The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  United States. Work Projects Administration records, 1524-1975
Historical Records Survey: Administrative File, 1933-1941 (continued)
District of Columbia, 1936-1941 (continued)
Church records survey, 1936-1941
(21 folders)
General, 1939-1941
(2 folders)
BOX B5 Manuscript records survey, 1940-1941
Municipal records survey, 1939-1941
"Guide to Manuscript Depositories in the District of Columbia," index See also Container B14, same heading
Instruction manuals
American imprints inventory
Municipal records survey
(2 folders)
Letters of introduction, municipal records survey
Manuscript records survey, Library of Congress unit
Douglass, Frederick, index
Force, Peter, calendar
Hammond, James H., index
American imprints inventory, 1939-1941
Church records survey, 1936-1941
BOX B6 1940
(3 folders)
(2 folders)
BOX B7 June-July
Library of Congress unit, 1940-1941
Manuscript records survey, 1940-1941
(2 folders)
Municipal records survey, 1939-1941
Church records survey
Manuscript records survey
Municipal records survey
Assignment cards
BOX B8 Editorial progress charts
(2 folders)
Fieldworker progress charts
Progress reports
American imprints inventory, 1940-1941
American portrait inventory, 1936-1941
Church archives survey, 1939
Manuscript records survey
Monthly reports, 1939-1941
Semimonthly reports, 1940-1941
Municipal records survey
Semimonthly reports 1939-1940
Miscellaneous reports
Project descriptions
American imprints inventory
Manuscript records survey
Municipal records survey
American imprints inventory, material submitted to national office, 1939-1940
Church records survey
BOX B9 Municipal records survey
Capital Transit Co. passes, 1939-1941
Miscellaneous, 1938-1941
Rental properties, 1939-1941
Requests for project supervisory positions
Requests for supplies
American imprints inventory, 1940-1941
Municipal records survey, 1939-1941
Sponsors' expenditure statements
Materials, supplies, and equipment
BOX B10 Payroll
Time and attendance records, American imprints inventory
Weekly work sheets, municipal records survey, 1939-1940
(4 folders)
BOX B11-B30 Historical Records Survey: Manuscript Record Survey, National Office, 1936-1942
Correspondence, surveys of depositories, reports, and data sheets.
Arranged alphabetically by state. An index and miscellany are at the end of the file.
BOX B11 Alabama
Correspondence, 1937-1940
Survey reports
Correspondence, 1937-1939
Survey reports
Arkansas, 1938-1939
Collections survey
(2 folders)
BOX B12 Correspondence, 1937-1941
(2 folders)
Depository survey
Arcadia-Los Angeles
Madera-San Francisco
San Juan Capistrano-Whittier
Colorado, 1938-1940
Collections survey
BOX B13 Correspondence, 1936-1942
Depository survey
Delaware, 1937-1938
District of Columbia
Collections survey
Correspondence, 1937-1941
Depository survey
American Association of University Women-Folger Shakespeare Library
Ford Museum-Lincoln Museum
National Capitol Planning and Park Commission-YMCA
BOX B14 "Guide to Manuscript Depositories in the District of Columbia" See also Container B5, same heading
Draft copy
Entries, drafts
American Association of University Women-Council of Church Boards of Education
Farm Credit Administration-Library of Congress
Library of Office of Education-Naval Records Library
Pan-American Union-YWCA
BOX B15 Florida
Correspondence, 1937-1941
Survey reports
Individual manuscript forms
(2 folders)
Maps and photographs forms
(2 folders)
(2 folders)
BOX B16 Volumes forms
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