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Harold L. Ickes papers, 1815-1969

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BOX 26-28 Family Papers, 1815-1969
Letters received, copies of letters sent, and legal documents such as affidavits, court depositions, and indentures.
The correspondence is arranged by name of family member. Jane D. Ickes's correspondence contains an exchange of letters with nonfamily members. Legal material is grouped by type of material or by case.
BOX 26 Correspondence
Ickes, Harold
Hazard, Harold, 1917-1929, undated
Hazard, Julia, 1920
Ickes, Anna, 1918-1925, undated
Ickes, Jesse B. W., 1879-1900, undated
Ickes, Raymond, 1920-1924
Thompson, Wayne, 1903
Ickes, Jane D.
Acheson, Dean, 1945
Baruch, Bernard M., 1946-1950, undated
Black, Hugo LaFayette and Josephine, 1945-1952
Bullitt, William, 1944
Byrnes, James F., 1941
Cohen, Benjamin V., 1947
Cudahy, John, 1939-1941
Davies, Joseph E., 1940
Fortas, Abe, 1943
Frankfurter, Felix and Marion, 1939-1942, undated
Halifax, Dorothy, 1945-1950, undated
Halifax, Edward Friendly Lindley Wood, Earl of, 1954
Jackson, Robert H., 1941
Johnson, Lady Bird, 1965
MacLeish, Archibald, 1941
Miscellaneous, 1938-1965, undated
Pope, Arthur U., 1952-1954
BOX 27 Correspondence
Ickes, Jane D.
Robins, Margaret and Raymond, 1938-1945
Roosevelt, Anna, 1939-1952 See also Containers 47 and 159, Boettiger, Anna Roosevelt and John
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1938-1947, undated
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1939-1942, undated
Stimson, Henry Lewis, 1940
Travel correspondence, 1966-1969
Truman, Bess W., 1946
Wallace, Henry Agard and Ilo, 1940-1953, undated
BOX 28 Ickes and Wilmarth families
Miscellaneous, 1822, 1866-1919, undated
Thompson, Anna, to James Thompson, 1902
Thompson, Wayne, to Anna Thompson, 1903
Legal papers
Affidavits, bills of complaint, court depositions, court orders re Kearney vs. Talbot, 1836-1843
Deeds of John L. Ickes, 1854-1864
Court depositions, 1815
BOX 28 Letterbooks, 1905-1912
See Oversize.
29 Feb. 1905-16 Apr. 1912 See Oversize
(6 vols.)
BOX 29-92 General Correspondence, 1903-1952
Letters received and copies of letters sent.
Organized in two chronological periods, 1903-1933 and 1946-1952. Each section is arranged alphabetically by name of person, organization, or subject, and chronologically therein.
BOX 29 1903-1933, undated
"A" miscellaneous, 1916-1933
Addams, Jane, 1910-1928
Allen, Henry, 1919-1930
Anderson, Ira Ickes, 1929
"B" miscellaneous, 1908-1933
Bancroft, Edgar A., 1916-1924
Beveridge, Albert J., 1910-1922
Blaine, John J., 1930-1932
Blake, James B., 1907-1929
Bonaparte, Charles J., 1917
Borah, William E., 1922
Bourne, Jonathan, 1910-1911
Brundage, Edward J., 1918-1930
Bunche, Ralph, 1928
"C" miscellaneous, 1910-1933
California Natural Gas and Development Co., 1920-1932
BOX 30 Carter, E. C., 1918-1920
Castle, Howard P., 1930
Chase, Charles W., 1920
Chicago Board of Education, Chicago, Ill., 1917-1933
Chicago Forum Council, Chicago, Ill., 1925-1929
Chicago Government Planning Commission, Chicago, Ill., 1928-1931
City Club of Chicago, 1910-1925
Clark, Edward B., 1916-1929
Corrick, F. P., 1916
Cox, James M., 1920
Cox, James M., campaign, 1920
BOX 31 Oct.-Dec.
Courtney, Thomas J., campaign, 1932
Crumbacker, Samuel J., 1920
Cutting, Bronson J., 1932
"D" miscellaneous, 1908-1933
Dahlia, Anna W. Ickes, 1930-1932
Darrow, Clarence, 1924
Deneen, Charles, 1908-1932
Dewey, Chauncey, 1909-1911
Dodge, Clarence Phelps, 1916
Dunne, Edward F., 1912-1914
Dyer, John Napier, 1917-1920
"E" miscellaneous, 1917-1930
Emmerson, Louis L., 1919-1932
"F" miscellaneous, 1912-1933
Fairhope Educational Association, 1920
Fisher, Walter L., 1916-1930
Fitch, Morgan L., 1929
"G" miscellaneous, 1918-1933
Gardner, Gilson, 1920-1921
Garfield, James R., 1916-1920
Gemmill, William N., 1912
Glenn, Otis, 1928-1930
"H" miscellaneous, 1910-1933
Hale, Matthew, 1917
BOX 32 Hard, B., 1910-1920
Harlan, John Maynard, 1903-1917
Harris, B. F., 1916-1919
Hays, Will H., 1916-1920
Hazard, Harold, 1917-1933
Hook, Inghram D., 1919-1931
Houghteling, J. L., 1914-1920
House and garage, Hubbard Woods, Ill., 1916-1920
Howell, R. B., 1916-1924
Hughes, Charles Evans, 1916-1932
Hull, Morton D., 1910-1920
"I" miscellaneous, 1918-1933
Illinois Council for Defense, 1915-1919
Illinois Law Review, 1929
Indian affairs legislation, 1923-1930
Indian Rights Association, 1923-1931
Insull, Samuel, 1918
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