The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Harold L. Ickes papers, 1815-1969
BOX 93-380 Secretary of the Interior File, 1928-1946
Letters received and copies of letters sent; memoranda; reports; drafts of speeches, articles, and books; appointment calendars; essays on legal interpretation; newspaper clippings and printed matter; and miscellaneous material.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person, organization, subject, or type of material, and chronologically therein. Indexes to the correspondence and speeches are available in the Manuscript Division Reading Room.
BOX 93 Agriculture, 1933-1945
Alaska, 1934-1941, 1942-1946
American Indian Defense Association
Anonymous letters
1943, Nov.-1944, Sept.
BOX 94 1944, Oct.-1946
1933, Apr.-June
BOX 95 1933, July-Nov.
BOX 96 1933, Dec.-1937
BOX 97 1938-1942
BOX 98 1943-1946
Arkansas Valley Authority, 1945
Set I
1933, Feb.-Oct. 25
BOX 99 1933, Oct. 26-1939, Jan. 6
BOX 100 1939, Feb. 17-1941, July 14
BOX 101 1941, July 17-1942, Oct. 30
BOX 102 1942, Nov. 2-1945, June 14
BOX 103 1945, June 28-1946, Feb.
Index (partial)
Set II
May 15, "How I Became Secretary of Interior"
June 11, "The Crisis in Oil"
Aug., "Roosevelt Administration Policy"
"Spending Three Billions of Your Money"
The Jeffersonian, article for
Nov., Marine Progress, article for
Feb., "Saving the Good Earth"
Apr. 9, "Spending $3.3 Billion"
May 27, "Where Are We Headed?"
Oct. 11, "Planned Economy: Is It for Us?"
Nov. 17, "Jobs vs. Dole"
Dec. 5, "Thought for the Morrow"
BOX 104 1935
Feb. 16, "After the Oil Deluge, What Price Gasoline?"
Apr. 29, "The Place of Housing in National Rehabilitation"
May 12, "Public Works for Social Gain"
June, "Pork Barrel or P.W.A."
Apr., "P.W.A. Stands on Its Merits"
Aug. 15, "Roosevelt As I Know Him"
June, "Public Works in the United States"
BOX 105 Nov., "Press and Civil Rights"
Article for the journal of the Izaak Walton League
New Democracyarticle
Mar., "In Defense of P.W.A."
"In Defense of the New Deal Power Program"
"Federal Power"
"Save Our Natural Resources"
May, "Women in Politics"
Nov. 12, "Our Right to Power"
Dec., "Public Works and Alaska"
circa 1938, "Alaska As a Reality"
BOX 106 1939
Feb. 18, "Mail-Order Government"
"I Want Roosevelt for a Third Term"
"Paul Mallon's Propaganda Technique"
Washington Star
July, "Why I Want Roosevelt to Run Again"
BOX 107 Nov. 1, "Why American Women Should Favor a Third Presidential Term"
Mar. 26, "Dewey, the Glamor Boy"
Mar., "Open Season on the New Deal"
Apr., "The Third Term"
10, "Is a Third Term Proper?"
25, "Ballinger-Pinchot Case, Not Guilty"
(2 folders)
BOX 108 (6 folders)
BOX 109 (5 folders)
BOX 110 (3 folders)
25, "Not Guilty, Richard A. Ballinger, An American Dreyfus"
"The Course of Anti-Semitism"
July 6, "Interior and Defense"
"Saving Our Liberties"
"The Third Term"
Oct., "Me Too, But..."
BOX 111 1941
Jan., "Who Killed the Progressive Party?"
Mar. 12, "Anti-Democratic Forces"
"Bureaucracy Convicts Itself"
"The Innocent Young Man"
"The President Goes Fishing"
"The Babes in the Woods Grow Up"
On Charles A. Lindbergh
BOX 112 June
11, "An Innocent Abroad"
11, "Federal Mine Inspection"
17, "Postage Stamps"
Aug. 15, "The Great Expert"
Sept. 30, "Newspaper Week"
12, "Charles Lindbergh, Knight of the German Eagle"
18, "That Oil Shortage"
"Americans Are Aroused"
"Sec. Ickes Comments on the Japanese War"
29, "Oil"
31, "Am I an Alarmist?"
Feb. 20, Collier'sarticle
BOX 113 Mar.
"President Roosevelt"
"American Cities Comrade in Mobilization"
10, "Resources for Victory"
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