| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Federal Writers' Project: Folklore
Project, 1936-1940
(continued) |
Traditional Folklore, 1936-1939
(continued) |
Dialects and jargon |
Ghost stories and spiritual and
supernatural tales |
Indian lore |
Phrases and sayings |
BOX A681 |
Stories |
(2 folders) |
Texas |
Beliefs and customs |
Amusements |
Celebrations |
(2 folders) |
Deaths and burials |
Dress |
Food |
Marriages |
Religious |
Remedies and cures |
Superstitions |
Children's lore |
Dances |
BOX A682 |
Dialects and jargon |
Historical figures |
Indian lore |
Local history |
Local lore |
(3 folders) |
BOX A683 |
Miscellany |
(3 folders) |
Negro lore |
Occupational lore |
Phrases and sayings |
Pioneer lore |
Plays |
Poetry and verse |
Songs, ballads, and rhymes |
(1 folder) |
BOX A684 |
(2 folders) |
Spiritual and supernatural
tales |
Sports lore |
Stories |
(1 folder) |
BOX A685 |
(2 folders) |
Weather lore |
Western and cowboy lore |
(3 folders) |
Witchcraft and the occult |
BOX A686 |
Utah |
Beliefs and customs |
Amusements |
Celebrations |
Dress |
Religious |
Remedies and cures |
Superstitions |
Dances |
Dialects and jargon |
Ghost stories and spiritual and
supernatural tales |
Indian lore |
Jokes and riddles |
Local history |
Local lore |
Miscellany |
Occupational lore |
Pioneer lore |
Poetry and verse |
Proverbs |
Recipes |
Songs, ballads, and rhymes |
Stories |
Weather lore |
Western and cowboy lore |
Vermont |
Beliefs and customs |
Amusements |
Celebrations |
Dances |
Food |
Superstitions |
Dances |
Local history |
Local lore |
BOX A687 |
Miscellany |
Phrases and sayings |
Poetry and verse |
Proverbs |
Recipes |
Songs, ballads, and rhymes |
Stories |
Virginia |
Administrative material |
General |
Informants |
Beliefs and customs |
Amusements |
Celebrations |
Marriages |
Religious |
Remedies and cures |
Superstitions |
Dances |
Dialects and jargon |
Dreams |
Ghost stories and spiritual and
supernatural tales |
Jokes and riddles |
Local lore |
(2 folders) |
Miscellany |
BOX A688 |
Negro lore |
Occupational lore |
Phrases and sayings |
Poetry and verse |
Proverbs |
Recipes |
Songs, ballads, and rhymes (Bruce A.
Rosenberg index) |
Nos. 1-1099 |
(6 folders) |
BOX A689 |
Nos. 1100-1599 and unindexed |
(3 folders) |
Sports lore |
Stories |
Witchcraft |
Washington |
Beliefs and customs |
Amusements |
Celebrations |
Next Page » |