| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Historical Records Survey: Municipal
Records Survey, District of Columbia, 1937-1941
(continued) |
Surplus Commodities Agency |
Board of Tax Appeals |
Boxing Commission |
Essay drafts and research
notes |
BOX B83 |
Records survey |
Commission on Licensure to Practice the
Healing Arts |
Essay drafts and research
notes |
Records survey |
Department of Highways |
Bridge Division |
(2 folders) |
Street Division |
(1 folder) |
BOX B84 |
(3 folders) |
Trees and Parking Division |
Essay drafts and research
notes |
Records survey |
(3 folders) |
BOX B85 |
Department of Inspection, Electrical Division |
(2 folders) |
Department of Insurance |
Department of Playgrounds |
Department of Sanitary
Engineering |
Public Convenience Stations |
Water Department |
General |
Permit clerk |
Water registrar |
(2 folders) |
BOX B86 |
Department of Vehicles and
Traffic |
Department of Weights, Measures, and
Markets |
Essay drafts and research
notes |
Records survey |
(3 folders) |
District Purchasing Officer |
Electrical Department, Office of the
Electrical Engineer |
General |
Records survey |
Essay drafts and research
notes |
BOX B87 |
Electrical Department, Office of the
Electrical Engineer |
Signals section, records survey |
(2 folders) |
Engineer Department |
(3 folders) |
Fire Department |
Health Department |
Administration Division |
Board of Examiners of
Chiropody |
Bureau for Tuberculosis |
BOX B88 |
Bureau of Maternal and Child
Welfare |
Essay drafts and research
notes |
Records survey |
(2 folders) |
Bureau of Public Health Instruction
Bureau of Public Health
Nursing |
General |
(2 folders) |
Public Health Nursing
Service |
Bureau of Vital Statistics |
Essay drafts and research
notes |
BOX B89 |
Records survey |
Chemical Laboratory Division |
Division of Food Inspection |
General |
Essay drafts and research
notes |
Records survey |
(2 folders) |
Hospitalization Division |
Freedman's Hospital, records
survey |
Gallinger Hospital |
Clinic |
Main record room |
Personnel division |
Psychopathic building |
BOX B90 |
Social service division |
Superintendent of nurses
office |
Supply warehouse |
X-ray laboratory |
General |
Glendale Tuberculosis Sanitarium |
(2 folders) |
Preventable Diseases Division |
Sanitary Inspection Bureau |
Venereal Diseases Clinic |
BOX B91 |
Joint Board |
Judiciary of the District of Columbia |
(2 folders) |
Metropolitan Police Department |
Essay drafts and research notes |
(3 folders) |
Records survey |
Headquarters |
Boys Service Division |
Detective Bureau |
BOX B92 |
General |
(3 folders) |
Statistical Division |
Traffic Division |
Harbor Precinct |
First Precinct |
(1 folder) |
BOX B93 |
(4 folders) |
Second Precinct
See also Container B97, Second and
Thirteenth Precincts
(3 folders) |
BOX B94 |
Third Precinct |
(3 folders) |
Fourth Precinct |
(3 folders) |
Fifth Precinct |
(1 folder) |
BOX B95 |
(2 folders) |
Sixth Precinct |
(2 folders) |
Seventh Precinct |
(3 folders) |
BOX B96 |
Eighth Precinct |
(2 folders) |
Ninth Precinct |
Eleventh Precinct |
(2 folders) |
Twelfth Precinct |
(2 folders) |
BOX B97 |
(1 folder) |
Thirteenth Precinct |
Second and Thirteenth
See also Container B93, Second
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