| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Federal Writers' Project:
Social-Ethnic Studies, 1789-1940
(continued) |
Spaniards |
Administrative and reference
material |
Life histories |
Yugoslavians |
New York state, "Foreign Elements" |
North Carolina, Greeks |
Administrative and reference material,
1930-1939 |
Essays |
Life histories |
BOX A754 |
North Dakota |
Greeks |
Lithuanians |
Ohio |
Akron |
Ethnic survey |
Interview manual and
outlines |
Preference test |
(4 folders) |
BOX A755 |
Score sheets |
(5 folders) |
BOX A756 |
(1 folder) |
Labor migration study, rubber
industry |
Hungarians |
Lithuanians |
Oklahoma |
Greeks |
Western Americans |
Oregon |
Danes |
General |
Administrative and reference
material |
Essays |
Germans |
Administrative and reference
material |
Life histories |
Greeks |
Administrative and reference
material |
Essays |
Life histories |
Irish |
Lithuanians |
Administrative and reference
material |
Essays |
Life histories |
Miscellany |
BOX A757 |
Norwegians |
(2 folders) |
Portland, Albina District |
(2 folders) |
BOX A758 |
Swedes |
(3 folders) |
Pennsylvania |
General |
Administrative and reference
material |
Correspondence, 1939 |
Essays |
Germans |
Greeks |
Administrative and reference
material |
Essays |
Life histories |
Hungarians |
Irish |
BOX A759 |
Italians |
Jewish culture |
Lithuanians |
Administrative and reference
material |
Essays |
Life histories |
"The Negro in Philadelphia" |
Poles |
Welsh |
Rhode Island, Portuguese, essays |
South Dakota, Greeks |
Tennessee, Greeks |
Texas |
Czechs |
Administrative and reference
material |
Life histories |
Chinese |
Danes |
French |
General |
Administrative and reference
material |
Essays |
Life histories |
Hindus |
Irish |
Italians |
Japanese |
Jewish culture |
Mexicans |
Administrative and reference
material |
Essays |
Scandinavians |
Essays |
Life histories |
Spaniards |
Administrative and reference
material |
Essays |
Swiss |
BOX A760 |
Utah, Greeks |
Vermont |
Finns |
Greeks |
Administrative and reference
material |
Essays |
Life histories |
(2 folders) |
Swedes |
Washington |
General |
Greeks |
West Virginia |
General |
Lithuanians |
Administrative and reference
material |
Newspapers |
"Mining Community" |
Wisconsin |
French |
Gypsies |
Poles, "Polish People of Portage
County" |
Wyoming, Greeks |
Miscellaneous studies, Philippines language
press |
Next Page » |