The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Neil Sheehan papers, 1910-2010
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Vann-Sheehan Vietnam War Collection: Research File, circa 1920-1991 (continued)
Vietnam, 1953-1990 (continued)
Footnotes for Ap Bac battle, undated
Miscellaneous notes, undated
Ho Chi Minh trail, 1985
BOX 85 Martin, Donald F., "Contemporary Historical Evaluation of Counterinsurgency Operations," (CHECO), Parts I-II, IV-VI, 1964
(5 folders)
BOX 86 Notes and clippings, 1966-1980, undated
Amerasian children, 1982-1985, undated
Attitudes toward Vietnamese, 1967
Dependents, undated
Domestic conflict concerning war, 1970-1975
Mothers, 1976
Stay-behinds, 1974, undated
Antiwar movement, 1972-1981
Ap Bac battle
After-action reports, Vietcong captured documents, 1963
(2 folders)
Clippings, 1963
Lewis, Thomas J., "Year of the Hare: Bureaucratic Distortion in the U.S. Military View of the Vietnam War in 1963," M.A. thesis, 1972
Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Chain of Command (MACV COC) log, 1-5 Jan. 1963, undated
BOX 87 Miscellany, 1965
Notes by army historians, 1963
Photographs and maps from James Scanlon, undated
"VC Battalion 261–A Quantitative Profile," United States Information Service, 1964
Working maps, sketches, and photographs, circa 1963
Army and Air Force of the Republic of Vietnam
1965-1972, undated
Automat Kalashnikov (AK)-47 rifle, 1980-1981, undated
Ben Het, notes on fall of, 1970-1972
Bibliography, 1965
Binh Dinh province, 1965
Binh Long province, undated
Bloodbath theory, 1972
United States 1970 operation, 1971-1975
War and occupation, 1978-1985
(2 folders)
Cao Dai sect, undated
Civilians and damages to civilian property
Miscellaneous notes, undated
BOX 88 Newsweek reports, 1972
Military, 1975-1984, undated
Central Intelligence Agency operations, 1974-1984, undated
Chieu Hoi (defector) program, 1965-1970
Civil service, 1964
Civilian Irregular Defense Groups (CIDG) and other mercenaries, undated
Civilian Operations and Rural Development Support (CORDS)Humor, 1965-1967
Organization, 1968-1972, undated
Songs, 1975, undated
Collapse of South Vietnam
Clippings, 1975
(2 folders)
General notes, 1974-1976, undated
BOX 89 Saigon, tenth anniversary, 1985
United States arms captured, 1976, undated
Committee of Responsibility, 1968
Communications, 1962-1980
Communist Party
South Vietnam, 1966
Strategy, post-Paris agreement, 1971-1973
General notes, 1975
(3 folders)
Tenth anniversary series, 1985
BOX 90 Conference, secretary of defense, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1962
Corruption, 1968-1987, undated
Defoliation, 1969-1983
Detente, 1975
Dien Bien Phu, 1984
Domino theory, 1968
Economic development, 1974
Elections in the south, 1964
Fighting, post-Paris agreement, 1973-1974
Films and television
"Hearts and Minds," film documentary, 1975
Notes, 1968-1983
(2 folders)
"Ten Thousand Day War," Canadian television documentary, 1979-1982
BOX 91 Foreign press corps, 1972, undated
French involvement in Indochina, 1973-1986
French magazine clippings, 1965
G.I. lingo, motivation, songs, 1973-1990, undated
Government of Vietnam (GVN)
Areas of control, 1962
Communist infiltration, 1975
Constitution, 1964
Military conscription, undated
Organization, 1964
(3 folders)
Pacification reports, 1965
Visit of United States deputy secretary of state, 1974
"Hamburger Hill" battle, 1978-1981
Helicopters, 1962
Hill 875 battle, 1967-1979, undated
BOX 92 Histories, 1962-1980, undated
Hoa Hoa sect, 1962-1980, undated
Humor, 1968
Ia Drang 1965 battle, 1990
Identification papers and cards, 1972, undated
Impact on
American life, 1976, undated
United States Army, 1978-1982, undated
Inflation, 1983
Insurgency, 1960-1980
Khe Sanh battles in 1967, 1985
BOX 93 Kien Hoa province, undated
Korean forces, undated
Land reform, 1966-1970
Laos 1971 operation, 1970-1980
Long An province
Experimental pacification program, 1969
United States Information Agency studies, 1963-1964
Maps, 1964-1973, undated
Marine advisors, 1972
Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV)
Annual report, 1967
Background, 1967-1972
Briefing for visitors and newcomers, 1962
Commanders and other staff, undated
Military buildup, 1965
Military draft in United States, 1978-1980
Military strength in South Vietnam, 1973, undated
BOX 94 Miscellany, 1970-1980, undated
(3 folders)
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