| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Federal Writers' Project:
Social-Ethnic Studies, 1789-1940
(continued) |
Supplemental material |
Segment 2 |
Table of contents |
Drafts |
Segment 3 |
Table of contents |
Drafts |
Life histories |
BOX A746 |
Miscellany |
Georgia, Greeks |
Administrative and reference
material |
Life histories |
Idaho, Greeks |
For additional material See Containers
A739-A742, Chicago, Ill.
General |
Greeks |
Lithuanians |
Indiana |
Creoles, "The Creole Pioneers At Old Post
Vincennes" |
Chapters 1-3 |
BOX A747 |
Chapters 4-8 |
Greeks |
Iowa, Greeks |
Kansas |
Greeks |
Lithuanians |
Maine, Greeks |
Maryland |
Greeks |
Lithuanians |
Massachusetts For additional material on
Armenians, Estonians, Finns, Irish, Japanese, and Letts,
See Containers A786-787, "From These
Albanians |
"Albanians in Massachusetts," |
(2 folders) |
Essays |
Armenians |
Greeks |
Foreign language press |
Albanian |
BOX A748 |
Arabic |
Armenian |
French |
Italian |
Letts (Latvians) |
Michigan, Lithuanians |
Minnesota |
"The Finns in Minnesota" |
Foreign language press |
Lithuanians |
Mississippi, Greeks |
Nebraska |
Bohemians |
Czechs |
Danes |
Administrative and reference
material |
Essays |
General |
Administrative and reference
material |
Essays |
Germans |
Administrative and reference material,
1855-1934 |
Essays |
Life histories |
BOX A749 |
Greeks |
Administrative and reference
material |
Essays |
Life histories |
Newspapers |
Italians |
Jewish culture |
Lithuanians |
Administrative and reference
material |
Essays |
Life histories |
Mexicans |
Russians |
Swedish |
Administrative and reference
material |
Essays |
Life histories |
New Jersey |
Italians |
Administrative and reference
material |
Essays |
Life histories
See also Containers A793-794, New
New Mexico, Greeks |
New York, N.Y. |
Czechs and Yugoslavians |
Finns |
Foreign language press |
General |
Germans |
Greeks |
Administrative and reference
material |
BOX A750 |
Greek press |
Gianakoulis, Theodore |
"Amusements" |
"Appreciation of Greek Art"
"Greek Folk Dances in New York"
"Greek Immigration" |
"Greek Societies in the Metropolis"
"Greeks in Business and Industry"
"Intellectual and Cultural Life"
"Original Settlers in the
Metropolis" |
General essays |
(1 folder) |
BOX A751 |
(5 folders) |
Miscellany |
BOX A752 |
Irish |
"The Irish of New York" |
Irish study |
Table of contents |
Chapter drafts |
(8 folders) |
Jewish culture |
Administrative material |
"The Jews of New York" |
Administrative material |
Part 1, draft |
"Kaleidoscope: The Jews of New
York" |
Landsmanschaften |
BOX A753 |
Negroes, "The Negroes of New York,"
draft |
Romanians, Estonians, Latvians, and
Lithuanians |
Russians and Poles |
Scandinavians |
Next Page » |