| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX 21-22 REEL 13-14 |
State Archive of the Russian Federation
(GARF) [formerly the Central State Archive of the October Revolution (TsGAOR)],
Correspondence, secret police notes, circulars, decrees, resolutions, protocols,
orders, theses, petitions, reports, memoranda, texts of wills, and interrogations.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person, organization, or subject and therein
chronologically. |
BOX 21 REEL 13-14 |
Beriia, Lavrentii Pavlovich,
Oct. 1944-May 1945; Apr. 1955
See also Container 10, same heading
Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich,
Feb. 1937-Mar. 1938
See also Container 3, same heading
Censorship and literature, Nov.
1929; July 1938; Nov. 1967-Apr. 1969
See also Container 9, Zhukov, Georgii
Konstantinovich, reports and speeches
"Doctors' Plot," letters of
Timoshchuk, Lidiia F., Aug. 1948; Mar 1966
Famine and shortages, Dec. 1944-Aug.
Forced labor camps, June 1919-Jan.
Kamenev, Lev Borisovich, petition for clemency,
Aug. 1936
Kremlin staff, correspondence, Apr.-Dec.
Kruglov, Sergei Nikiforovich (Narkom Narodnogo
Komissariata Vnutrennykh Del, NKVD), reports and correspondence, Apr.
1946-July 1947
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ich (Ul'ianov), thesis on
conflict between constituent assembly of the former Russian Empire and Soviet
authorities, Jan. 1918
Miscellany, Feb.-Sept. 1919; Feb.-Nov.
1925; Dec. 1934-Jan. 1935; June 1941
See also Oversize
Narkomnats documents, Oct. 1922-Nov.
Nationalities, deportation of,
Feb.-July 1944
See also Container 15, same heading
Political situation, internal, May-Nov.
BOX 22 REEL 14 |
Pre-revolutionary material, Feb. 1904-Aug.
Presidium Verkhovnogo Soveta CCCP, decrees of,
June-Dec. 1940
Religion, July 1925-May 1935;
May 1944
See also Container 15, same heading
"Rightist Trotsky Bloc" Affair,
Mar. 1938
See also Container 4, United
Trotskyite-Zinoviev Center
Rykov, Aleksei Ivanovich, appeal, Mar.
Sedov, Lev L'vovich (son of Leon
Trotsky), request for visa, Aug. 1929
See also Container 4, same heading
Sokolov, Nikolai Aleksandrovich,
assassination of Nicholas II (Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov), Emperor of
Russia, and imperial family, Aug. 1920
See Oversize
Container 15, Nicholas II (Nikolai
Aleksandrovich Romanov), Emperor of Russia, and imperial family
Sovet Narodnykh Komissarov (SNK), protocols and
resolutions, Nov.-Dec. 1917
See also Oversize
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovich
(Dzhugashvili) |
Acquisition of archives of former German
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jan. 1946
Correspondence received, Jan. 1944-July
Hitler, Adolf, wills and
testaments, Apr. 1945
See also Container 8, Hitler, Adolf,
Lithuanian Anti-Soviet Nationalist
Underground, Jan. 1946
Romanian Infantry Division, Feb.
Tolstoy, Il'ia Il'ich and Vladimir Il'ich
Tolstoy, appeals, Jan.-Oct. 1945
Trotsky, Leon (Lev Davidovich), Nov.
1919-May 1923; Apr. 1937
See also Oversize
TSentral'nyi Ispolnitel'nyi Komitet (TsIK),
protocol of first session, Feb. 1924
Vsesoiuznaia Kommunisticheskaia Partiia
(Bol'shevikov) (VKP[b]) and predecessor bodies, finances, June 1907-Mar.
World War II, operations, reports, July
1944-July 1949; May 1956
BOX 23-29 REEL 16-19 |
Archive of the President of the Russian
Federation (APRF), 1906-1994
BOX 23-26 REEL 16-17 |
Heads of State File, 1906-1994
Official protocols, directives, resolutions, correspondence, reports,
schedules, memoranda, lists, telegrams, diary excerpts, transcripts of
conversations, forewords to inventories of personal papers, and published and
drafts of articles. |
Organized sequentially by head of state beginning with Vladimir Il'ich Lenin
and ending with Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, thereunder alphabetically by
subject, and therein chronologically. |
BOX 23 REEL 16 |
Lenin, Vladimir Il'ich (Ul'ianov) |
Archives of Lenin, acquisition of,
July 1935-Mar. 1946; Aug. 1950; circa 1956
Brain Institute, research on Lenin's
brain, Apr. 1932-May 1936; Nov. 1969
Commemoration, Jan.-Dec.
Correspondence, official activities,
Feb. 1918-Mar. 1923; Aug. 1962; Mar. 1973; Mar.-Oct. 1992
See also Oversize
Illness and treatment, June
1922-Oct. 1924; Feb. 1969; May 1975; Mar. 1993
Krupskaya, Nadezhda Konstantinovna, memoir
of Lenin's last six months, circa 1924
Mausoleum, Jan. 1924-Mar.
Ul'ianov family ancestry, Mar. 1965;
Apr.-May 1972
Unpublished Lenin documents, academician
Georgii Lukich Smirnov letter concerning, Dec.
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovich
(Dzhugashvili) |
Articles written and edited by, Mar.
1939-May 1941; circa 1949
Correspondence with Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Harry S. Truman, and others, Nov. 1941-May 1945
Illness, death, commemoration, Mar.
1953-Feb. 1956
Miscellany, Sept. 1942-Oct.
