| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Federal Writers' Project: Negro
Studies Project, 1722-1939
(continued) |
Biographical sketches |
Contemporary culture |
Croatians |
General |
Folklore |
Historical material |
Miscellany |
Narrative stories |
Slavery |
BOX A889 |
Tennessee |
Biographical sketches |
Contemporary culture |
Folklore |
Historical material |
Miscellany |
Slavery |
Texas |
Biographical sketches |
Contemporary culture |
Folklore |
Historical material |
(2 folders) |
Narrative stories |
Slavery |
General |
"The History of a Texas Slave Plantation,"
1922 |
Utah |
Historical material |
Miscellany |
Slavery |
BOX A890 |
Vermont, historical material,
1777-1870 |
Virginia |
Biographical sketches |
Contemporary culture |
Historical material |
Narrative stories |
Slavery |
Washington |
Biographical sketches |
Contemporary culture |
Folklore |
Historical material |
Slavery |
West Virginia, historical material |
Wisconsin |
Historical material |
Slavery |
Miscellany |
BOX A891-A932 |
Federal Writers' Project: Slave
Narrative Project, 1530-circa 1945
Oral testimony of former slaves, appraisal or analysis sheets containing
information regarding the interviews or narratives, legal documents, newspaper
clippings, and court records. |
Arranged alphabetically by state and thereunder by type of material with non-slave
narratives at the end. A list of the narratives is included in the first
container. |
Volumes containing edited slave narratives appear in Containers A917-A932 which
are also available on microfilm. Microfilm shelf no. 23,423 |
BOX A891 |
List of narratives held in the
Library of Congress
See also Containers D1-D55, Slave Narrative
Indexing Project
State file, 1530-circa 1945 |
Alabama |
Appraisal sheets, A-Y |
(2 folders) |
Descriptive list of materials |
Slave and free Black
documentation |
Laws and ordinances,
1805-1856 |
Legal documents and court records,
1795-1866 |
Newspaper articles and advertisements,
1828-1871 |
BOX A892 |
Miscellany |
Slave narratives |
Abercrombie-Dirt |
Early-King |
Leslie-Strickland |
Taylor-Young |
Composite |
BOX A893 |
Unused material |
Non-slave narratives |
Arkansas |
Appraisal sheets |
A-N |
(4 folders) |
BOX A894 |
O-Y |
(2 folders) |
Slave and free black
documentation |
Newspaper articles and advertisements,
1929-1934 |
Miscellany |
Slave narratives |
Abbott-Armstrong |
Baccus-Bowdry |
Boyd-Byrd |
Cannon-Curry |
BOX A895 |
Dandridge-Dunwoody |
Elliott-Fritz |
Gadson-Guidon |
Hadley-Hill |
Hines-Jackson |
Jefson-Justice |
Keaton-Luckett |
BOX A896 |
McClendon-Myhand |
Nabors-Prayer |
Quinn-Rye |
Samuels-Street |
Tabon-Vaughn |
Wadell-Wilks |
Williams-Young |
BOX A897 |
Unused material |
Non-slave narratives |
Aiken-Junell |
Kemer-Young |
District of Columbia, slave narratives, Mary
Barnes and Lancy Harris |
Florida |
Appraisal sheets, B-W |
Slave narratives |
Anderson-Lycurgas |
McCray-Wilson |
Georgia |
Appraisal sheets, B-W |
Descriptive list of materials |
BOX A898 |
Slave and free black
documentation |
Laws and ordinances,
1732-1862 |
Legal documents and court records,
undated |
Newspaper articles and advertisements,
1769-1903 |
Miscellany |
Slave narratives |
Adams-Griffin |
Harmon-Jones |
BOX A899 |
Kilpatrick-Stepney |
Talley-Womble |
Composite |
Unused material |
Non-slave narratives |
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