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Frank Kameny papers, 1843-2012

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Case File, 1948-2005 (continued)
Brinkley, Donald Lee, 1972, undated
Burns, Raymond Bartholomew, 1970-1971, undated
Burton, Peggy, 1972-1973
Buttino, Francis C.
General, 1988-1993, undated
Legal records, 1990-1995
(4 folders)
BOX 16 Callahan, Catherine, 1973, undated
Carlson, Kenneth Lloyd, Jr., 1978
Carpenter, David Frank
Case record, 1969-1972
Correspondence, 1970-1975, undated
Miscellany, 1969-1975, undated
Carter, Sandy, 1973, undated
Catanzaro, Diane, 1984
Chaklos, Gregory Michael, 1982-1986, undated
(2 folders)
Chambers, Curtis C., Jr., 1968, undated
Cheezum, David L., and David R. Ruiz, 1983, undated
Clark, Jeffrey B., 1969, undated
Clay, Ricky Scott
Case record, 1995-1996, undated
General, 1995-1996, undated
Cole, Robert Edwin, 1969-1970, undated
Collins, Avron J., 1973-1974, undated
Committee to Free the Matrix 4, 1973
Congressional Productions
Correspondence, 1992-1994, undated
BOX 17 Legal records, 1992-1994
Miscellany, undated
Cook, Wayne B., 1969
Costa, Joseph H., 1966-1968, undated
Craig, John Edgar, 1992-1996, undated
Crawford, Donald Lee
Case record, 1966-1969
(2 folders)
Correspondence, 1966-1971
Exhibits, 1964-1967, undated
Hearing transcripts
Appeal Board, 1968
BOX 18 Field Board, 1967
(2 folders)
Miscellany, 1967-1976, undated
Statements, undated
Cress, Larry W., 1974, undated
Crook, Alvin Ray
Case record, 1976-1978, undated
Correspondence, 1977-1979, undated
BOX 19 Freedom of Information Act case file, 1976-1978, undated
Miscellany, 1971-1979, undated
Crutchfield, Stuart G., and Devin Kordt, 1992
Dagazian, Rostom Y., 1990, undated
Dahl, Mel, 1981, undated
Dahn, Victor E., Jr., 1971-1974
Dallas, Roberta Marshall, 1969-1970, undated
Dandenault, Jeanette A., 1972-1974
Daniel, Donald J., 1991
Daniels, Albert Leroy, 1967-1968, undated
Darden, Grover D., Jr., 1988-1992, undated
Dawson, Gilbert E., II, undated
Decker, Douglas E., Jr., 1969-1970, undated
Dees, James Joseph
Case record, 1972-1979, undated
Correspondence, 1978-1979, undated
BOX 20 Exhibits, 1978-1979, undated
Miscellany, 1978-1979, undated
Dickinson, Jeanne, undated
Doty, William Bryant, 1992
Douglas, William Grant, 1972-1973, undated
Dumbarton 21, 1974
Dunbar, Jeffrey A.
Case record, 1972, undated
Correspondence, 1972, undated
Legal records, 1972, undated
Miscellany, 1971-1972, undated
Edwards, Robert Lee, 1986-1988, undated
Emenheiser, Roland Dean, 1975, undated
Engellenner, Kevin Dale, and Wayne J. Wilson, 1990, undated
Fairbrother, Ross Samuel, 1991-1992, undated
Farmer, Leonard R., 1969, undated
BOX 21 Fauske, John Arthur, 1985-1988
Fernandez, Claudio, Jr., 1976
Fish, Lawrence Earl, 1970-1971, undated
Flynn, Nadine M., 1992, undated
Forrester, James, 1972-1973, undated
Franklin, Billy Ray, 1985-1987, undated
Frasier, Susan Rae, 1973, undated
Fultun, Roy Lee
Case record, 1974-1975, undated
Correspondence, 1971-1975, undated
Hearing transcripts, 1975
(4 folders)
BOX 22 Legal records, 1974-1978
Miscellany, 1975-1978, undated
Gagin-Figueroa, Michael, undated
Galanski, David Scott, 1981-1985, undated
Galletta, Jerald A., 1969, undated
Gaudard, Donald W., 1973-1974, undated
Gayer, Richard L.
Correspondence, 1969-1975
Legal records, 1970-1975, undated
Miscellany, 1969-1975, undated
Gentry, David Warren, Jr., 1970
Gomez, Charles Michael, 1972-1973, undated
Gordon, Robert Howard, undated
Graley, Mary Ann
Background material, 1990-1993, undated
Correspondence, 1992-1995
Legal records, 1992-1993
Miscellany, 1990-1993, undated
Gray, Sherrie Denise, 1995-1999
BOX 23 Greene, Deirdre A., 1973, undated
Griego, Lewis, 1988-1991, undated
Grimm, George W., 1970-1972
Grossman, Bernard Stuart
Background material, 1989-1991, undated
Case record, 1991-1992, undated
Correspondence, 1990-1999, undated
Gwynne, Richard Lee, 1971-1972, undated
Hallett, Thomas E., III, 1973
Hancock, James T., 1971, undated
Harris, Davis Gary, 1971-1974, undated
Harris, Dennis James, 1969, undated
Harris, Larry James, 1972-1973, undated
Harrison, John Harvey, 1983-1985
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