The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  United States. Work Projects Administration records, 1524-1975
Historical Records Survey: Municipal Records Survey, District of Columbia, 1937-1941 (continued)
Surplus Commodities Agency
Board of Tax Appeals
Boxing Commission
Essay drafts and research notes
BOX B83 Records survey
Commission on Licensure to Practice the Healing Arts
Essay drafts and research notes
Records survey
Department of Highways
Bridge Division
(2 folders)
Street Division
(1 folder)
BOX B84 (3 folders)
Trees and Parking Division
Essay drafts and research notes
Records survey
(3 folders)
BOX B85 Department of Inspection, Electrical Division
(2 folders)
Department of Insurance
Department of Playgrounds
Department of Sanitary Engineering
Public Convenience Stations
Water Department
Permit clerk
Water registrar
(2 folders)
BOX B86 Department of Vehicles and Traffic
Department of Weights, Measures, and Markets
Essay drafts and research notes
Records survey
(3 folders)
District Purchasing Officer
Electrical Department, Office of the Electrical Engineer
Records survey
Essay drafts and research notes
BOX B87 Electrical Department, Office of the Electrical Engineer
Signals section, records survey
(2 folders)
Engineer Department
(3 folders)
Fire Department
Health Department
Administration Division
Board of Examiners of Chiropody
Bureau for Tuberculosis
BOX B88 Bureau of Maternal and Child Welfare
Essay drafts and research notes
Records survey
(2 folders)
Bureau of Public Health Instruction
Bureau of Public Health Nursing
(2 folders)
Public Health Nursing Service
Bureau of Vital Statistics
Essay drafts and research notes
BOX B89 Records survey
Chemical Laboratory Division
Division of Food Inspection
Essay drafts and research notes
Records survey
(2 folders)
Hospitalization Division
Freedman's Hospital, records survey
Gallinger Hospital
Main record room
Personnel division
Psychopathic building
BOX B90 Social service division
Superintendent of nurses office
Supply warehouse
X-ray laboratory
Glendale Tuberculosis Sanitarium
(2 folders)
Preventable Diseases Division
Sanitary Inspection Bureau
Venereal Diseases Clinic
BOX B91 Joint Board
Judiciary of the District of Columbia
(2 folders)
Metropolitan Police Department
Essay drafts and research notes
(3 folders)
Records survey
Boys Service Division
Detective Bureau
BOX B92 General
(3 folders)
Statistical Division
Traffic Division
Harbor Precinct
First Precinct
(1 folder)
BOX B93 (4 folders)
Second Precinct See also Container B97, Second and Thirteenth Precincts
(3 folders)
BOX B94 Third Precinct
(3 folders)
Fourth Precinct
(3 folders)
Fifth Precinct
(1 folder)
BOX B95 (2 folders)
Sixth Precinct
(2 folders)
Seventh Precinct
(3 folders)
BOX B96 Eighth Precinct
(2 folders)
Ninth Precinct
Eleventh Precinct
(2 folders)
Twelfth Precinct
(2 folders)
BOX B97 (1 folder)
Thirteenth Precinct
Second and Thirteenth Precincts See also Container B93, Second Precinct
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