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Anna Freud papers, 1880-1995

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Writings, 1918-1988 (continued)
"Schema des Altruismus," undated
"Seminardiskussion," 1931
Summer school health education, Durham, N.C., 1947
Technique, lecture on, undated
Termination of treatment, lecture on, 1956-1957
"Twin Discussion," undated
"Über Rededrang, Redehemmung, Schimpfen und Slottern," undated
"Zum Verständnis der Pubertätsvorgänge," undated
"Zur Theorie der Mechanismen," undated
Conferences, interviews, seminars, and other speaking engagements
"An Attempt at Comparing Child Analysis and Adult Analysis from a Technical Point of View," 1959
Book review of The Techniques of Psychoanalysis, Discussions with Anna Freud, by Joseph Sandler et al., 1980
"Discussion of Evacuation Problems by Miss Anna Freud in Private Interview, February 8, 1941," 1941
"Dissociality, Delinquency, Criminality," 1963
"General Problems Concerning the Technique of Child Analysis," 1958
"Hampstead Child-Therapy Clinic: An Informal Seminar," 1965
"Interview with Dr. Anna Freud," 1977
"Meeting of G.P.'s with Miss Freud, Tuesday, 15th January, 1957," 1957
BOX 115 "The Nature of the Therapeutic Process," 1959
New York Psychoanalytic Institute and Society, affiliated staff meeting, 1960
"Paediatricians' Questions and Answers," 1959
"Scientific Forum on `The Psychoanalytic Approach to the Nature and Location of Pathogenesis,'" 1981
"Summary of Conference with Miss Anna Freud on September 26, 1957, Held at Dr. Marianne Kris' Apartment," 1957
Contributions to writings by others
Murchison, Carl, ed., A Handbook of Child Psychology, Chapter 17, "Psychoanalysis of the Child," circa 1967
Robertson, Joyce, "A Mother's Observations on the Tonsilectomy of Her Four-Year-Old Daughter," 1956
Editorial work
Freud, Sigmund
Studies on Hysteria, undated
(2 folders)
Werkausgabe in zwei Bänden, 1975-1979, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 116 (2 folders)
Aichhorn, August, Selected Papers, undated
Becker, R. D., The Hospitalized Adolescent, undated
Berger, Maria, and Hansi Kennedy, Pseudo Backwardness in Children, 1975
Bonaparte, Marie, Princess, Topsy, 1980
Buxham, Edith, Your Child Makes Sense, 1949
Einführung in die Psyhchoanalyse für Pädagogen
Second edition, 1956
Fourth edition, 1970
Freeman, Thomas
A Psychoanalytic Study of the Psychoses, undated
Chronic Schizophrenia, undated
Freud, Sigmund
Analyse der Phobie eines fünfjährigen Knaben, 1979
Brautbriefe, circa 1968
Gesammelte Werke
Index, 1965
Text, 1951
Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Portuguese edition, 1970
Furman, Erna, A Parent Dies, 1974
Gardiner, Muriel, Lest We Forget, 1979
Gordon, Bianca, "A Psychoanalytic Contribution to Pediatrics," 1970
Hampstead book on the blind, undated
The Hampstead Clinic Psychoanalytic Library Series
English edition, 1968
German edition, 1973
Hill, J. C., Psychoanalytic Contribution to Teaching and Education, 1970
Hoffer, Willi, Selected Papers, 1974
Katz, Jay, and Joseph Goldstein, Psychoanalysis and Law, 1966
Kramer, Rita, Maria Montessori, undated
Kranke Kinder, 1972
Kris, Ernst, Selected Papers, undated
Lampl-de Groot, Jeanne, The Development of the Mind, 1965
Milner, Marion, On Not Being Able to Paint, 1957
Nagera, Humberto
Early Childhood Disturbances, 1965
On Obsessional Neuroses, undated
Vincent Van Gogh, 1967
Pankejeff, Sergius, The Wolf-Man, 1971
Rosenfeld, Sara, Beyond the Infantile Neurosis, undated
Ruben, Margarete, Parent Guidance in the Nursery School, 1959
Sachs, Hanns, Masks of Love and Life, 1948
Studies in Child Psychoanalysis: Pure and Applied, 1975
Treatment Situation and Technique, undated
Wilson, Peter, unidentified article, undated
Zehn Jahre Berliner Psychoanalytisches Institut, 1970
Unidentified, 1981
Balint, Alice, The Psycho-Analysis of the Nursery, 1953
Casuso, Gabriel, Anxiety Related to the "Discovery" of the Penis, 1957
Levy, Kata, Simultaneous Analysis of a Mother and Adolescent Daughter, 1960
Nunberg, Herman, Memoirs, Recollections, Ideas, Reflections, 1969
Sandler, Anne-Marie, et al., Inconsistency in the Mother As a Factor in Character Development, 1957
Spitz, René A., Die Entstehung der ersten Objektbeziehungen, undated
Beck, H. L., Don't Push Me, 1973
Bernfeld, Siegfried, Sisyphus, 1972
Freeman, Thomas, Childhood Psychopathology and Adult Psychoses, circa 1976
BOX 117 Freud, Sigmund, Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, vol. XXIV, 1974
Nagera, Humberto, On the Oedipus Complex and Female Sexuality, 1974
Sterren, H. A. van der, The Story of King Oedipus, 1948
Discussions of writings by others
Bowlby, John
"Separation Anxiety," 1958
"Grief and Mourning in Infancy and Early Childhood," 1960
"Comments on First Day's Reports," undated
Isaacs, Susan, "The Nature and Function of Phantasy," discussions held on Jan. 27 and Apr. 7, 1943
Stockholm discussion on Jacob Arlow, "Conflict, Regression and Symptom Formation"; Jeanne Lampl-de Groot, "Symptom Formation and Character Formation"; and "The Pre-Stages of Homosexuality in Childhood," Stockholm, Sweden, 1963
Eulogies and tributes
Aichhorn, August, 1951, 1974
Bibring, Edward, 1959
Bonaparte, Marie, Princess, 1963
Bunzl, G. G., 1981
Burlingham, Dorothy T., 1980
Freud, Mathilde Hollitscher, 1978
Gardiner, Muriel, undated
Hartmann, Heinz, 1975
Hoffer, Willi, circa 1967
Jackson, Edith, undated
Jones, Ernest, 1979
Kris, Ernst, 1957
Mead, Margaret, 1957
Morrison, Adele W., 1980
Nunberg, Herman, 1964, undated
Schur, Max, 1967
Strachey, James, 1969
Wulff, M., 1978
Letters to the editor, 1952-1967
Numbered set compiled by Anna Freud
Bundle I
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