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Russell E. Train papers, 1777-2012

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Part II: Organizations, 1970-2012 (continued)
BOX II:128 General, undated See also Oversize
BOX II:128 Portraits, 2008
Digital file
In addition to paper material, includes one (1) optical disk. Digital files copied from these media are described below.
"WWF Portraits," 2008
Photographs of the former and current presidents of the Wild Wildlife Fund.
Digital ID: mss85254_168_030
BOX II:128 Retirement, 1994
(3 folders)
BOX II:128 Programs and newsletters, 1986, 1992-1995, 2003-2007, 2012 See also Oversize
(2 folders)
BOX II:128 Retirement tribute, 1994-1995 See also Oversize
(2 folders)
BOX II:129-132 Part II: Speeches, Statements, and Writings, 1950-2010
Articles, drafts of books with related material, forwards, and speeches along with supporting material.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material.
BOX II:129 Articles, 1992-1996, 2002, 2008-2010
BOX II:129 Books
BOX II:129 Foundations of Environmental Sustainability, correspondence, 2007
BOX II:129 A Memoir
BOX II:129 Correspondence, 2001-2002
BOX II:129 Drafts, undated
(3 folders)
BOX II:129 Non-Sequiturs
BOX II:129 Copyright, 2007
BOX II:129 Correspondence, 2007-2009
(3 folders)
BOX II:130 Drafts, complete 2006-2007
BOX II:130 Copy "A," 2007
(2 folders)
BOX II:130 Copy "B," 2007
BOX II:130 Copy "C," 2006
BOX II:130 Drafts, partial, 2007
BOX II:130 Princeton Alumni Weekly, 2008
BOX II:130 Politics, Pollution, and Pandas
BOX II:130 Book signings, 2003-2004
BOX II:130 Correspondence, 2000-2008
(3 folders)
BOX II:130 Events, 2003-2004
BOX II:131 Publicity, 2002-2006
(5 folders)
BOX II:131 Reviews, 2004
BOX II:131 Royalties, 2006
BOX II:131 Forwards
BOX II:131 Ecology Law Quarterly, 1995
BOX II:131 Environment and the Press, 2007-2008
BOX II:131 Winous Point, 2010
BOX II:131 Speeches and statements
BOX II:131 1966-1971
BOX II:131 1984, 1989
BOX II:131 1990, May 18-1995, Feb. 21
BOX II:131 2004, Dec. 9-2005, Sept. 21
BOX II:131 2006, Feb. 1-Nov. 16
(1 folder)
BOX II:132 2006, Feb. 1-Nov. 16
(2 folders)
An attachment included digital storage media described below.
II:DF 2006, "BRIT Award of Excellence"
Video of the award ceremony.
Digital ID: mss85254_168_033
BOX II:132 2007-2010
BOX 132-138 Part II: Miscellany, 1880-2011
Awards and honors, newspaper clippings, photographs, ephemera, biographical material, and topical material.
Arranged alphabetically by subject or type of material.
BOX II:132 Awards, 1965-1980, 1986-1997, 2006-2009 See also Oversize
(6 folders)
BOX II:133 Biographical and genealogical material, circa 1880, 1903-1908, 1932, 1941, 1954, 1990-1994, 2000, 2009, undated
BOX II:133 Bush, George, 1978, 2006-2009
BOX II:133 Calendar, 2009 See Oversize
BOX II:133 Civil service retirement, 1969-1984
(2 folders)
BOX II:133 Conservation organizations' annual reports, 1969, 2005-2007
BOX II:133 Council on Environmental Quality, fortieth anniversary, 2010
BOX II:133 Cullman, Joseph Fredrick, 2008
BOX II:133 Elections, 1972, 2008
BOX II:133 Environmental Protection Agency, thirty-fifth anniversary, 2005-2006 2005-2006
BOX II:133 Events, 1974, 1989-1994, 2010
BOX II:133 Ephemera, 1937, 1965, 2006-2013
(1 folder)
BOX II:134 Ephemera, 1937, 1965, 2006-2013
(1 folder)
BOX II:134 Finding aid, Environmental Protection Agency History Office, 1999
BOX II:134 Interviews with Russell E. Train, 1975-1977, 2006-2010
(3 folders)
In addition to the paper material, folder: 1 of 3 includes one (1) optical disk titled "Voice of the Chesapeake Bay." Folder: 3 of 3 includes one (1) optical disk titled "The Nature of Leadership." Digital files copied from these media are described below.
II:DF "Voice of the Chesapeake Bay," 2004
Audio recording of Russell E. Train talking about his family and life experiences.
Digital ID: mss85254_168_031
II:DF "The Nature of Leadership," 2008
Video of a World Wildlife Fund annual dinner where Russell E. Train gave a speech.
Digital ID: mss85254_168_032
BOX II:134 Muskie, Edmund S., 1990, 1996-1998
BOX II:134 Newspaper clippings, 1953-1956, 1966-1969, 1973-1983, 1988-1990, 1996-2011
(2 folders)
BOX II:134 Organisms named after Russell E. Train, 1997, 2009
BOX II:134 Photographs and slides
BOX II:134 Aileen Train and Russell E. Train, 1953-1954, circa 1970, 2007 See also Oversize
BOX II:134 Environmental Law Institute dinner, 2007
BOX II:134 Fishing trip to Alaska, 1990
(2 folders)
BOX II:134 General, circa 1981
BOX II:134 Long Point, Ontario, Canada, 1994
BOX II:134 Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., fiftieth graduation anniversary, 1991 See Oversize
BOX II:135 San Diego Zoo, 2008
BOX II:135 Train family, 1998
BOX II:135 Political life
BOX II:135 Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations, 1992
BOX II:135 Campaign, 2004
BOX II:135 National Committee on the Environment, clippings, 1992
BOX II:135 White House Council on Environmental Quality, 2008
BOX II:135 Printed matter, 1973, 2006-2007
(2 folders)
BOX II:135 Properties and homes, 1971, 1979, 1987-1999 See also Oversize
(2 folders)
BOX II:136 Properties and homes, 1971, 1979, 1987-1999
(6 folders)
BOX II:136 Reed, Nathaniel P., speech, 2010
BOX II:136 Reilly, William K., statement, 2007
BOX II:136 Religion and the environment, 1987-1993, 2003
(3 folders)
BOX II:137 Religion and the environment, 1987-1993, 2003
BOX II:137 Safaris, 1993-1995, 2004-2006
(2 folders)
BOX II:137 St. Albans School, Washington, D.C., 1935, 2009
BOX II:137 St. John's Church, Washington, D.C., 1980-1982, 1992-1993
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