The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Russell E. Train papers, 1777-2012
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Part II: Train Family Papers, 1777-1982 (continued)
BOX II:146 1944-1949 See Oversize
BOX II:146 Loose journal materials, 1917-1920, 1934-1937, 1946-1952
BOX II:146 Naval War College, Newport, R.I., 1933-1936
BOX II:146 Officer's record of fitness, 1902-1932
BOX II:146 Orders, 1898-1927
(4 folders)
BOX II:147 Photographs
BOX II:147 Album, 1901-1904 See also Oversize
BOX II:147 White House groups, 1930-1931
BOX II:147 Scrapbook, 1900-1907
BOX II:147 Speeches, 1932-1937
(2 folders)
BOX II:148 Tennessee Tar newsletter, 1938
BOX II:148 White House invitations, 1931-1932, 1954-1957
BOX II:148 Reports, 1934-1935, undated
BOX II:148 Train, Grace Tomlinson (grandmother)
BOX II:148 Correspondence
BOX II:148 1926, Nov.
BOX II:148 1930, Jan.-Dec.
BOX II:148 1931, Jan.-Mar.
BOX II:148 1931, Apr.-June
BOX II:148 1931, Nov.-Dec.
BOX II:148 1932, Feb.-May
BOX II:148 1932, June-Dec.
BOX II:148 1933, Jan.-May
BOX II:148 1933, June-Dec.
BOX II:148 1934, Jan.-June
BOX II:148 1934, Oct.-Dec.
BOX II:148 1935, Jan.-Feb.
BOX II:149 1935, Mar.-Apr.
BOX II:149 1935, May-June
BOX II:149 1935, Oct.-Dec.
BOX II:149 1936, Jan.-Mar.
(3 folders)
BOX II:149 1936, Apr.-June
(2 folders)
BOX II:149 1936, Oct.-Dec.
(3 folders)
BOX II:149 1937. Jan.-Feb
BOX II:149 1937, Mar.-Apr.
BOX II:150 1937, May-June
BOX II:150 1937, July-Sept.
BOX II:150 1937, Oct.-Dec.
(2 folders)
BOX II:150 1938, Jan.-Feb.
BOX II:150 1938, Mar.-Apr.
BOX II:150 1938, Aug.-Oct.
(3 folders)
BOX II:150 1938, Nov.-Dec.
BOX II:150 1938, May-July
BOX II:151 1939, Jan.-May
BOX II:151 1939, June-Aug.
BOX II:151 1939, Sept.-Oct
BOX II:151 1939, Nov.-Dec.
BOX II:151 circa 1930s
BOX II:151 1940, Jan.- Feb.
BOX II:151 1940, Mar.- Apr.
BOX II:151 1940, May-July
(2 folders)
BOX II:151 1940, Aug.-Sept.
BOX II:151 1940, Nov.-Dec.
BOX II:152 1941, Jan.-Feb.
BOX II:152 1941, Mar.-Apr.
BOX II:152 1941, May-June
BOX II:152 1941, Jul.-Aug.
BOX II:152 1941, Sept.-Oct.
BOX II:152 1941, Nov.-Dec.
BOX II:152 1942
BOX II:152 1981
BOX II:152 Journal, 1894
BOX II:OV 2-OV 20 Part II: Oversize, 1898-2012
Photographs, posters, drawings, printed matter, and bound journals.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers and folders from which the items were removed.
BOX II:OV 2 Government file
BOX II:OV 2 Council on Environmental Quality
BOX II:OV 2 Photographs, 1970 See also Container 119
BOX II:OV 3 Department of the Interior
BOX II:OV 3 Scrapbook, 1968-1975 See also Container 121-122
BOX II:OV 4 Environmental Protection Agency
BOX II:OV 4 Scrapbooks
BOX II:OV 4 Soviet agreement, beginning of energy conflict, 1973-1974 See also Container 122-123
BOX II:OV 4 Commencement program, University of Maryland at College Park, 1975 Dec. 1
BOX II:OV 4 Organizations
BOX II:OV 4 World Wildlife Fund
BOX II:OV 4 Programs and newsletters, 1986, 1992-1995, 2004-2007, 2012 See also Container 127
BOX II:OV 5 Photographs and negatives
BOX II:OV 5 General, undated See also Container 127
BOX II:OV 5 Retirement tribute, 1994-1995 See also Container 127
BOX II:OV 6 Miscellany
BOX II:OV 6 Awards, 1965-1980, 1986-1997, 2006-2009 See also Container 131
BOX II:OV 7 Calendar, 2009
BOX II:OV 8 Properties and homes, 1971, 1979, 1987-1999 See also Container 131
BOX II:OV 8 Photographs
BOX II:OV 8 Aileen Bowdoin Train and Russell E. Train, 1953-1954, circa 1970, 2007 See also Container 133
BOX II:OV 9 Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., fiftieth anniversary graduation, 1991 (Container 133)
Train Family Papers
Foley, Edward H. (Container 12)
BOX II:OV 9 Correspondence
BOX II:OV 9 Morgenthau, Henry, 1942 (Container 139)
BOX II:OV 9 Editorial cartoons, 1947, undated (Container 139)
BOX II:OV 9 Legion of Merit award, 1959 (Container 139)
BOX II:OV 9 Photographs
General, 1940-1952, 1961-1962 (Container 140)
Train, Charles Russell
BOX II:OV 10 1898-1901 (Container 145)
(2 vols.)
BOX II:OV 11 1901 (Container 145)
(2 vols.)
BOX II:OV 12 1905-1912 (Container 145)
BOX II:OV 13 1914-1917 (Container 145)
BOX II:OV 14 1917-1924 (Container 145)
(2 vols.)
BOX II:OV 15 1926-1934 (Container 145)
(2 vols.)
BOX II:OV 16 1934-1937, 1949-1952 (Container 145)
(2 vols.)
BOX II:OV 17 1937-1940 (Container 145)
(2 vols.)
BOX II:OV 18 1941-1944 (Container 145)
(2 vols.)
BOX II:OV 19 1944-1949 (Container 145)
(2 vols.)
BOX II:OV 20 Photographs
BOX II:OV 20 Album, 1901-1904 (Container 146)
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