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Harold L. Ickes papers, 1815-1969

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BOX 29-92 General Correspondence, 1903-1952
Letters received and copies of letters sent.
Organized in two chronological periods, 1903-1933 and 1946-1952. Each section is arranged alphabetically by name of person, organization, or subject, and chronologically therein.
BOX 29 1903-1933, undated
"A" miscellaneous, 1916-1933
Addams, Jane, 1910-1928
Allen, Henry, 1919-1930
Anderson, Ira Ickes, 1929
"B" miscellaneous, 1908-1933
Bancroft, Edgar A., 1916-1924
Beveridge, Albert J., 1910-1922
Blaine, John J., 1930-1932
Blake, James B., 1907-1929
Bonaparte, Charles J., 1917
Borah, William E., 1922
Bourne, Jonathan, 1910-1911
Brundage, Edward J., 1918-1930
Bunche, Ralph, 1928
"C" miscellaneous, 1910-1933
California Natural Gas and Development Co., 1920-1932
BOX 30 Carter, E. C., 1918-1920
Castle, Howard P., 1930
Chase, Charles W., 1920
Chicago Board of Education, Chicago, Ill., 1917-1933
Chicago Forum Council, Chicago, Ill., 1925-1929
Chicago Government Planning Commission, Chicago, Ill., 1928-1931
City Club of Chicago, 1910-1925
Clark, Edward B., 1916-1929
Corrick, F. P., 1916
Cox, James M., 1920
Cox, James M., campaign, 1920
BOX 31 Oct.-Dec.
Courtney, Thomas J., campaign, 1932
Crumbacker, Samuel J., 1920
Cutting, Bronson J., 1932
"D" miscellaneous, 1908-1933
Dahlia, Anna W. Ickes, 1930-1932
Darrow, Clarence, 1924
Deneen, Charles, 1908-1932
Dewey, Chauncey, 1909-1911
Dodge, Clarence Phelps, 1916
Dunne, Edward F., 1912-1914
Dyer, John Napier, 1917-1920
"E" miscellaneous, 1917-1930
Emmerson, Louis L., 1919-1932
"F" miscellaneous, 1912-1933
Fairhope Educational Association, 1920
Fisher, Walter L., 1916-1930
Fitch, Morgan L., 1929
"G" miscellaneous, 1918-1933
Gardner, Gilson, 1920-1921
Garfield, James R., 1916-1920
Gemmill, William N., 1912
Glenn, Otis, 1928-1930
"H" miscellaneous, 1910-1933
Hale, Matthew, 1917
BOX 32 Hard, B., 1910-1920
Harlan, John Maynard, 1903-1917
Harris, B. F., 1916-1919
Hays, Will H., 1916-1920
Hazard, Harold, 1917-1933
Hook, Inghram D., 1919-1931
Houghteling, J. L., 1914-1920
House and garage, Hubbard Woods, Ill., 1916-1920
Howell, R. B., 1916-1924
Hughes, Charles Evans, 1916-1932
Hull, Morton D., 1910-1920
"I" miscellaneous, 1918-1933
Illinois Council for Defense, 1915-1919
Illinois Law Review, 1929
Indian affairs legislation, 1923-1930
Indian Rights Association, 1923-1931
Insull, Samuel, 1918
Insurance, 1909-1932
"J" miscellaneous, 1918-1933
Johnson, Archibald M., 1920-1926
BOX 33 Johnson, Hiram
BOX 34 1929-1932
Presidential campaign, 1924
"A-J" miscellaneous
BOX 35 "K-Z" miscellaneous
"K" miscellaneous, 1918-1933
Kellogg, Paul U., 1921
Kent, William, 1909-1920
"L" miscellaneous, 1912-1933
La Follette, Robert M.
Chronological, 1927-1931
Presidential campaign, 1924
Lasker, Albert D., 1923-1932
Lawson, Victor D., 1919-1920
Lewis, James Hamilton, 1911-1920
Lewis, William D., 1917
Lissner, Meyer, 1915-1920
Lochner, Louis P., 1915
Loeb, Max, 1917
Lowden, Frank O., 1916-1929
BOX 36 "M" miscellaneous, 1907-1933
Magill, Hugh S., campaign, 1926
Manufacturers and Dealers Finance Corp., 1922-1932
Marin, William A., 1916
Mason, Julian S., 1919-1923
"Mc" miscellaneous, 1912-1933
McCormick, Medill, 1912-1920
McCormick, Robert R., 1912
McCormick, Ruth Hanna, campaign, 1927-1928
McDonald, James G., 1920
McDowell, Malcolm, 1915-1920
McKinley, William, Frank Smith campaign, 1926
Merriam, Charles, 1909-1933
Mitchell, Paul M., 1929
"N" miscellaneous, 1910-1933
NAACP, 1920-1925
Norton, Charles D., 1910-1911
Nye, Gerald P., 1930-1932
"O" miscellaneous, 1912-1933
Oberholtzer, Ernest C., 1928
Owen, Robert L., 1914
"P" miscellaneous, 1911-1933
Parker, John M., 1916-1924
Payne, George Henry, 1923-1924
Peace societies, 1915-1917
BOX 37 People's Protective League, 1922-1923
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