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Harold L. Ickes papers, 1815-1969

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BOX 381-394 Legal File, 1877-1952
Letters received, copies of letters sent, legal briefs, indentures, trial transcripts, affidavits, decrees, and business documents.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent, case, client, business, or association. Correspondence is arranged separately. Most of the material predates 1933.
BOX 381 Correspondence, 1905-1952
American Association of Creamery and Butter Manufacturers v. Blanford, 1916
American Carrera Marble Co., 1921-1924
Armstrong, J. A., 1912-1913
Bartlett-Hubbard Co., 1925-1926
Bass and Co. v. Morriss, 1920
Bill to establish Chicago Sanitary Board
Boardman v. McCabe, 1915
Bowling v. Waller, 1925
Brown v. Harris, 1912-1914
Brubaker v. Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad Co.
Bruce, Gloria or Delloris, Iroquois fire disaster, 1921
Charles R. Lull Co. v. Ardvison, 1909
Charles R. Lull Co. v. Williams, Barker and Severn Co., 1908-1909
Chicago Neostyle Envelope Co. v. Progressive Republican League, 1912-1913
City of Chicago v. Starr, 1914
City of Chicago v. Rozhoff, 1913-1914
Cook v. Brazgo, 1908
Diettrich, Frank, Frederick, and Mary, 1928-1933
Diettrich, Hattie, 1929-1935
Donoghue v. Dempsey, 1914
Emery v. Mayhew, 1911
Evans v. National Post Co., 1912
Faultless Milk Co. v. Reed, 1908-1909
Frisco Lines v. Northern Produce Co., 1911
Gibbons v. Gibbons, 1907-1911
Greene-Mueller Co. v. McCune, 1923
Guilhem v. Northern Egg Co., 1914
BOX 382 Hardie v. Aldrich, 1912
Harper, F. E., divorce case, 1912
Hook, Inghram D., 1924-1926
Horne, Isabel Charlotte
1948-1951, Apr.
BOX 383 1951, May-1952, Feb.
Illinois Birth Control League, 1928-1929
Isaacs v. Ickes, 1915-1916
Johnson, Anna and Howard, 1929
Ketler-Elliott Erection Co., 1917
King, Michael, estate, 1906-1920
London and Lancashire Indemnity Co., 1925
Lull v. Crittenden, 1919-1921
MacIntyre, George H., 1946-1947
Malmin v. Ickes, 1933-1936
BOX 384 Mandeville, Maurice, 1912-1913
Mandeville, Paul, 1909-1916
McCormick, Joseph Medill, Fruitvale Co., 1914
McCormick, Medill, election contest, 1913-1916
McCune, Mary S., 1923-1925
McCune v. Thomas, 1926-1932
Mears v. Lehman, 1908-1911
Miles v. Miles, 1909-1910
Miner Laboratories, 1918-1926
Moran, Deborah, 1916
Morgan Park claims case, 1908-1909
Morris, Charles, estate, 1913
Moseley v. Ickes, 1916-1917
Munro, Fayette Smith, election contest, 1913-1914
Myer, Monfort, 1910
Northern Egg Co. v. Silverstein, 1914
Northern Egg Co. succeeding Northern Produce Co., 1908-1912
Northern Produce Exchange v. American Butter and Cheese Co., 1909-1910
Northern Produce Exchange v. Mansfield, 1907
People ex rel. Carpenter v. Dever, 1923-1925
People v. Rosenfield, 1917
BOX 385 Perry v. Perry, 1913-1920
Pinchot v. Busse, 1914-1917
BOX 386 Pinchot v. O'Gara, 1905-1916
Producers Distributing Co., 1911-1919
Progressive Republican League v. Heison, 1912-1914
Reger v. Perry, 1912-1913
Riverview v. Progressive Party, 1915
Robins v. Alden, 1920
Robins v. Rininger Estate, 1912-1917
Robins v. Sonsteby, 1912-1917
Robins, Margaret and Raymond, 1907-1914
Sample v. Farson, 1913
Sample Lumber Co. v. Leonard Lumber Co., 1911-1912
Sample Lumber Co., v. Lincoln Lumber Mill, 1911
Scofield v. Illinois Central Railroad Co., 1909-1910
Sherman, Caroline K., estate, 1930
BOX 387 Smith v. Robins, 1946
Spudeas v. Spudeas, 1909-1910
Sullivan, Margaret, will, 1909
Surquist v. Woll, 1911
Suwalsky v. Welday, 1909-1910
Tebbetts, Elizabeth, estate, 1929-1931
Thomas J. Bolger and Co., 1909
Thompson, Anna W., 1910-1911
Thompson, Frances, 1908-1909
Tidelands, 1947-1950
U.S. Broom and Brush Co. v. International Broom and Whiskmakers Union, 1914
United States v. Helen Gurley Flynn, 1951
Waring v. Furey, 1907-1909
Wheeler, Ada G., 1913-1915, 1925-1929
White v. Tailors, Cleaners, and Dyers Association, 1912-1914
William W. Haupt, Inc., 1927-1931
Miscellaneous litigation, 1930-1932
BOX 388 Briefs and documents, 1877-1952
Averbuch, Jeremiah, 1908
Bill to establish Chicago Sanitary Board, Chicago, Ill., 1929-1930
Boies, Margaret A., 1877-1883
Brown v. Harris, 1912
City of Chicago v. Starr, 1914
BOX 389 Rozhkoff, 1913-1914
Conley v. Ickes, 1928-1929
Cook v. Brazgo, 1908
Diettrich, Frank, Frederick, and Mary, 1928-1933
Diettrich, Hattie, 1929-1935
Donoghue v. Dempsey, 1914
Forsberg v. Forsberg, 1915
Georgs v. Klafta, 1919
Gibbons v. Gibbons, 1907-1911
Horne, Isabel Charlotte, 1948-1952
Ickes v. Thompson, 1911
King, Michael, estate, 1906-1920
Lull v. Crittenden, 1919-1921
Lynch v. General News Bureau, 1934
MacIntyre v. United States, 1947
BOX 390 Malmin v. Ickes, 1933-1936
McCormick, Medill, election contest, 1913-1916
Mears v. Lehman, 1908-1911
Munro, Fayette S., election, 1913-1914
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