The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Neil Sheehan papers, 1910-2010
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Vann-Sheehan Vietnam War Collection: Research File, circa 1920-1991 (continued)
John Paul Vann, circa 1920-1984 (continued)
BOX 41-55 State Department, Agency for International Development, Vietnam, 1964-1984
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, briefings, photographs, position papers, policy statements, planning guides, printed material and clippings, training manuals, and other administrative records of Vann's work as a pacification officer for AID in South Vietnam, 1965-1972. Also includes Vann's diaries and notebooks, most of which are incomplete, award certificates, personnel records, and speech transcripts. Notes and correspondence by Sheehan are interfiled with Vann's papers.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX 41 Assignments
Hau Nghia province
Ambush, 1965
Budgets, 1965-1966
Civilian casualties, 1965
Clippings, 1965
Correspondence and memoranda, 1965-1966
Corruption complaints, 1965
Diary, 1965
Government, 1965
Hop Tac Pacification Plan, 1965
Interviews with Vietcong defectors, 1965
Notebook, 1965
Refugees, 1965
Duc Hoa subsector weekly activities, 1965
General, with statistics, 1964-1966
Miscellaneous, 1965
BOX 42 Monthly, May-Dec. 1965
(2 folders)
Pacification activities, 1965
Vietcong actions, 1964-1965
Sheehan notes, 1982, undated
United States Operations and Missions (USOM)
Administrative records, 1965
Travel records, 1965
Vietnamese documents, 1965-1966
Pacification Training Center, Vung Tau
Memoranda, 1966
Notebook-journal, 1966
Project plans and instructions, 1966
Sheehan notes on dispute, 1984, undated
BOX 43 Region II
Binh Dinh campaign, 1971-1975
Clippings, 1971
Correspondence, 1971-1972
(2 folders)
Death in helicopter crash, 1972
Memoranda, 1971-1972
Newcomers' briefings, 1972
Notebooks (pre-offensive), 1972
Policy statements, 1971-1972
Post-death of John Paul Vann, 1973
Powers of command, 1971
Press conference transcript, loss of Tan Canh, Pleiku, 1972
Press interview, National Broadcasting Corp., 1972
Province Senior Advisors' conference, 1971
Second Regional Assistance Group (SRAG), fact books and rosters, 1971
Sheehan correspondence and notes, 1972-1978, undated
BOX 44 Region III
Clippings, 1966-1969
Correspondence, 1966-1969
(2 folders)
Debrief, 1968
Memoranda, 1966-1969, undated
(2 folders)
Ninth Division operations, 1969
Notebook leaves, undated
Pacification reports, 1966-1969, undated
(2 folders)
Policy statements, 1967-1969
Sheehan notes, 1973-1982, undated
White House meeting, 1969
BOX 45 Region IV
Clippings, 1969-1971
Correspondence, 1969-1971
Fact books and planning guide, 1970, undated
Memoranda, 1969-1971
(2 folders)
Notebooks, 1969-1970, undated
BOX 46 Pacification reports, 1969-1970
Policy statements, 1969-1971
Progress report, 1969
Sheehan notes and correspondence, 1974-1985
Christian Herter Award, American Foreign Service Association, 1969 See also Oversize
United States government, 1968-1970, undated
Vietnamese government, 1965-1972 See also Oversize
(2 folders)
BOX 47 General file
Ambushes and vehicle incidents, 1967-1970
Benoit, Charles, position papers, 1969
(2 folders)
Buddhists, 1966, undated
Chau, Tran Ngoc, arrest and trial
Correspondence and memoranda, 1968-1970, undated
Press reports and clippings, 1970
Civilian casualties and destruction of property, 1964-1970
Corruption, ghost troops and misuse of government funds, 1970
BOX 48 Council on Foreign Relations, 1969-1971
Defoliation, 1967
Disputes with the press, 1963-1972
English-language teaching, undated
Entertainment expenses, 1969-1972
"Harnessing the Revolution"
Analysis and recommendations, 1965-1967
Sheehan annotated copy, undated
Helicopter pilot training, 1971
Identification cards and papers, 1965-1971
"Information for Sub-sector Advisors," undated
Kennedy, Edward M., tour of Vietnam, 1967-1968
Maps and miscellany, 1970, undated
Montagnards, 1971-1972
Negotiations and residual force, 1972, undated
Documents, 1968-1971
Sheehan notes and correspondence, 1974-1976, undated
Orientation memoranda, undated
BOX 49 Pacification position papers and reports, 1964-1969, undated
(4 folders)
Pentagon job offer, 1966, 1984, undated
"Pentagon Papers," Sheehan notes, undated
Printed matter
Health programs, 1963-1965
Miscellaneous, 1963-66, undated
BOX 50 Ramsey, Douglas, 1966-69
Reports, 1965-1970, undated
Rubber industry, 1969-1971
Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings on Vietnam, testimony, 1970
Trips to the United States
Administrative records, 1965-1972
Correspondence, 1966-1972
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