Relief Cases Reported to
Financial Assistance Commission," 1937 |
BOX C66 |
"Night High School Study Courses,"
undated |
"Report of the Division of Women's and
Professional Projects," 1936 |
Research bulletins, 1936 |
New Mexico |
Child Welfare Bureau, relief surveys,
1932 |
BOX C67 |
"Transient Relief Service" report,
1933 |
United States Community Improvement
Appraisal, "State of New Mexico," undated |
United States Prison Industries
Reorganization Administration, "The Prison Labor Problem in New Mexico,"
1938 |
Work Projects Administration |
"Report of the Activities of the WPA in
New Mexico," 1935 |
"The Sunshine State Builder," 1936
New York |
Buffalo Transient Bureau, Vocational
Counseling Department, "Preliminary Report," 1934 |
Chautauqua County, school testing program,
Stanford achievement tests, 1935-1936 |
Clinton County Public Welfare Committee,
"Public Welfare in Clinton County," 1938 |
Conference of Mayors, "Survey of Relief
Administration," 1936 |
Correction Department, "Training Course for
the Personnel of Correctional Institutions," undated |
Emergency Relief Administration |
"Classification of Work Relief Projects,
by Type," 1933 |
"Emergency Work Bureau, County of
Suffolk," 1934-1935 |
"Food Allowance Standards in the Up-State
Welfare Districts," 1933 |
"Local Administration of Public Relief,"
1933 |
BOX C68 |
"Manual of Rules and Regulations Governing
Medical Care Provided in the Home," 1934 |
Miscellaneous reports |
Counties, 1933-1937 |
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