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Margaret Mead papers and South Pacific Ethnographic Archives, 1838-1996

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Publications and Other Writings File, 1923-1980 (continued)
Interview on overnight guests in Redbook
Interview with Tikvá Meroz
BOX I300 "Introduction: The Promise of the Year of the Child" (Bibl. 1585)
"Knowing, Reaching and Serving the Wounded, Disadvantaged and Vulnerable of Our World" (Bibl. 1563)
Lecture for Hoffman-La Roche 'Distinguished Lecture Series' (unpublished)
"A Life for a Life: What That Means Today" (Bibl. 1575)
"The Many Rights to Life" (Bibl. 1576)
"Margaret Mead" (Bibl. 1564)
"Margaret Mead Answers..."
(Bibl. 1571)
(Bibl. 1577)
(Bibl. 1580)
On the Soviet trials
"A Proposal: We Need Taboos on Sex at Work" (Bibl. 1573)
"The Relationship Between Research by Women and Women's Experimental Roles"
BOX I301 "The Reluctant Princess: Letters from Samoa" (Bibl. 1570)
Republication of Balinese material in The Social Aspects of the Body
Review of Illusion in Loving
"The Sepik as a Culture Area: Comment" (Bibl. 1565)
Correspondence, 1971-1978
"Social Determinants of Male and Female Roles and Relationships" (Bibl. 1566)
Statement concerning regulation of recombinant DNA research before U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Science, Technology, and Space (Bibl. 1569)
BOX I302 "Talking to Santa Claus" (Bibl. 1581)
"Toward the Year 2000" (Bibl. 1568)
"Towards a Less Agonized Re-appraisal"
"The Transforming Power of Culture"
"Twentieth Century Faith and Human Survival" (Bibl. 1567)
"The Viability of the Village"
"We Suffer When Others Starve" (Bibl. 1587)
"What Can I Do for Peace?" Young Mother's Symposium
"What Does It Take to Be a Genius?"
"What's Right-and Wrong-About Adoption Today" (Bibl. 1578)
BOX I303 "What Welfare Means to People Who Aren't on It" (Bibl. 1572)
"Why Crime Is Increasing" (Bibl. 1574)
"Widening Frames of Reference for the Understanding of Individual Human Behavior"
"Women and Men in the Natural and Social Sciences" (American Association for the Advancement of Science address to be published)
(2 folders)
BOX I304 (1 folder)
Publications material
Copyright list of select titles
Publication schedules
Questions and answers
(2 folders)
BOX I305 (1 folder)
Writings by others
Epstein, Sam and Beryl, "She Never Looked Back: Margaret Mead in Samoa"
Fox, Renée, Margaret Mead
Kahn, Miriam, Margaret Mead
Rice, Edward, Margaret Mead: A Portrait
List of books, galleys, and publications received in office
BOX I306 1979
Articles, books, and other writings by Mead
Address, "New Levels of Consciousness of Community" (unpublished)
"Anthropological Contributions to National Policies during and Immediately after World War II" (Bibl. 1589)
"Becoming a Whole Person" (Bibl. 1596)
"A Better Mother, a Better Wife, a Better Person" (Bibl. 1595)
BOX I307 "Family Contexts of Breastfeeding" (Bibl. 1590)
"The Greensboro Historical Society-Suggestions for the Future" (Bibl. 1591)
Interview by Elizabeth Fishel for her book Sisters
“Margaret Mead Answers..."
“Questions about A.D. 2000; Gifted Children; Sports and Women” (Bibl. 1594)
"A Mother's Day Message: What We Can Do Now for Our Children's Future" (Bibl. 1597)
On child abuse
Participation in film project, "History of Scientific Thought"
"To Grow in Grace" (not completed)
"The Transforming Power of Culture"
BOX I308 "Whither Families?" (Bibl. 1593)
Publications material
Writings by others
Babcock, Barbara A. "Margaret Mead, A Personal Recollection"
Dillon, Wilton, "Margaret Mead, 1901-1978"
Epstein, Sam and Beryl, "She Never Looked Back"
Houston, Jean, "Margaret Mead at Seventy-Five"
Kanen, Fay, film on life of Mead
Levi-Strauss, Claude, "Margaret Mead"
Samuels, Ron, production film on life of Mead
Miscellaneous correspondence
Writings by others
Barlow, Kathleen, "An Ethnography of Childhood..."
Lipset, David, "Changing Leadership in Papua New Guinea"
BOX I309 Undated
Articles, books, and other writings by Mead
Abstract of commencement address
"Anaesthesia for the Baby's Sake"
"The Areal Aspect of Culture Contact Situations"
"The Changing American Family" (unpublished)
"Choose an Exit Now"
Comment on Emily James Putnam's The Lady (?)
"The Discontinuity of Rebellion"
"Education and the Community in Samoa"
"Ethical Gains Through Recent Developments in Anthropology" (abstract)
"The Implication of Certain Forms of Dysnomia for Personality Development"
Introduction to the study of primitive art
"Keeping Women in Their Place in New Guinea"
"The Meaning of Freedom in Education"
"Molly Whuppie"
"A Poetic Pick-up on a Bus Stop"
"Rank in Polynesia"
"Spontaneity as a Condition of Democratic Life"
"Unwarranted Pessimism"
"Why We Study Primitive Man"
Miscellaneous publications material
Writings by others
Poetry, Léonie Adams and Edward Sapir
BOX I310 Miscellany
Card file on status of writings and activities
Articles, books
Check status
Future, possible
Mead as consultant
Pending publications
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