The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Charles J. Bonaparte papers, 1760-1921
Some or all content stored offsite.
Letters Received, General Correspondence, 1882-1919 (continued)
BOX 85 R-V
BOX 86 W-Z
BOX 87 1911
BOX 88 G-J
BOX 89 K-R
BOX 90 S-Z
BOX 91 1912
BOX 92 E-G
BOX 93 H-Q
BOX 94 R-Z
BOX 95 1913
BOX 96 E-L
BOX 97 M-R
BOX 98 S-Z
BOX 99 1914
BOX 100 G-M
BOX 101 N-Z
BOX 102 1915
BOX 103 G-L
BOX 104 M-R
BOX 105 S-Z
BOX 106 1916
BOX 107 E-L
BOX 108 M-R
BOX 109 S-Z
BOX 110 1917
BOX 111 H-Q
BOX 112 R-Z
BOX 113 1918
BOX 114 G-M
BOX 115 N-Z
BOX 116 1919
BOX 117 M-Z
BOX 118-121 Letters Received, Financial and Office Correspondence, 1912-1921
Largely bills received and correspondence relating to real estate office activities.
Arranged chronologically by year and therein alphabetically by name of correspondent.
BOX 118 1912-1914
BOX 119 1919
BOX 120 1920
BOX 121 1921
BOX 122-126 Letters Received: Secretary of the Navy, 1905-1906
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent. Letters received from the White House during this period are ins in Container 126.
BOX 122 A-C
BOX 123 D-G
BOX 124 L-Q
BOX 125 R-Z
BOX 126 From the White House
BOX 127-131 Letters Received: Attorney General, 1906-1909
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondence.
BOX 127 A-C
BOX 128 D-G
BOX 129 H-L
BOX 130 M-R
BOX 131 S-Z
BOX 132 Special Correspondence: Theodore Roosevelt, 1905-1917
Mainly letters received.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 132 1905-1909, 1915-1917
BOX 133-173 Outgoing Letters: General Correspondence, 1874-1921
Bound letterpress copy books.
Arranged chronologically. Numerous gaps appear after November 1916. Some letterpress books overlap chronologically.
BOX 133 18 Oct. 1874-18 Dec.
BOX 134 20 Dec. 1883-16 Aug. 1886
BOX 135 17 Aug. 1886-14 Mar. 1889
BOX 136 17 Feb. 1888-10 Jan. 1891
BOX 137 10 Jan. 1891-28 Jan. 1892
BOX 138 10 Jan.-13 July 1892
BOX 139 14 July 1892-17 Jan. 1893
BOX 140 18 Jan.-24 Oct. 1893
BOX 141 4 Oct. 1893-5 Mar. 1894
BOX 142 7 Mar.-9 July 1894
BOX 143 9 July-1 Dec. 1894
BOX 144 3 Dec. 1894-30 Mar. 1895
BOX 145 30 Mar.-26 July 1895
BOX 146 27 July-23 Dec. 1895
BOX 147 24 Dec. 1895-14 Apr. 1896
BOX 148 14 Apr.-9 Dec. 1896
BOX 149 9 Dec. 1896-23 July 1897
BOX 150 24 July 1897-24 Mar. 1898
BOX 151 24 Mar. 1898-25 Jan. 1899
BOX 152 25 Jan.-26 Dec. 1899
BOX 153 28 Dec. 1899-12 Oct. 1900
BOX 154 12 Oct. 1900-3 Apr. 1901
BOX 155 3 Apr.-5 Dec. 1901
BOX 156 5 Dec. 1901-22 May 1902
BOX 157 21 May 1902-16 mar. 1903
BOX 158 17 Mar. 1903-25 Jan. 1904
BOX 159 25 Jan.-13 July 1904
BOX 160 13 July 1904-10 Jan. 1905
BOX 161 10 Jan.-29 Mar. 1905
BOX 161A 29 Mar.-23 June 1905
BOX 162 23 June-27 Dec. 1905
BOX 162A 28 Dec. 1905-18 Aug. 1906
BOX 163 20 Aug. 1906-12 Mar. 1907
BOX 163A 13 Mar.-12 Nov. 1907
BOX 163B 13 Nov. 1907-6 June 1908
BOX 164 6 June 1908-11 Nov. 1909
BOX 165 11 Nov. 1909-4 Nov. 1910
BOX 166 4 Nov. 1910-21 Nov. 1911
BOX 167 21 Nov. 1911-19 Dec. 1912
BOX 168 19 Dec. 1912-10 Nov. 1913
BOX 169 10 Nov. 1913-31 Dec. 1914
BOX 170 31 Dec. 1914-27 Dec. 1915
BOX 171 27 Dec. 1915-4 Nov. 1916
BOX 172 23 Feb.-30 Oct. 1917
BOX 173 10 Nov. 1920-1 Oct. 1921
BOX 174-181 Outgoing Letters: Secretary of the Navy, 1905-1906
Bound letterpress copy books.
Arranged chronologically. Letterpress copies of correspondence relating to telephone cost rates and Navy Department salaries and expenses are in Container 181.
BOX 174 26 June-6 Oct. 1905
BOX 175 6 Oct.-10 Dec. 1905
BOX 176 11 Dec. 1905-1 Feb. 1906
BOX 177 8 Feb.-24 Mar. 1906
BOX 178 24 Mar.-5 June 1906
BOX 179 5 June-24 Aug. 1906
BOX 180 24 Aug.-13 Nov. 1906
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