Polish negotiations, relations, Dec.
1941-Feb. 1946
Trotsky, Leon (Lev Davidovich),
condemnation of Stalin's policies, June 1937,
BOX 24 REEL 16 |
Visitor log, Dec. 1936-Mar. 1953
(4 folders) |
Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeevich |
Correspondence with Stalin, June
1943-Feb. 1946
Douglas, William O., in Soviet Union,
May 1962
Miscellany, Aug.
Rostov and Moscow party organizations
reports on Khrushchev's removal from office, Oct.
Speeches, official activities, Sept.
1954-July 1961
Summons and appearance before Committee on
Party Control, Mar.-Nov. 1970
Brezhnev, Leonid Il'ich |
Correspondence, official, May
1969-Oct. 1974, undated
Foreign affairs, Oct. 1967-Nov.
International Assistance Fund, Dec.
1971-Dec. 1980
Kommunisticheskaia Partiia Sovetskogo
Soiuza |
Tsentral'nyi Komitet (TsK KPSS),
Politburo and Secretariat Session Protocols, June 1968-Sept.
Life and career, Dec. 1906-Dec.
1976; July 1988
Official recognition, Dec. 1966;
Jan. 1974; Nov. 1982
BOX 24 REEL 17 |
Personal diary fragments, Jan.-Aug.
1976; Jan.-Oct. 1977, undated
BOX 25 REEL 17 |
Andropov, Iurii Vladimirovich |
Foreign affairs, June 1963-Feb.
Life and professional career, June
1914-Feb. 1984; Sept. 1993
Chernenko, Konstantin Ustinovich |
Internal affairs, June 1977; Feb.
1984-July 1985
Kommunisticheskaia Partiia Sovetskogo
Soiuza, Tsentral'nyi Komitet (TsK KPSS), Politburo and Secrtariat Session
Protocols, Sept. 1983-Apr. 1984
Official image, June 1981,
Personal papers, inventory of, Sept.
1956, undated
Thatcher, Margaret, and Hans Dietrich
Genscher, talks with, Feb.-May, 1984
Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich |
Agriculture, Nov. 1979-May
Archive of the President of the Russian
Federation (APRF), creation of, Sept. 1991-Feb.
Ideological work, June 1986-Feb.
Kommunisticheskaia Partiia Sovetskogo
Soiuza (KPSS), drafts, reports, correspondence, Mar. 1985-Sept.
Kommunisticheskaia Partiia Sovetskogo
Soiuza, Tsentral'nyi Komitet (TsK KPSS), Politburo and Secretariat
Session Protocols, Apr. 1983-Aug. 1992
(3 folders) |
BOX 26 REEL 17 |
Miscellany, Nov. 1985-Feb.
Nagorno-Karabakh and Lithuania, Feb.
1985-Mar. 1990
Sakharov, Andrei Dmitrievich, Dec.
See also Container 28, Komitet
Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti (KGB)
Senderov, Valerii A., Feb.
Shatrov, Mikhail Filippovich, play by,
Feb. 1988
Socialist countries, assistance to,
June 1986
Sorge, Richard (Zorge, Rikhard
Adol'fovich), and Hanako Ishii (wife of Richard Sorge), Jan.
See also Container 4, Sorge,
"Uzbek Affair," investigation of Gdlian
and Ivanov, Apr. 1986-Nov. 1989
Zavidovo Natural Preserve, Mar.
Zorge, Rikhard
See Container 26, Sorge, Richard
Yeltsin, Boris Nikolayevich, miscellany,
May 1934; Feb. 1991-May 1993
BOX 26-27 REEL 17-18 |
Regional File, 1939-1992
Official protocols, directives, resolutions and reports, memoranda, telegrams,
and transcripts of conversations. |
Organized alphabetically by name of country and therein chronologically. |
BOX 26 REEL 17 |
Afghanistan, July-Aug. 1956; June
1979-Apr. 1988
China, Jan. 1949-Oct. 1959; May
Cuba, Apr. 1961-Oct. 1962; Sept.
See also Containers 1 and
10, same heading
BOX 26 REEL 18 |
Czechoslovakia, Aug. 1968,
Greece, Apr.-Sept.
Israel, Sept. 1947-Sept.
Japan, Aug. 1945,
BOX 27 REEL 18 |
Korea, Mar. 1949-July 1953
(2 folders) |
Poland, Nov. 1939-Aug. 1941; Mar.
1959-May 1960; Apr. 1971-June 1981; Apr.-Sept. 1988
Romania, May 1944-Nov.
BOX 27-29 REEL 18-19 |
Subject File, 1917-1992
Official protocols, directives, resolutions and correspondence, reports,
telegrams, financial lists, personnel lists, and schedules. |
Organized alphabetically by name of organization, person, or subject and
therein alphabetically. |
BOX 27 REEL 18 |
Atomic energy, Nov. 1944-Sept.
Beriia, Lavrentii Pavlovich, July
1937-Dec. 1958, undated
See also Containers 10
21, same heading
Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich, Dec.
1936-Sept. 1937; Apr. 1988
See also Containers 3
21, same heading
Chernobyl nuclear accident, Feb.-Mar.
1979; Apr.-May 1986
Communist International (Comintern),
Nov. 1921-Feb. 1950; June 1966; Jan. 1969
See also Oversize
Container 14, Third Internationale
Food resources, acquisition and disposition,
Feb. 1929-Feb. 1940; Dec. 1974-Oct. 1978
See also Oversize
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