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Harold L. Ickes papers, 1815-1969

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BOX 395-405 Subject File, 1905-1952
Reports, memoranda, documents relating to Senate hearings, press releases, lists, newspaper clippings, notes, statements, articles, and correspondence.
Arranged alphabetically by subject. Organized in two periods, 1905-1933 and 1946-1952.
BOX 395 1905-1933, undated
California Natural Gas and Development Corp., 1920-1932
Courtney, Thomas J., state's attorney campaign, 1932
Dahlia, Anna W. Ickes
Patent, 1932
Catalogs, 1930-1938
Electoral corruption practices, 1935, undated
Johnson, Hiram, presidential campaign, 1924
Correspondence, largely Hiram Johnson
Delegates at large
(2 folders)
BOX 396 (2 folders)
Ex-Service Men's Republican League
Press clippings
Printed matter
La Follette, Robert M., presidential campaign, 1924
Margill, Hugh S., senatorial campaign, 1926
McCormick, Ruth Hanna, campaign, 1927-1928
People's Protective League, 1922-1923
Lists, bills
Memoranda, resolutions
Political statements
BOX 397 Printed matter
Statements by Ickes
People's Traction League, 1929-1930
Press clippings
Printed matter
Politics, 1914-1919
Progressive Party, 1915-1916
BOX 398 Roosevelt, Franklin D., presidential campaign, financial statements, 1932
Roosevelt Memorial Association, 1919-1925
BOX 399 1931-1933
War service, Y.M.C.A., 1918
Wheeler, Burton K., undated
1946-1952, undated
Addams, Jane, memorial dinner, 1949
Alaska pulp project, 1947-1951
Alaska statehood bill, 1950
Altgeld, centenary, 1947-1948
Aluminum, 1950-1951
American Potash and Chemical Corp., 1946-1948
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science , 1951-1952
Argentina, 1946
Associations, 1946-1950
Atomic energy, 1946-1949
Big Inch pipeline, 1946
Boulder Dam, Colorado River, Arizona-Nevada border, 1947, undated
Bricker, John W., 1946
BOX 400 Charities, 1951-1952
Chicago filtration plant, Chicago, Ill., 1950-1951
China, 1946-1949
Churchman, 1948-1949, undated
Connally Act, undated
Dewey, Thomas E., 1947
Displaced persons, immigration, 1948-1950
Dulles, John Foster, 1947-1950
Ethnic affairs, 1946-1947
Europe, 1946-1948
Fish and wildlife, 1950
Food, 1946-1948
Genealogy, 1947, undated
Germany, 1947-1948
Grazing, Nicholson report, 1946
Greece, 1946, undated
Guam, 1946-1947
Hawaii, 1948
Helium, 1947
Housing, 1947, undated
Independent Citizens Committee, 1946-1947, undated
BOX 401 Indian bills, 1949-1950
Indian claims and contracts, Curry, James E., 1950-1951
Press releases
Indians, 1946-1952
Newspaper clippings
Press releases
Senate hearings
Indonesia, 1947-1951
Invitations, speaking engagements, 1949
Isle Royale National Park, Mich., 1946
Krug, Julius A., 1946-1947
McCarran, Pat, 1946-1951
Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge, N. Y., 1951
BOX 402 National Committee Against Limiting the Presidency, 1949-1951
National defense, 1946, undated
Negroes, 1946-1951
Oil, 1946-1952
Oil, policy, open letter to members of Congress, 1947
Oil, Senate hearings, 1946-1952
Overseas News Agency, 1947-1951
Panama, 1948
Panama Star-Herald, 1948
Parks, 1946-1951
Pauley, Edwin W., 1946-1948
Petroleum Administrator for Defense, 1951-1952
Philippines, 1946-1948
Pollution, undated
Post Office Department, 1946-1951
Public power, 1946-1952
Presidential election, 1948
Propaganda, 1946
BOX 403 Proposed legislation, 1948-1949
Radio, 1947-1950
Reclamation, 1946-1951
Roosevelt College, Chicago, Ill., 1949-1950
Annual reports
Board of trustees meetings
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