| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Historical Records Survey:
Administrative File, 1933-1941
(continued) |
District of Columbia, 1936-1941
(continued) |
Church records survey, 1936-1941 |
(21 folders) |
General, 1939-1941 |
(2 folders) |
BOX B5 |
Manuscript records survey,
1940-1941 |
Municipal records survey,
1939-1941 |
"Guide to Manuscript
Depositories in the District of Columbia," index
See also Container B14, same heading
Instruction manuals |
American imprints inventory |
Municipal records survey |
(2 folders) |
Letters of introduction, municipal records
survey |
Manuscript records survey, Library of
Congress unit |
Douglass, Frederick, index |
Force, Peter, calendar |
General |
Hammond, James H., index |
Memoranda |
American imprints inventory,
1939-1941 |
Church records survey,
1936-1941 |
General |
1939 |
BOX B6 |
1940 |
(3 folders) |
1941 |
Jan.-May |
(2 folders) |
BOX B7 |
June-July |
Library of Congress unit,
1940-1941 |
Manuscript records survey, 1940-1941 |
(2 folders) |
Municipal records survey,
1939-1941 |
Miscellany |
Church records survey |
General |
Manuscript records survey |
Municipal records survey |
Assignment cards |
BOX B8 |
Editorial progress charts |
(2 folders) |
Fieldworker progress charts |
Progress reports |
American imprints inventory,
1940-1941 |
American portrait inventory,
1936-1941 |
Church archives survey, 1939 |
Manuscript records survey |
Monthly reports, 1939-1941 |
Semimonthly reports,
1940-1941 |
Municipal records survey |
Semimonthly reports
1939-1940 |
Miscellaneous reports |
Project descriptions |
American imprints inventory |
Manuscript records survey |
Municipal records survey |
Receipts |
American imprints inventory, material
submitted to national office, 1939-1940 |
Church records survey |
BOX B9 |
Municipal records survey |
Capital Transit Co. passes,
1939-1941 |
Miscellaneous, 1938-1941 |
Rental properties,
1939-1941 |
Requests for project supervisory
positions |
Requests for supplies |
American imprints inventory,
1940-1941 |
Municipal records survey,
1939-1941 |
Sponsors' expenditure statements |
Materials, supplies, and
equipment |
BOX B10 |
Payroll |
Time and attendance records, American
imprints inventory |
Weekly work sheets, municipal records survey,
1939-1940 |
(4 folders) |
BOX B11-B30 |
Historical Records Survey: Manuscript
Record Survey, National Office, 1936-1942
Correspondence, surveys of depositories, reports, and data sheets. |
Arranged alphabetically by state. An index and miscellany are at the end of the
file. |
BOX B11 |
Alabama |
Correspondence, 1937-1940 |
Survey reports |
Arizona |
Correspondence, 1937-1939 |
Survey reports |
Arkansas, 1938-1939 |
California |
Collections survey |
(2 folders) |
BOX B12 |
Correspondence, 1937-1941 |
(2 folders) |
Depository survey |
Arcadia-Los Angeles |
Madera-San Francisco |
San Juan Capistrano-Whittier |
Colorado, 1938-1940 |
Connecticut |
Collections survey |
BOX B13 |
Correspondence, 1936-1942 |
Depository survey |
Delaware, 1937-1938 |
District of Columbia |
Collections survey |
Correspondence, 1937-1941 |
Depository survey |
American Association of University
Women-Folger Shakespeare Library |
Ford Museum-Lincoln Museum |
National Capitol Planning and Park
Commission-YMCA |
BOX B14 |
"Guide to Manuscript Depositories
in the District of Columbia"
See also Container B5, same heading
Corrections |
Draft copy |
Entries, drafts |
American Association of University
Women-Council of Church Boards of Education |
Farm Credit Administration-Library of
Congress |
Library of Office of Education-Naval
Records Library |
Pan-American Union-YWCA |
Index |
Miscellany |
BOX B15 |
Florida |
Correspondence, 1937-1941 |
Survey reports |
Individual manuscript forms |
(2 folders) |
Maps and photographs forms |
(2 folders) |
Miscellany |
(2 folders) |
BOX B16 |
Volumes forms |
Georgia |
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