| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Historical Records Survey: Church
Record Survey, District of Columbia, 1735-1941
(continued) |
Redeemed Church of Christ-Salvation
Army |
BOX B67 |
Syrian Antiochian Orthodox
Church-United House of Prayer for All People |
United Spiritual Conference-Volunteers
of America |
Washington Bible Institute-Yogoda
Society |
BOX B68 |
Directory of Independent churches,
institutions, and organizations |
Research material, newspaper
clippings |
Society of Friends |
Spiritualist |
Churches, institutions, and
organizations |
Church of Life Eternal-Psychic Message
Council |
Psychic Science
Temple-Verbrycke |
Presbyterian |
Churches, institutions, and
organizations |
Assembly's Presbyterian-Eckington
Presbyterian |
BOX B69 |
F Street Presbyterian-Gunton Temple
Presbyterian |
Gurley Memorial-Northminster
Presbyterian |
Old Unity Chapel-Westminster
Memorial |
Directories and lists |
Research material |
Bibliographies |
Miscellany |
Newspaper articles, extracts and
clippings |
BOX B70 |
Published sources, abstracts and
transcriptions, 1857-1920 |
(2 folders) |
Protestant Episcopal |
"Calendar of Bishops' Autographs at the
General Theological Seminary, New York City" |
(3 folders) |
BOX B71 |
Churches, institutions, and organizations,
Ascension Parish-St Thomas' Church |
"Inventory of the Archives of the Washington
Cathedral," draft |
Typescript copy with
annotations |
Mimeographed copy with
annotations |
Research material |
Land records, notes and
transcriptions |
Miscellany, 1901-1941 |
Newspaper articles, extracts and
clippings |
BOX B72 |
Southern Maryland Episcopal churches,
related material |
Russian Orthodox |
Seventh-day Adventist |
"The Adventist Bodies" |
Churches, institutions, and
organizations |
Capitol Hill Church-Capitol Memorial
Church School |
Fifth Church-First Church
School |
BOX B73 |
General Conference Association-Mt.
Pleasant |
Potomac Conference-Sligo Training
School |
Takoma Academy-Takoma Park Welfare
Society |
Theological Seminary-Virginia Conference
Agency |
Washington College Press-Washington
Sanitarium Mission Hospital |
BOX B74 |
Washington Sanitarium and
Hospital |
Directories and lists |
"Inventory of the Seventh-day Adventist
Church |
Vol. 1, drafts and notes |
Table of contents and
preface |
Historical introduction |
Chronology |
General conference |
History and tables |
Departments, bureaus, and
agencies |
Education department |
Medical department |
BOX B75 |
Publishing department |
Religious Liberty and Sabbath
School departments |
Miscellany |
Archival inventories, nos.
2-9 |
Vol. 2, drafts |
(2 folders) |
Research material |
Bibliographies |
Miscellany |
Notes |
BOX B76 |
Printed matter |
Published sources, abstracts and
transcriptions |
BOX B77-B104 |
Historical Records Survey: Municipal
Records Survey, District of Columbia, 1937-1941
Drafts of essays, reports, notes, and other research material. |
Arranged alphabetically by name of agency, board, or commission. Drafts of the
publication associated with this project are filed at the end of the series. |
BOX B77 |
Agencies, boards, and commissions |
Alcoholic Beverage Control Board |
Alley Dwelling Authority |
Essay drafts and research notes |
(2 folders) |
Records survey |
(5 folders) |
BOX B78 |
(1 folder) |
Anatomical Board |
Essay drafts and research
notes |
Records survey |
Board for Condemnation of Insanitary
Buildings |
Board of Accountancy |
Essay drafts and research
notes |
Records survey |
Board of Barber Examiners |
Essay drafts and research
notes |
Records survey |
Board of Commissioners |
Essay drafts and research notes |
(2 folders) |
Records survey |
BOX B79 |
Board of Examiners and Registers of
Architects |
Essay drafts and research
notes |
Records survey |
Board of Examiners in Veterinary Medicine
Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Parole
Essay drafts and research notes
Records survey |
Board of Optometry |
Essay drafts and research
notes |
Records survey |
Board of Pharmacy |
Essay drafts and research
notes |
Records survey |
Board of Public Welfare |
Essay drafts and research
notes |
Records survey |
Children's Receiving Home |
District Building |
BOX B80 |
District of Columbia Jail |
(3 folders) |
Division of Public
Assistance |
(3 folders) |
BOX B81 |
(6 folders) |
BOX B82 |
(1 folder) |
Industrial Home School |
(2 folders) |
National Training School for Girls
Office of Deportation of the
Insane |
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